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Monday, August 5, 2024

Rich's proverbs, book three - updated 8/19/24

Book eleven here.

Book ten here.

Book nine here.

Book eight here.

Book seven here.

Book six here.

Book five here.

Book four here.

Book three here.

Book two here.

Book one here.

This is a continuation of my practice to take notes on what I prayed.

I'll be adding to this post periodically.
Chapter 1

1) Always interceding for us. You bring us before the father. Without you, we do not have access.

2) There was no decay until Adam's fall. Ever since then, things have been moving towards chaos. Chaos is a manifestation of the kingdom of darkness.

3) Jesus' redemption reaches to the farthest corner of the universe. HIs kingdom is advancing. At the last day he makes all things new (Rev. 21:5).

3) Redemption is bigger than I thought: Colossians 1:20 ...and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

4) For some reason demonology is either overlooked or overemphasized. Don't ignore the enemy but don't focus on him.

5) Prayer is a requirement not an option.

6) Holy Spirit, would you waken us in the night to pray? It's harder to pray in the wee hours of the morning, but so worth it.

7) It would take only 24 people, committed to pray 1 hour a day, to have 24-7 prayer.

8) 100 intercessors would mean 4 people could be praying every hour. But that's just a start. Holy Spirit is calling us to be a church that prevails in prayer.

9) But even when it seems like nothing is happening. Even when there's no evidence our prayers are making a difference. No matter the results, a people committed to prayer will pray.

However, I don't think it will be this way for my church. I think if we would plunge headlong into prayer, it would be transformative.

If we were completely given over to, and welcoming of, the Holy Spirit, a lot of this stuff would be surprisingly easy.

The things of of the Spirit come naturally for the spiritual man.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

10) The underground church doesn’t have the freedom we have. They walk out their faith in peril of their lives. But we have such a favorable climate to very easily practice our faith. It seems like we should be more spiritual people because of our opportunities, but I don't think we are.

11) If you raised the dead you can heal cancer.

12) I just noticed that Jesus raised the dead before he conquered death.

13) Last night I had a dream of a packed sanctuary. Just a glimpse. That's the only thing I remember except for the fact that I knew it was revival.

14) Let a Holy Spirit wave of repentance wash over my church.

15) As I consider my prayer life I find I really don't decree and declare. I just don't need to in order to have confidence that Holy Spirit will move.

16) I don't want to be so locked into my way of thinking that I can't receive from you.

Sometimes our doctrines are obstacles to knowing you.

17) There's a real spiritual benefit to taking time to pray longer and more frequently.

Chapter 2

1. Three big issues... health, finances, relationships. Almost everyone struggles with at least one. A lot of my praying for people is regarding one of these. I wonder how we might break free since any of them can completely derail our lives and our witness.

Father, help us to victory over these issues in our lives that prevent us from kingdom work.

2. If I could pick a verse for my church for this season. Hebrews 12:1 ... let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

3. 1 Tim 4:8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

Some Christians will get up early in the morning to work out but will not do so for eternal things like prayer. Father, change our priorities.

Of course, rising to pray is only half the battle. Praying the father's heart is a discipline in itself.

4. I don't want to waste these hours on fleshly prayers. Holy Spirit, teach me to pray.

5. A few weeks ago I decided to stop using the word "God." God isn't his name. It's turned out to be a hard habit to break. But there is a new delight to pray to heavenly father, Jesus, and/or Holy Spirit.

6. The seducing spirit. It's not sexual seduction, but more like the seduction of the spirit realm. It wants to draw us in by masquerading as the advancement of spiritual maturity.

Gillian: "Holy Spirit encourages us to be sober minded, to walk in wisdom and understanding, whereas those spirits disguise themselves and draw us away from the truth, filling our minds with sweet nothings, setting us up for failure and moral decay."

I turn my my back on the seducing spirit.

7. You speak life, direction, and destiny to us. Holy Spirit, forgive us for letting the things you say drop to the ground.

8. Revival has pre-requirements. Maybe Holy Spirit is waiting for us to realize this.

9. I pray that the troubles of this world will not cause us to lose heart. I want us to be a pillar in your house. Rev 3:12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God...

10. When you purchased me, I became your possession. It cost you your life. How might that change the way I think?

Rom 8:12 Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation--but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it.

11. There is not a "critical mass" of the number of prayers, the number of people deciding to walk according to the spirit, or the amount of worship that tips the scales toward revival. But we must still do all of this.

12. Clarity. Take the veil off our eyes, the distractions, deceptions, and worldly pursuits that obscure our vision and keep us lukewarm.

Cleanse my thought life. Invade the deepest recesses of my mind.

"A sound mind so I can THINK clearly." Correcting the lyrics of the worship song.

13. Autism, dementia, worry, thoughts running wild with conspiracy theories, bad doctrines and deceptions. Jesus, would you heal our unsound minds.

14. Dens of iniquity, possibly even in our midst. Astrology, yoga, new age, tarot cards, psychic readings. Holy Spirit, cast them out. Topple the idols, tear down the high places!

Disentangle us from our unholy passions and secret sins.

15. I pray for the leadership of my church, that it would be properly constituted and faithfully executed. I pray that the spiritual and natural obligations would not be carried by one man. There is no CEO pastor in the Bible, for such a thing is too great a burden.

Chapter 3

1. Father, would you make the threshold of our church building a place of encounter. That's a good place for prophetic ministry, at the door as people are walking in.

2. I should have taken more advantage of the man who taught me to pray. I was too slow to understand, but I still benefited. His ministry changed my life.

3. I don’t pray to get results. I pray because you command us to pray. I believe the answers to prayer are coming. I will wait for the Lord as long as it takes.

4. Holy Spirit, you don't reserve yourself for the big things like revival. You are interested in the details, the little issues, the cares, and the struggles of each person.

Lord, it’s so easy to underestimate you.

5. There is no intellectual process or system to being saved. It's 100% a spiritual encounter. When our spiritual man agrees with the Holy Spirit the mind follows.

How would our evangelism change if we approached people on a spiritual level rather than intellectual?

Spirit-led evangelism is a manifestation of a healthy church.

6. There are few, if any, who are 100% ready for the things the Holy Spirit has called them to. Oddly, there are also people in church who have sat in a pew for 10-20 years listening to sermons and are 150 or 200% equipped, but still think they need to hear another sermon.

7. There's righteousness by faith, and there's also righteousness that's cultivated. Status versus process. Spiritual reality versus coming into agreement.

You proclaim the spiritual reality, then you call us to come into agreement with it via the walking out of our faith.

8. We're kingdom people but we don’t really know how to do business in the kingdom. I want my prayers to arise out of what is the spiritual reality.

9. Keeping in step with the Spirit is a lot bigger topic than I thought.

10. An encounter with the Spirit of Truth can really mess with your doctrine.

11. The church historically has put so many obstacles to walking in the Spirit in favor of endless theological disputes.

Matthew 23:24 You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel...

12. It seems my church is now ready to run. Who will fire the starting pistol?

13. Church, rise up! Prepare the way. The glory is coming. I don’t know when or how. But I do know we'd better get our highways straight.

14. I know that you dwell in us. But I also believe you inhabit places. I pray that you would not only fill us, but also that you would fill our church and the Gallatin Valley.

15. If we have a praying leadership we will have a praying church.

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