The unnamed "Publisher" actually quotes some relevant Scriptures, a welcome departure from past practice. But he will prove himself to be a liar, and for that we must deem this bad Bible teaching.
I’m the enemy, ’cause I like to think; I like to read. I’m into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I’m the kind of guy who likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, “Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?” ...Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? -Edgar Friendly, character in Demolition Man (1993).
Disclaimer: Some postings contain other author's material. All such material is used here for fair use and discussion purposes.
Friday, September 29, 2023
Debunking the Myths: How Continuationists Misrepresent Cessationism - By Publisher
The unnamed "Publisher" actually quotes some relevant Scriptures, a welcome departure from past practice. But he will prove himself to be a liar, and for that we must deem this bad Bible teaching.
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Why Do Reformed Cessationists Quote Church History as Gospel? by MICHAEL L. BROWN
Although we usually critique cessationists for their often faulty reasoning, today we consider the presentation of a charismatic (aka "continuationist").
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Of bones and bathwater - posted by Berean Research
Lastly, while the author tells us things about what the Bible says, there isn't a single Bible quote except a couple of irrelevant verses right at the end. It mystifies us how a supposed Bible teacher can almost completely omit the Bible.
Monday, September 25, 2023
What Does TULIP in Calvinism Mean? - by Wyatt Graham
Friday, September 22, 2023
The Basics -- The Law and the Gospel - by Kim Riddlebarger
Found here. Our comments in bold.
Kim Riddlebarger has been writing a series called "the basics." We have commented on these several times in our blog, and our complaint has been that his explanations are not basic. Sometimes the topics themselves are not basic.
Today the author attempts to explain the difference between the law and the Gospel, managing to quote only a single snippet of Scripture while expending over 1100 words. It continually astonishes us how a supposed Bible teachers so assiduously avoid Scripture.
He will make numerous references to verses without quoting them. There will be times when it is apparent why: The verses do not prove the author's point. So we will actually quote the referenced Scriptures when necessary.
We would suggest that the law-gospel distinction really ought to be works-grace.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Why the GOP Became a White Supremacist Party Part 1 - By Earl Ofari Hutchinson
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Bad worship songs - Adonai - 406 United
With the great volume and variety of worship music available, none of us should have to settle for bad worship songs. We should be able to select hundreds or even thousands of top notch songs very easily.
What makes a song a good worship song? Is it enough to contain words like God or holy? How about vaguely spiritual sounding phrases? Should Jesus be mentioned? We think an excellent worship song should contain as many as possible of the following elements:
- A direct expression of adoration (God, you are...)
- A progression of ideas that culminates in a coherent story
- A focus on God, not us
- A certain amount of profundity
- A singable, interesting melody
- Scripture quotes or coherent allusions to Scripture
- Doctrinal soundness
- contain lyrics that create uncertainty or cause confusion
- be excessively metaphorical
- be excessively repetitive
- imply that Jesus is your boyfriend
Monday, September 18, 2023
America needs a new sane Republican Party, and here's who should lead it For the good of the nation - by ROBERT REICH
Friday, September 15, 2023
The Kingdom of God - Present or future? - Advancing with power
It's easy to be spoon fed the conventional wisdom, but it's an entirely separate thing to search these things out for one's self. In the past we have read the Bible with these unexamined understandings and interpreted what we read through those lenses. We were too lazy about our Bible study, assuming that pastors and theologians were telling us the truth, but we rarely checked it out for ourselves.
Therefore, these Rethinks are our attempt to remedy the situation.
We should note that there is more than one way to interpret doctrine, more than one way to think about the faith, and more than one way to read the Scriptures. We would not suggest that our way is the only way, or the right way; we are not Bible scholars. But we believe that one doesn't need to be in order to rightly divide the Word of God.
Ladies, Don’t Beat Your Pastors with the Rod of Titus 2 - by Bekka French
This is a mystifying presentation. The author never quotes the verses she's talking about. She does quote several verses in Titus but never the subject verses. We have to wait to the first paragraph of the second section before the author provides a reference to the passage.
Tit. 2:3-5 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no-one will malign the word of God.
Thursday, September 14, 2023
1967 Pontiac Lemans budget build - Episode eight, floor pan and rockers, part one - updated 02/28/2024
Episode one, introduction.
Episode two, trunk panel install part one.
Episode three, trunk panel install part two.
Episode four, door rust repair.
Episode five, tail light panel and rear crossmember.
Episode six, passenger quarter panel.
Episode seven, driver's quarter panel.

How the Contemporary Church Has Eroded and Perverted True Worship of the Living God - By Publisher
This is a 100% Scriptureless presentation by the unnamed "Publisher." He trots out familiar complaints and familiar bogeymen, offering nothing instructional or edifying. He makes many assertions about what worship should be but does not tell us how this should happen or where in the Bible we find this information.
Thus "Publisher" is simply telling us about his taste in churches. He's advocating for tradition based only what he personally likes and doesn't like.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Building my 1967 Camaro - retrospective - Episode three - final details and the finished car
Episode one, purchase and bodywork.

If you cut off my reproductive choice, can I cut off yours? - Bumper sticker logic

Monday, September 11, 2023
Building my 1967 Camaro - retrospective - Episode two - mechanicals and interior
Episode one, purchase and bodywork.

Elon Musk Is a Threat to Democracy - by JEET HEER
The author is a Leftist, and leftists only object to the influence and power of a wealthy person when that wealthy person is not a leftist.
Friday, September 8, 2023
Building my 1967 Camaro - retrospective - Episode one - purchase and bodywork
Episode one, purchase and bodywork.
Here's the car I bought:

Why They Love Donald Trump -By Bob Passi
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Women leading the early church? - By Elizabeth Prata
Ms. Prata recycles her belief yet again about women not teaching/leading. However, in this article she is particularly superficial and at times spectacularly wrong. In addition, she barely manages to quote the Bible. How is it possible to be a Bible teacher and hardly quote it?
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
How Inequality Was Redefined as “Poverty”—Letting Capitalism Off the Hook - by Adolph Reed Jr.
The actual title of this article should be, "How Poverty Was Redefined as Inequality." But in actual fact the author does not explain how inequality was redefined as poverty. He doesn't explain how capitalism was let off the hook, or even mention it.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
The author has a lot to say about a caricature of contemporary worship services, most of it speculative and vague.
Friday, September 1, 2023
Theological Song Review: More Like Jesus - by David Morrill
We recognize that everyone has their own tastes in worship music and in the way worship is conducted when the saints gather, so we have no quibble with Mr. Morrill's tastes. It's only when he attacks and impugns based on some imagined infractions that we draw the line.
Since Mr. Morrill cannot do us the courtesy of supplying the actual lyrics in question, we shall do so ourselves:
You came to the world You created
Trading Your crown for a cross
You willingly died
Your innocent life paid the cost
Counting Your status as nothing
The King of all kings came to serve
Washing my feet
Covering me with Your love
If more of You means less of me, Take ev'rything
Yes, all of You is all I need, Take ev'rything
You are my life and my treasure
The One that I can't live without
Here at Your feet
My desires and dreams I lay down
Here at Your feet
My desires and dreams I lay down
Oh Lord, change me like only You can
Here with my heart in Your hands
Father I pray make me more like Jesus
This world is dying to know who You are
You've shown us the way to Your heart
So Father I pray make me more like Jesus