This is actually a rather good article on the need for discipleship. The author quotes Scripture, approaches the issue from various angles, and overall provides a good exhortation.
This is actually a rather good article on the need for discipleship. The author quotes Scripture, approaches the issue from various angles, and overall provides a good exhortation.
But because the author is "Reformed," i.e., he holds various doctrines peculiar to the Reformed perspective including Calvinism, he makes some curious statements. Twice he mentions Calvin and the regulative principle of worship, which would suggest that he considers these two things to of primary importance when it comes to discipleship. Let's first explain, then analyze.
John Calvin: He was a pastor and theologian in the 1500s, and is best known for developing what has come to be known as the Doctrines of Grace. These are roughly explained by the acronym TULIP:
- Total Depravity
- Unconditional Election
- Limited Atonement
- Irresistible Grace
- Perseverance of the Saints
We have written extensively on these, and have concluded that they are entirely useless. Knowing these doctrines adds nothing to informing one's daily Christian obligations. They do not come to bear on any matter regarding getting saved, walking out a life of obedience, service, or generosity. They are mere intellectual exercises, often resulting in division between Christians, churches, and denominations.
We have no use for Calvinism.
Regulative principle of worship: Calvin provided the most succinct definition: “God disapproves of all modes of worship not expressly sanctioned by his Word.” This actually has nothing to do with worship per se, it actually is a principle that applies to how a Sunday service is conducted. The whole premise is that there is a "proper" way to conduct a corporate worship service, and that we cannot do so outside of the specific commands of the Bible.
In actual fact, the forms and practices of a traditional Reformed church service is the true benchmark. This for example means a contemporary worship service with a band and rock songs violates the regulative principle of worship.
Now, we concede the author does mention a number of things about discipleship that are profitable, like prayer and Bible study. But it seems like he expects that at some point a convert should embrace Calvin's teachings and the regulative principle.
There is no fruit that comes from this.