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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Many-Tentacled Kraken of Present-Day Fascism - By Wayne Madsen

Found here. Our comments in bold.

Mr. Madsen doesn't seem to know what fascism is. Nor does he understand the irony of his own position being fascistic.

Fascism has morphed in meaning to the point where the term is meaningless. The way the author uses it, fascism is simply people doing things or thinking things he doesn't like. The fact that he wants to edit, control, shut down, or manipulate dissenters is fascistic.

As you read this you will find a stream-of-consciousness spew of words which is intended to mean something, but it is impossible to determine what. Mr. Madsen simply mentions a person (Steve Bannon, for example) without any explanation, then connects the person to another random name (Guo Wengui, for example), and leaves it to the reader to try to figure out why these names are important and how they're connected.

The sheer meaninglessness of this article is in itself boggling.

 Mr. Madsen is generally recognized as an out-there conspiracy theorist
Counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism analysts make a dangerous mistake when they lump all of the present-day fascist movements of which there are several under one monolithic description. The manifestation of fascism within American politics with the Republican Party now clearly espousing fascist and anti-democratic principles has resulted in various fascist factions vying for political control of both the party and national, state, and local government.

The first major fascist faction and one that is currently dominant is Trumpism. Until Donald Trump disappears from the scene, (Apparently the author does not realize that Trump no longer is president. The implied threat that Trump needs to "disappear from the scene" is a call to perpetrate bodily harm.

Of course this is not true. But we are simply employing the leftist-fascist tactics of the neo-marxists like AOC, Nancy Pelosi, and Bernie Sanders.)

Trumpism is a fascist cult of personality surrounding one person: Donald Trump. Embodied in Trumpism is racism, white privilege, "America First" nationalism, misogyny, and narcissism. (The author breaks out his handy reference book, The Leftist Book of Bumper Sticker Slogans. Absent any intellectual process, the author simply tosses around buzzwords.)

Manifestations of Trumpism has appeared abroad in the policies of various far-right political leaders, including Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil), Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel), Narendra Modi (India), Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Turkey), Hong Joon-pyo (South Korea), Keiko Fujimori (Peru), Najib Razak (Malaysia), Viktor Orba'n (Hungary), Geert Wilders (Netherlands), Marine Le Pen (France), and Matteo Salvini (Italy).

Bannonism is a more internationalist form of fascism embraced by former Trump political strategist Steve Bannon. Bannonism hopes to create an international fascist movement that is not much different from the goals of Nazi Germany's "New Order" in creating a world fascist state. Bannonism's internationalist fascism, therefore, runs counter to the America First nationalism of Trumpism. Embedded within Bannonism is the far-right Catholic political activism of the Opus Dei sect. Bannon and Opus Dei are allied against the policies of Pope Francis I. There are also close links between Bannon and the Italian Lega Nord neo-fascist Salvini and the exiled Chinese fascist billionaire Guo Wengui. Guo leads a fascist movement that seeks to establish a Federal State of New China after overthrowing the People's Republic of China. This represents a resurgence of the fascist doctrine of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Blue Shirts Society of the 1920s and 30s - #Kraken. (Whew. The author goes on and on, running with his premise as if it is self-evident, then draws in disparate parties as if there is some sort of international cabal. He doesn't document a single claim, it's simply agitprop. This endless drivel becomes wearying. We don't know how long we can hold up against the onslaught of anti-intellectual bilge.)

There is a more traditional military fascist tendency by retired Army Lieutenant General and Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Flynn and his supporters, many of whom are either retired or former military, are committed to a fascist military dictatorship taking over the United States. (Still no quotes, references, or documentation.)

In December 2020, Flynn called for military martial law and a military regime re-running the 2020 election to benefit Trump and the Republicans. (Finally we have a vague date and a more specific assertion. Still no documentation or link to prove the truth of the author's assertions.)

Flynn later agreed that the United States would be better off with a Myanmar-style military coup that would restore the White House to Trump. (Yet again an unreferenced statement. Did Flynn really mention Myanmar, or is this an editorial comment inserted for effect? 

We shall tolerate Mr. Madsen for only so long before we dismiss him as a leftist kook.)

