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Monday, September 23, 2024

Rich's proverbs, book five, updated 9/27/24

Book eleven here.

Book ten here.

Book nine here.

Book eight here.

Book seven here.

Book six here.

Book five here.

Book four here.

Book three here.

Book two here.

Book one here.

This is a continuation of my practice to take notes on what I prayed.

Chapter One

1. Some Christians look for a good church to attend, while others look for a church they can help build into a good church.

2. The purpose of worship is not to prepare for the sermon.

3. Fear is not "reverent awe," it's fear. I haven't yet found the balance between being a son and the fear of the Lord.

4. Even as I'm burdened with desperate, weak prayers, you bring assurance, which gives me strength to keep praying.

5. If other Christians think you're a little on the fringe, that might be a good thing.

6. I don’t know what goes on in the lives of the people I pray for, but father, you do. So my vague prayers rely on having your power breathed on them, for you to accomplish things I can't imagine and may never know.

7. The decision to commit to prayer has brought a depth of connection that I haven't come close to understanding.

8. As I grow older, I realize I have been lied to about the value of old people. Sometimes they are overly honored, and sometimes they are discarded as useless.

An old person might be praised for possessing many years of wisdom, but no one seems to ever bother to tap into that wisdom.

9. 1 Cor. 11:28-30 Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.

This is not about examining ourselves to see if we're worthy of taking communion, it's about how we view our brothers and sisters. Father, would you teach us to rightly regard the members of the body?

10. Father, would you move in people's hearts to pray? Prayer meetings are too sparse. I'm hoping the prayer connect groups will be filled with people who catch a vision for prayer.

11. Prayerlessness is sin. Flat out, we are sinning. Father, I repent for my Prayerlessness. I repent on behalf of my church. I repent for disobeying your clear command to pray.

I truly believe that you will bring revival if we would commit to prayer. The stakes are so high in these Last Days.

12. We don't have to accept that our imperfection is an obstacle to God. I might think I'm nothing more than a dirty sinner, but even it it were true it is completely irrelevant to you.

The opposite extreme is to act arrogant in the spiritual realm. 2 Peter 2:10 "Bold and self-willed, they are unafraid to slander glorious beings."

13. It seems like the more I devote myself to prayer, the less words I use. I think that's a good thing. I want to hear you more, father.

15. Heavenly father, what might be the difference between being burdened to pray for something versus the object of my prayer being an idol?

16. I've prayed for many things concerning my church. I believe you've spoken about its higher calling. I am persuaded you are going to bring revival. Nevertheless, I release my expectations regarding my church. Such things are not mine to hold. I will not become embittered or discouraged if I don't see what I think should be.

17. Heavenly father, I pray that our fellowship together would not grow cold. We don't have potlucks, communion, church campouts, or days in a park anymore. No matter, we can't let our togetherness be taken for granted.

18. We don't serve to feel good about doing the right thing, we serve because Jesus served.
We don't pray to get results, we pray because Father expects it.
We don’t worship to feel connected to Father, we worship because Father wants to connect with us.
We aren't generous in order to find satisfaction, we are generous because Father gave everything. 

It's time we stopped making it all about us.

19. Why do we listen to sermons? Is it to learn more about God, or is it to live out what we learn?

The question I ask myself is, when have I learned enough to walk?

20. There is something extraordinary about coming to the house to pray. I could just pray at home, but you truly meet me here. 

This is the place your saints gather. 
This is where we worship. 
This is where we minister to each other. 
This is a place where Holy Spirit moves.

This is a unique and anointed place.

21. A prayerless life is a sign of an orphaned heart.

22. Ps. 27:13-14 I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

I'm always willing to wait for you. Sometimes it's hard. 14 years in my church. But I will wait.

Father, but what if I never see what you've promised? What if I grow old and die and revival does not happen?

I will still wait.

I will wait.

23. Father, sometimes I feel so overwhelmed. Sickness and disease, rebellious children, lawlessness, selfishness and dissension, yes, even in our church. At times it seems like all I have left is raw, white-knuckled faith.

24. Job 38:2-3 Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? 3 Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.

