This is an agitprop-loaded screed that makes several false claims, repeats bumper-sticker leftist slogans, and basically just reinforces The Narrative in pursuit of The Agenda.
This is an agitprop-loaded screed that makes several false claims, repeats bumper-sticker leftist slogans, and basically just reinforces The Narrative in pursuit of The Agenda.
We slogged through a good portion of this, refuting each point as raised, until we could stand no more. And really, we're wasting our time anyway since the author or one of his comrades with come back tomorrow with exactly the same talking points as if today never happened.
Remember, the Democrats lost using these very same talking points. But because they have no original ideas or anything at all that requires introspection, well, they'll continue with their failed strategy.
Many are asking how it is possible for a person with Trump's incredible record of frauds, crimes, lies, and incompetence, to get more votes than a well-qualified person like Kamala Harris. (The author inadvertently answers his question. Democrats lost the election because they thought Harris was well-qualified.)
Many are asking how it is possible for a person with Trump's incredible record of frauds, crimes, lies, and incompetence, to get more votes than a well-qualified person like Kamala Harris. (The author inadvertently answers his question. Democrats lost the election because they thought Harris was well-qualified.)
Various theories have been raised but there is one overriding primary cause of the Democrats' loss.
Except for the far right, the general opinion of Trump is unfavorable. (Let's rephrase: "Except for those who support him, people don't support him." And of course there's the ultimate opinion of Trump, the election which he won decisively.
Except for the far right, the general opinion of Trump is unfavorable. (Let's rephrase: "Except for those who support him, people don't support him." And of course there's the ultimate opinion of Trump, the election which he won decisively.
Here's his current poll numbers:

Approval trending up, disapproval trending down. This is no doubt disturbing to the author.)
However, the economy was the primary concern of the voters. 32% of the voters considered inflation to be the main issue. Many voted against Harris because they were convinced that Biden and the Democrats were responsible for inflation and high prices. (They were.)
They believe that soon after Trump is in office, prices will return to what they were before Covid.

Exit Polls - Primary Issue DAnnualistribution
(Image by Author) Details DMCA
Democrats failed to take this issue seriously. They never mentioned that it is impossible for Biden to cause worldwide inflation. (Bare assertion. In actual fact, as America goes, so goes the rest of the world. Biden's policies exacerbated the problem, there is no doubt.)

Exit Polls - Primary Issue DAnnualistribution
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Democrats failed to take this issue seriously. They never mentioned that it is impossible for Biden to cause worldwide inflation. (Bare assertion. In actual fact, as America goes, so goes the rest of the world. Biden's policies exacerbated the problem, there is no doubt.)
If they had made a sincere effort to inform voters of the fact that Biden did not cause prices to rise, (Which in fact he did.)
they might have won the election. (The author inadvertently answers his question a second time. Democrats lost the election because they thought Biden's economy wasn't Biden's fault.)
Democrats did not stress the record number of bills that they passed including the "Infrastructure Act", the "Inflation Reduction Act", the "Chips and Science Act" and seven other acts. (That is, the profligate deficit spending which is the singular driver of inflation.)
These acts were pivotal in ending inflation ((The author inadvertently answers his question a third time. Democrats lost the election because they thought inflation wasn't a real problem.)
and in moving the US forward on several major fronts.
Democrats lost the election because they did not fully inform the public of the facts: (Like most leftists, the author believes that they lost because of bad messaging, when actually it is a bad message.)
- Every country in the world had inflation after Covid.
- Inflation was caused by the disruptions of production and shipping during Covid and not by a reduction in oil production. (Who shut down the economy during COVID? Yup, the Democrats.)
- It is impossible for Biden or anyone to cause worldwide inflation.
- The US now has the lowest inflation in the world.
- Inflation dropped from 7% to 2.6% during Biden's term. (The author just claimed Biden ended inflation.)
- The economy has always done better under Democrats who grow the economy from the bottom up and not from the top down. "Trickle Down" has never worked. (A common false claim made by Leftists. They make this claim based on the party of the president in office, not by the composition of the House, which constitutionally controls the purse strings.)
165 countries have higher inflation than the US. Argentina is the highest with 289% inflation while the US is the lowest at 2.6% (The author lies to us. Here is the actual inflation in Argentina:

It's too bad the author mentioned Argentina [likely selected to impugn small government philosophy]. He weakens his own case.)

Annual Inflation by Country
(Image by Author) Details DMCA
When Biden came to office the US inflation was 7%. Inflation decreased to only 2.6% under Biden.

