As mentioned in book one, I decided to go to my church every morning at 6 am to pray for an hour. This is a continuation of my practice to take notes on what I prayed.
I'll be adding to this post periodically.
Chapter One
1) I pray for increasing spiritual depth in my church's people. Take us from the shallow routine and ritual into the deep waters of the Holy Spirit.
2) I don't really require influence in my church when I have influence with the Father. It's not presumption, it's embracing kingdom reality.
3) Being "in" Christ is Kingdom reality. Operating "in" Christ bears Kingdom fruit.
4) Kingdom reality is not a place where we retreat to escape the world, it's the place from where we operate as the kingdom advances. We are already there.
5) Matt 11:12 From the time of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful people have been seizing it.
I want to be one of the forceful ones. Things are getting real. Time to stop messing around.
6) He will wipe every tear from our eyes. The tenderness of our savior.
7) I often praise you for your glory and mercy, but not as much for your patience. You're so patient with us, desiring for us to come to the full measure of godliness.
8) Deep topics:
I must conclude that your nature is what you want it to be. Because you are God, you decide your godhood. You decide who you are. You said "I am," and that means you decide. You could have chosen to be different than you are.
But you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You never change. But it is not because you are unable to change, it's because in your limitless power this is who you are, or, who you chose to be.
9) "When God looks at us he sees Jesus" is not found in the Bible. We are not imputed with righteousness, we are righteous by faith.
Romans 3:22 This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.
If we are not actually, literally, righteous by faith, then what did the blood of Jesus do?
10) Psalm 8: What is man that you're mindful of him? This is one of the greatest questions ever asked.
11) Matt 11:30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Why doesn't it feel that way? Why is walking out our faith so difficult?
We are not intended to carry heavy burdens around.
1) I pray for increasing spiritual depth in my church's people. Take us from the shallow routine and ritual into the deep waters of the Holy Spirit.
2) I don't really require influence in my church when I have influence with the Father. It's not presumption, it's embracing kingdom reality.
3) Being "in" Christ is Kingdom reality. Operating "in" Christ bears Kingdom fruit.
4) Kingdom reality is not a place where we retreat to escape the world, it's the place from where we operate as the kingdom advances. We are already there.
5) Matt 11:12 From the time of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful people have been seizing it.
I want to be one of the forceful ones. Things are getting real. Time to stop messing around.
6) He will wipe every tear from our eyes. The tenderness of our savior.
7) I often praise you for your glory and mercy, but not as much for your patience. You're so patient with us, desiring for us to come to the full measure of godliness.
8) Deep topics:
I must conclude that your nature is what you want it to be. Because you are God, you decide your godhood. You decide who you are. You said "I am," and that means you decide. You could have chosen to be different than you are.
But you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You never change. But it is not because you are unable to change, it's because in your limitless power this is who you are, or, who you chose to be.
9) "When God looks at us he sees Jesus" is not found in the Bible. We are not imputed with righteousness, we are righteous by faith.
Romans 3:22 This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.
If we are not actually, literally, righteous by faith, then what did the blood of Jesus do?
10) Psalm 8: What is man that you're mindful of him? This is one of the greatest questions ever asked.
11) Matt 11:30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Why doesn't it feel that way? Why is walking out our faith so difficult?
We are not intended to carry heavy burdens around.
Chapter Two
1) Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. So simple. I've read this over and over for many years but only sporadically pursued it. These last few weeks of getting alone with God have shown me what I've missed.
1) Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. So simple. I've read this over and over for many years but only sporadically pursued it. These last few weeks of getting alone with God have shown me what I've missed.
2) 50% of fellowshipping with God is simply getting alone with him with no background music and no distractions. Background music seems to be one of the big strongholds of this generation. People are unable to endure complete silence, and the Holy Spirit has to compete with the music.
3) If doing your morning devotions means only studying the Bible and reading commentaries, you're doing it wrong.
4) "Christianity is a relationship, not a religion." True, but even so, many of us don't really want to know Christ like he wants to be known. Knowing the surpassing greatness is not a casual pursuit. He asks me, "do you really want to know the surpassing greatness?" The thought scares me. I have to say yes, but I don't know what I'm getting myself in for. I have a feeling it's going to wreck me.
5) I think it's good to think well of people and assume the best about them. But we should be aware of the fact that there may be wolves among us. Father, if there are doers of iniquity among us, would you confront them with your glory and turn them to Jesus?
6) Unmask the secret sins in our midst. This might get messy, but you have called us to holiness.
7) Holy Spirit, would you close the doors of internet filth and porn.