Flynn continues to enjoy widespread support within the U.S. military and law enforcement. This type of influence was recently seen in a U.S. Navy counter-terrorism training document that referred to "socialists" as "terrorists". Flynn fascists are particularly dangerous because of their penetration of the military.

While the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Flynn was able to employ "controlled behavior" tactics as part of DIA's strategic and tactical "influence operations" targeting various nations and groups around the world. Flynn had access to various highly-classified behavioral modification programs while the head of DIA. These include those involved with "mental reorientation," autosuggestion techniques, behavior manipulation and control through mass media, subliminal perception, and other psychological warfare techniques. Flynn who has helped along with members of his family to perpetuate Qanon conspiracy myths as fact may be using Qanon as an influence operation to further radicalize the American right. In fact, Qanon resembles a classic psychological warfare operation and it may be an actual manifestation of one of Flynn's DIA programs. And that, by itself makes Flynn the most dangerous fascist leader aside from Donald Trump. (Not a single thing in this screed is true, but that doesn't stop the author.

Again it is ironic that Mr. Madsen criticizes conspiracy groups like Qanon while promulgating conspiracy theories himself.)

Military veterans and retirees as well as current and former law enforcement officers, have been attracted to several misogynistic (? What does misogyny have to do with any of this?)

groups like the Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, Oath Keepers, and Three Percenters (III%). Many of these adherents are also Incels (involuntary celibates), the most extreme of misogynists. These groups are akin to the Nazi Brown Shirts, Sturmabteilung or "Storm Detachment," of the 1930s. The SA was composed of several misogynists, including its leader, Ernst Röhm, who, like many of his lieutenants, were also homosexuals. One of Qanon's oft-used prognostications is "The Storm is Coming." The "storm" usage is taken directly from the jargon of the old and neo-Nazi movements. (We are reaching critical tolerance. The author's insane ramblings are prima facie evidence that the extreme Left is composed primarily of intellectual junior-highers.)

The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are linked directly to such far-right media propagandists as Tucker Carlson of Fox News, Alex Jones, (The author used to work with Alex Jones, but they had a falling out.)

and Roger Stone of Infowars, and One America News (OAN). Keep in mind that Flynn's experience in using influence operations techniques developed by DIA may be the reason why these and other far-right media operations are kept to the success of the modern fascist movement in the United States and its almost-complete takeover of the Republican Party. The extremely violent III Percenters are linked to at least one member of Congress, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO).

Even more violent far-right groups actively target government officials and law enforcement for assassination. These groups include the Boogaloo Bois and the Order of the Nine Angles (O9A). These occult-oriented groups idolize both Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden.

Other far-right groups are, in a sense, more "traditional" in that they are follow-ons to the American Nazi Party and Ku Klux Klan. These include the National Socialist Movement (NSM), the leading neo-Nazi organization in the United States and the Nationalist Front, which includes the NSM, the Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP), and the neo-Confederate League of the South. All were among the "very fine people" Trump referenced as being part of the "United the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. Other far-right "usual suspects" include the Atomwaffen Division, also known as the Nationalist Socialist Order (a terrorist group that also maintains units in Canada, Britain, Germany, the Baltic States, Russia, and Italy); Vanguard America; the Aryan Brotherhood (which is very active among the white federal prison population in the United Statesand something that may be prompting the Department of Justice to seek non-prison plea deals rather than prison terms for the January 6, 2021 insurgents who seized the U.S. Capitol); and the Ku Klux Klan and its various branches and off-shoots.

Not since the days of the Weimar Republic of Germany has a democratic country in this case, the United States faced such a threat from a determined and well-entrenched fascist bloc. It's well past time for America to get real about the threat of fascists who live and operate among us. (well, we made it to the end, no more edified now than we were at the beginning. 

We would present these incoherent ramblings as a textbook example of leftist thinking processes. The sheer randomness is evidence psychological malfunction. 

We don't wish to be insulting, but read his screed again, out loud. Try to find in it any sense of coherence, thoughtful analysis, or even sanity. It simply isn't there. This may be one of the most egregious examples of leftist polemics we have ever run across.

We sincerely hope this man never attains political power.)

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