Inflation Decline Under Biden
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(The author lies to us again. Here's the actual reported numbers from his linked source:

Annual Inflation by Country
(Image by Author) Details DMCA
When Biden came to office the US inflation was 7%. Inflation decreased to only 2.6% under Biden.

Inflation Decline Under Biden
(Image by Author) Details DMCA
(The author lies to us again. Here's the actual reported numbers from his linked source:

But how about if we consider inflation the way it was measured in 1990, or even 1980?

We hope the author's performance improves.)

We hope the author's performance improves.)
Republicans have claimed that Biden caused inflation by passing laws that resulted in less oil production. The "low oil production" supposedly led to higher prices on everything. However, US oil production has been higher than any other country at any time in history. (That's a different question. We are not comparing to other countries, we are comparing to our own past production.)
Oil production under Trump had been about 10 million barrels per day. The US, in 2024, is producing 13 million barrels every day. (The author lies yet again. Here's actual US oil production:

The market naturally attempts to keep up with demand, so when production increases it is because there's a need. Despite Biden's hostility to fossil fuels the market ended up doing what markets do, attempt to keep up with demand.
But even given that, oil production remains substantially lower than the Trump years.
We are nearing the end of our patience with the author.)
This is another example of disinformation that Democrats did not bother to refute with the facts.

USA Record Oil Production
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The inflation disinformation should have been addressed strongly and repeatedly. (It was. The sycophantic media repeated it over and over. Everybody heard this argument. They simply didn't buy it. People in the real world know what's really going on and how inflation is devastating peoples' finances.

USA Record Oil Production
(Image by Author) Details DMCA
The inflation disinformation should have been addressed strongly and repeatedly. (It was. The sycophantic media repeated it over and over. Everybody heard this argument. They simply didn't buy it. People in the real world know what's really going on and how inflation is devastating peoples' finances.
Once again, the author thinks the messaging was the problem when the message is the problem.)
Instead, Democrats accepted the blame for inflation even though they had nothing to do with it. (There wasn't a single Democrat anywhere that accepted the blame for inflation.)
This is the primary reason they lost the election. (No, they lost because Harris was a lousy candidate with a lousy agenda.)
As long as Democrats do not bother to rebut the false charges against them and refuse to expose the many illegal activities, lies, and disinformation of their opponents, they will seldom win elections. (Oh, that this would be true.)
Democrats can run more effective campaigns by going on the offense instead of always being on the defense. (??? Democrats have never, ever done anything but continually attack and impugn their opponents at every turn. Does not the author remember that Trump is a plutocrat, a Nazi, an authoritarian misogynist?)
As long as Democrats do not bother to rebut the false charges against them and refuse to expose the many illegal activities, lies, and disinformation of their opponents, they will seldom win elections. (Oh, that this would be true.)
Democrats can run more effective campaigns by going on the offense instead of always being on the defense. (??? Democrats have never, ever done anything but continually attack and impugn their opponents at every turn. Does not the author remember that Trump is a plutocrat, a Nazi, an authoritarian misogynist?)
Democrats must stop being complacent and must be more aggressive. (Sigh. We're done. The author is either living in a dream world or is cynically repeating talking points.)
They should approach campaigning with the attitude of a pit bull on acid. They must campaign the way Republicans do. Democrats also let Republicans pick the issues to focus on in elections. There are several issues that Democrats should have made the focus, but they did not. Democrats are good at government but are failures at keeping the public fully informed
Important Issues Ignored - Mass Shootings
One issue that was rarely mentioned is that The US is the only country in the world that does nothing about the slaughter of little children blown into bloody bits by machine guns. Without Republican opposition, the US would have no mass murders. Democrats should have exposed the fact that Republicans have always opposed every gun regulation. An example of this is the congress vote on background checks. All Americans favor background checks. However, every Republican voted against background checks.

Mass Killings of School Children
(Image by Author) Details DMCA
Important Issues Ignored - The Economy
Democrats never mentioned that the economy has always done better under Democrats. This is a matter of historical facts and statistics. The Department of Labor reports that over the past 50 years the GDP has increased 4.15% under Democrat administrations but only 2.65% under Republican administrations. Jobs created were 42 million under Democrats but only 24 million under Republicans. The stock market has grown 992% under Democrats but only 109% under Republicans.
Furthermore, it is noted that
- 10 of the last 11 recessions occurred under Republican administrations.
- Republicans repealed the Glass-Steagall limits on Bank speculations and soon after that we had the great Recession of 2008.
- Kansas implemented Republican fiscal policies under Governor Brownback. The Kansas economy soon crashed, and the Republican fiscal policies had to be reversed.
- The economy always grows from the bottom up. The Republican policy of giving millions to millionaires ("Trickle Down") has never worked.