8) There isn't a demon under every rock. Don't waste time on the enemy, just take the 10 seconds needed to deal with it and then move on.
9) Jesus had a prayer model when dealing with dark forces: short and sweet. The only times Jesus really prayed long prayers was for blessing and destiny.
10) The universe is huge. He could have made it a few lightyears across and that would have been more than enough. But he went over the top.
There are things in the universe that no eye will ever see. There are places on earth no one has ever seen. There are things in my yard I will never see. We'll never know the magnitude of creation, yet we think we have God figured out.
11) Matt 20:28 the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve... He did mighty works, healed, proclaimed the gospel, and calmed the waves. This is how he served, with power.
12) Though I put no faith in the systems of man, politics is simply a tool that can be used for the kingdom. Just like a microphone, a road, or a paper and pencil, politics is not anything more or less than how it can be utilized.
13) Part of praying in the spirit is praying effectively and praying efficiently. I honestly don't know what this means but I intend to find out.
Chapter Three
1) A Holy Spirit tsunami awaits, both refreshing and destructive. It's better to repent now than later.
2) David wrote his many psalms; psalms of praise, his troubles, his pleas for mercy. But there is one thing...
Psalm 27:4 One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
3) Father, I recognize your refining fire at work in me over the years. Sometimes intense, sometimes barely perceptible. I invite the increase of the refining fire as you call me once again to holiness.
4) The consuming fire does not touch what is holy, only what is fleshly. Or, it only burns the old dead man in me, not the new man.
It's better to repent now than later.
5) My soul is troubled by those who are bound up by the lies they tell themselves. Right here in this church there are many who cannot get past the whispers of the dead man. Where is the freedom and restoration I've been praying for? Holy Spirit help us.
6) Nothing changes in us by the strength of the flesh. But revelation is transformation.
7) I wonder how much the difficulties of the flesh would diminish if we truly had a revelation of God.
Gal 5:16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
8) It's better to repent now than later.
9) JOEL 2:17: Let the priests, the ministers of LORD, weep between the porch and the altar...
5) My soul is troubled by those who are bound up by the lies they tell themselves. Right here in this church there are many who cannot get past the whispers of the dead man. Where is the freedom and restoration I've been praying for? Holy Spirit help us.
6) Nothing changes in us by the strength of the flesh. But revelation is transformation.
7) I wonder how much the difficulties of the flesh would diminish if we truly had a revelation of God.
Gal 5:16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
8) It's better to repent now than later.
9) JOEL 2:17: Let the priests, the ministers of LORD, weep between the porch and the altar...
This has been weighing heavily on me.
10) Heavenly father, would you press upon those who stand at the pulpit to speak with anointing a burning passion for prayer.
11) It's time to stop dabbling in superficial prophecy and ministry and get serious about the desires of the Holy Spirit.
12) Where are those who have the Holy Spirit dissatisfaction with the status quo?
13) Father, I believe you will raise up those who are willing to do the heavy lifting in the Spirit.
14) Take our minds away from unprofitable things.
10) Heavenly father, would you press upon those who stand at the pulpit to speak with anointing a burning passion for prayer.
11) It's time to stop dabbling in superficial prophecy and ministry and get serious about the desires of the Holy Spirit.
12) Where are those who have the Holy Spirit dissatisfaction with the status quo?
13) Father, I believe you will raise up those who are willing to do the heavy lifting in the Spirit.
14) Take our minds away from unprofitable things.
It's better to repent now than later.
15) Sometimes I see bad teaching or errant doctrine. But I don’t want to be a spiritual heckler, which does nothing but make me the Doctrinal Police.
16) So much of church is elementary school level Christianity. Many of us should be college graduates and beyond by now.
17) It's so good to know you are real, that there is a God in heaven, but the multiple levels of that truth boggles the mind.
18) Holy Spirit, break down the dividing walls between churches. The coming revival requires your people to be in unity. This is the pressing need of your church in the coming days.
19) I want my life to be a series of unnoticed, uncelebrated little acts of obedience that bear great fruit.
15) Sometimes I see bad teaching or errant doctrine. But I don’t want to be a spiritual heckler, which does nothing but make me the Doctrinal Police.
16) So much of church is elementary school level Christianity. Many of us should be college graduates and beyond by now.
17) It's so good to know you are real, that there is a God in heaven, but the multiple levels of that truth boggles the mind.
18) Holy Spirit, break down the dividing walls between churches. The coming revival requires your people to be in unity. This is the pressing need of your church in the coming days.
19) I want my life to be a series of unnoticed, uncelebrated little acts of obedience that bear great fruit.
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