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Monday, March 2, 2015


Found here. Our comments in bold.

Mr. Finnell has made frequent appearances in our blog, usually when he publishes a missive that contains new assertions. New assertions are relatively infrequent, however. His blog is replete with post after post making identical claims. He's nearly a one-note samba.

Also noteworthy is Mr. Finnell's unwavering militant confidence, coupled with a complete unwillingness to engage his commenters. So he is at once supremely sure of himself yet completely disengaged from any give-and-take dialogue. 

The below article is no exception. He presents for us an encapsulation of all he believes to be doctrinally true in a take-it-or-leave-it format. No room is given for the Great Debates of the past centuries, where topics of faith and doctrine have been discussed, studied, and examined by the great Christian thinkers of history. These men of principle and godliness have come to varying conclusions about many of these issues, offering thoughtful explanations and insights into why they came to those conclusions. 

But Mr. Finnell will have none of this. He knows the single correct answer to all these "basic" questions of faith and doctrine with a breezy ease, pretending there is no divergence of opinion. He apparently has surpassed the intellect and credentials of every man who has ever offered analysis. 

So, you either agree or disagree with Mr. Finnell. And, if you disagree, you are not on the side of truth. You have diverged from the correct faith. 

Read on:

Do most churches teach or preach basic Bible doctrine in the two hours of preaching and teaching on Sunday morning? No, they do not. Why is that? 1. Most church leaders do not understand basic Biblical concepts. 2. Many church leaders who do understand basic Bible teaching refrain from teaching the truth for fear that they might lose their leadership positions. 3. Others honestly believe they will lose church members if they teach Biblical facts. [The truth is most people will not accept the truth. Is that a valid reason for not preaching God's word?]

How would the members of your church congregation answer questions concerning basic Bible doctrine and Biblical concepts?


1. Did God create the heavens and the earth in six twenty-four hour days?

2. Is Jesus the only way to salvation?

3. Is theistic evolution supported by Scripture?

4. Is the God of Christians and Muslims the same God?

5. Is it worship to pray to the Virgin Mary and other dead saints?

6. Is the doctrine of once saved always saved found in the Scriptures?

7. Is water baptism essential for salvation?

8. Did God predetermined certain men to be saved and all others to burn in hell?

9. Does the Bible teach universal salvation?

10. If a man does not have time to be baptized in water before he dies will he still be saved?

11. Does the Bible teach that men are saved by grace alone?

12. Does the Bible teach that God imputes faith into men so they can believe and be saved?

13. Does the Bible teach that men have no free-will?

14. Does the Bible teach that the apostle Peter was the first roman Catholic Pope?

15. Does the Bible teach that there are modern-day apostles who are prophets of God and can perform miracles?

16. Does the Bible teach that men, today, can be saved just like the thief on the cross?

17. Does the Bible teach that Christians can continue in a sinful unrepentant lifestyle and still inherit the kingdom of God.

18. Does the Bible teach that water baptism is nothing more that an act of obedience?

19. Does the Bible say that water baptism is not essential for the forgiveness of sins?

20. Is the sinner's prayer God's terms for pardon?

21. Can men deny that God raised Jesus from the grave and still be saved?

22. Does the Bible teach that men will receive a seconded chance for salvation when Jesus returns to earth?

23. Do church creed books contain more truth that the Bible?

24. Is Jesus also God the Father?

25. Are men only saved according to terms of pardon under the New Covenant?

26. Under the New Covenant are the Jews still God's chosen people?

27. Does the Bible teach that a single pastor should be the authority of each church congregation?

28. Does the Bible teach that pastors or priests have the authority to forgive Christians the sins they commit against God?

29. Does the Bible teach that prophecies, tongues, and knowledge are still available to the contemporary church?

30. Does the Bible teach that speaking in tongues is evidence of your salvation?

31. Does the Bible teach that the KJV of the Bible is the only trustworthy translation of God's written word?

32. Does the Bible teach if men are sincere in their belief that they will be saved even if it is contrary to God's terms for pardon?

33. Does the Bible teach the doctrine of original sin?

34. Does the Bible teach that all men are born totally depraved?

35. Does the Bible teach joining a denominational church can save men from sin?

36. Does the Lord add the saved to His church or do church leaders add men to the Lord's church?

37. Did the 3000 on the Day of Pentecost have theirs sins removed before they repented and were baptized in water?

38. Is sprinkling and pouring mentioned in New Testament Scriptures as a mode of baptism?

39. Is there any case under the New Covenant Scriptures where a person was baptized in water before he believed in Jesus.

40. Was John the Baptist baptizing men into Christ?

41. Is the baptism of John the Baptist a valid baptism today?

42. Does the Bible teach that men are save by faith alone?

43. Will men spend eternity in hell because of Adam's sin or the unforgiven sins they themselves commit?

44. Does the Bible teach that some men are born as heterosexuals and some men born as homosexuals?

45. Did God create multiple Christian denominations?

46. Does the Bible teach that Christians can continue in a sinful unrepentant lifestyle and still go to heaven?

Do the members of your church congregation understand basic Bible doctrine and Biblical concepts? If you do not know, then why not ask them?

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