Economy Always Better Under Democrats
(Image by Author) Details DMCA
Important Issues Ignored - Trump's Record
Democrats did nothing to inform the voters of Trump's many jury convictions. Trump was forced to pay multimillions of dollar in penalties for his university fraud, charity embezzlement, sexual assault, tax fraud and business felonies. Democrats never mentioned that he cheated on all his wives and always cheats at golf. They never mentioned that Republicans in 2003 outlawed the free market capitalism in drug purchases. Democrats also made no effort to inform the public of the fact that Trump repealed the agreement that kept Iran from building an atomic bomb, or the fact that over 100,000 people died of Covid due to Trump ignoring the problem for the first four months, that Trump described marines killed in action as "losers and suckers", or that Trump organized 81 electors to overturn the election. Without all the facts, voters cannot make informed decisions.
The Bottom Line
By not highlighting these important campaign issues, Democrats are complicit in helping Republicans win elections. In general, Democrats are incompetent at running campaigns. Democracy does not work unless all the voters have the complete, accurate, and unbiased information. True Democracy is not working in the USA.
Exit Polls data -> .nbcnews.com/politics/2024-elections/exit-polls
"Inflation by Country" -> World Bank, "Consumer Price Index"
"Inflation Calculator" ->
click here
Oil production 2013-2024 -> US Energy Information Administration
School Shootings -> All public media
Democrat and Republican economies -> US Department of Labor
Important Issues Ignored - Mass Shootings
One issue that was rarely mentioned is that The US is the only country in the world that does nothing about the slaughter of little children blown into bloody bits by machine guns. Without Republican opposition, the US would have no mass murders. Democrats should have exposed the fact that Republicans have always opposed every gun regulation. An example of this is the congress vote on background checks. All Americans favor background checks. However, every Republican voted against background checks.

Mass Killings of School Children
(Image by Author) Details DMCA
Important Issues Ignored - The Economy
Democrats never mentioned that the economy has always done better under Democrats. This is a matter of historical facts and statistics. The Department of Labor reports that over the past 50 years the GDP has increased 4.15% under Democrat administrations but only 2.65% under Republican administrations. Jobs created were 42 million under Democrats but only 24 million under Republicans. The stock market has grown 992% under Democrats but only 109% under Republicans.
Furthermore, it is noted that
- 10 of the last 11 recessions occurred under Republican administrations.
- Republicans repealed the Glass-Steagall limits on Bank speculations and soon after that we had the great Recession of 2008.
- Kansas implemented Republican fiscal policies under Governor Brownback. The Kansas economy soon crashed, and the Republican fiscal policies had to be reversed.
- The economy always grows from the bottom up. The Republican policy of giving millions to millionaires ("Trickle Down") has never worked.

Economy Always Better Under Democrats
(Image by Author) Details DMCA
Important Issues Ignored - Trump's Record
Democrats did nothing to inform the voters of Trump's many jury convictions. Trump was forced to pay multimillions of dollar in penalties for his university fraud, charity embezzlement, sexual assault, tax fraud and business felonies. Democrats never mentioned that he cheated on all his wives and always cheats at golf. They never mentioned that Republicans in 2003 outlawed the free market capitalism in drug purchases. Democrats also made no effort to inform the public of the fact that Trump repealed the agreement that kept Iran from building an atomic bomb, or the fact that over 100,000 people died of Covid due to Trump ignoring the problem for the first four months, that Trump described marines killed in action as "losers and suckers", or that Trump organized 81 electors to overturn the election. Without all the facts, voters cannot make informed decisions.
The Bottom Line
By not highlighting these important campaign issues, Democrats are complicit in helping Republicans win elections. In general, Democrats are incompetent at running campaigns. Democracy does not work unless all the voters have the complete, accurate, and unbiased information. True Democracy is not working in the USA.
Exit Polls data -> .nbcnews.com/politics/2024-elections/exit-polls
"Inflation by Country" -> World Bank, "Consumer Price Index"
"Inflation Calculator" ->
click here
Oil production 2013-2024 -> US Energy Information Administration
School Shootings -> All public media
Democrat and Republican economies -> US Department of Labor
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