When I read your response to Job I am undone. As much as it's true that I am a son, yet it remains that you are so exalted, so glorious, so far above, that I must be careful of arrogance.

Chapter Two

1. Thinking of your constant faithfulness, I am astounded that I still worry about inconsequential things. Have I learned nothing after decades of your favor and provision?

I think you have something you want to teach me about trust.

2. I'm a fix-it guy. But there are some things I can't fix. I think I should be able to fix them. But I can't. It would be so much easier to trust you at the beginning, rather than after I've tried to fix something.

3. I've never had a problem finding a seat in church. I'm praying that will change. Holy Spirit, my faith is for a standing-room-only church.

4. What is a healthy church?
  • ​It's not how much I enjoy Sunday services.
  • ​It's not how many people are involved in groups.
  • ​It's not how good worship is, or the sermon, or the fellowship.
  • ​It's not how godly the leadership is.
  • ​It's not miracles, visions, prophecies, or healings.
​If I want to know I should ask you, father. Answer: A healthy church is one that is focused on pleasing you.

5. There are boundaries to spiritual authority. This man fascinates me:

Luke 9:49-50 “Master,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not accompany us.” 50“Do not stop him,” Jesus replied, “for whoever is not against you is for you.”

But for some reason these men were not so successful:

Acts 19:13-15 They would say, “I bind you by Jesus, whom Paul proclaims.” 14Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this.15 Eventually, one of the evil spirits answered them, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?”

What elements are at work in these situations? Why was the first man successful and commended, but the seven sons of Sceva were beaten and run off?

What are the boundaries of my spiritual authority? Are we sometimes getting beat up in the spiritual realm because of arrogance? I need to think about this some more.

6. I think you've already been issuing the call to prayer in people's hearts. Now they just need to respond.

7. Our prayers move heaven - Gillian

8. I thought I knew what revival looked like, but now I'm not so sure. I'm pretty sure, though, that it has little to do with how good our church services are.

9. I sometimes wonder how anyone could be an atheist.

10. I pray for a revelation of God to overtake our nation.

11. Holy Spirit, close the doors and remove the footholds to the work of the enemy in our church.

12. I'd like to hear a sermon that would shake us to the core and transform us into a kingdom church.
I'd like to hear a prayer that carries the anointing so fully that it articulates the words of heaven.
I'd like to hear a prophecy that leaves a wake of miracles in its path.
I'd like to hear a word of wisdom that tears down strongholds.
I'd like to hear a word of encouragement that breaks the spirit of death.

13. I'm so glad for the groups that are staring this week, particularly the youth-oriented, youth-led groups. Father, would you preserve our young people from the perils and pressures of the world?

14. I feel the continued burden to pray for our young teens, particularly the girls. I sense a substantial danger. The enemy is after them. Holy Spirit, build them up, protect them, equip them.

15. The enemy wants in. He's looking to gain access, particularly through false teaching. Doctrine won't save us, but the Truth will.

Romans 13:11-14 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.

Heavenly Father, break the spirit of slumber in your people. I pray that the burdens and distractions of life would not make us grow weary or keep us from kingdom work.

16. It seems like the Church has historically given great attention to the intellectual aspect of the faith and looked down on the emotional.

This has caused much damage. The faith does not require intellectual prowess, but many Christians want to be amateur theologians. This often means that those who are not intellectually oriented are pushed aside.

17. Why are we so self-centered? Experiment: Praying without saying I/my/me. It's hard to do this.

18. Heavenly father, would you move in this church? Speak your words of prophecy. Heal, save. Receive the praise of the saints. Lead your people into the harvest fields. Do signs and wonders in these Last Days.

19. Why are churches structured the way they are? Tradition. A pyramid with a CEO leader, and everyone else below him.

1 Peter 5:1-2 So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: 2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight...

20. What would happen if Holy Spirit took over the church service? How would that look different? Would there be announcements? How would the band lead differently? What would the sermon be like? How long would the service be?

21. What does the church need to change in order to welcome the Holy Spirit? How do I need to change?

22. Sometimes I drag myself to prayer. But when I get here I realize I have a lot of work to do. I'm at the end of my hour today realizing there's a lot more to pray about. But it will have to wait until tomorrow.

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