First Ms. Collins' letter:
First Ms. Collins' letter:
I cannot express enough my dismay and disappointment at Rep. Art Wittich’s cruel and dismissive maneuver on HB 249. He clearly did not listen to the people of Montana or to his constituents here in Gallatin Valley. Wittich a hypocrite in the fact that he has state health care coverage but would openly deny any coverage for 70,000 working Montanans under Medicaid Expansion.
Wittich is clearly representing other entities that are not from Montana. I am appalled and disgusted.
Martha Collins, Bozeman
Wittich is clearly representing other entities that are not from Montana. I am appalled and disgusted.
Martha Collins, Bozeman
Claims like these appear frequently in the Chronicle's opinion pages. They are talking points, probably regurgitated from leftist websites. They become inviolate truth in the eyes of those who parrot them and take on a life of their own, and no amount of realtalk can counter them.
The real numbers are out there. For example, Kaiser Family Foundation estimates there are 178,000 uninsured in Montana.
Claims like these appear frequently in the Chronicle's opinion pages. They are talking points, probably regurgitated from leftist websites. They become inviolate truth in the eyes of those who parrot them and take on a life of their own, and no amount of realtalk can counter them.
The real numbers are out there. For example, Kaiser Family Foundation estimates there are 178,000 uninsured in Montana.

67,640 are eligible for tax credits
7120 are already Medicaid eligible
21,360 are CHIP/Medicaid eligible children
42,720 are ineligible for financial assistance
39,160 are in the coverage gap
Kaiser says that "40,000 uninsured adults (22% of the uninsured in the state) who would have been eligible for Medicaid if the state expanded…” Not 70,000. And notice that most of the state’s uninsured are already eligible for assistance.
As is typical for the Left, the problem is nowhere near the magnitude they assert. Also typical, they rely on emotionalism and hysterical name calling in order to demonize their ideological opponents. Representative Wittich is cruel and eeeevil because he is not generous enough with other peoples' money. Just spend more! It will solve the problem, even though we have already spent oodles. This time it will work!
Further, since Ms. Collins is leveling egregious accusations against Representative Wittich, might we politely ask what she does with her own money? Does she help poor people pay for their healthcare? Does she volunteer at the hospital? Is her personal compassion commensurate with what she demands from Representative Wittich?
Lastly, regarding the hypocrisy charge. Representative Wittich is paid by the State of Montana for services rendered as a member of the state house, which includes health insurance. He is not taking an undeserved benefit. There is, therefore, no hypocrisy in taking compensation for doing his job.
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