"Btw 'systemic racism' doesn't mean 'lots of racists in the system.' It means that even if there were *zero* 'racists' present, the system would still disproportionately harm people of certain races. It's baffling that lots of educated folks don't understand the his concept."
A system is an organized structure that expresses a human desire for order. That expression can be legitimate, moral, and useful, or it can be oppressive and destructive.
A system is a purposeful structure, constructed and maintained by its organizers. Structures cannot continue to exist apart from intentional maintenance.
A system is not a sentient entity, so it cannot be racist. Systemic racism is not possible without racists. A system will not continue to exist without systemizers. Thus it is impossible for a system to persist without those who would feed it.
Therefore, a system cannot inflict harm without those humans who would use it or allow it to inflict harm.
So the author is wrong. The fact that he condescendingly asserts that educated people don't understand this does not make his assertions self-evident.
Since occupants of the current system expresses incidents of racism, then we must ask, who is in charge of the system? Let's turn to the political aspect of the system.
We first note that George Floyd, the black man who was murdered by a police officer, met his end in Minneapolis. The mayor is a liberal Democrat. The Minneapolis City Council is dominated by members of the DFL (the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party), with a total of 12 members. The Green Party of Minnesota has one member, Cam Gordon. The Democratic-Farmer-Labor party is a merger of the Minnesota Democrats and the Farmer-Labor party.
Second, we note that Minnesota is governed and represented by Democrats like Amy Klobuchar and Ilhan Omar. The Governor is a Democrat. In fact, the great majority of major political offices are occupied by Democrats.
We have already argued that a system cannot be racist if there are no racists perpetuating the system. Therefore, our conclusion is the current occupants of these power positions within the system are racist, either actively or passively.
As we survey the places across the nation where racism seems to be a significant problem, we note that all of these places are controlled by Democrats. In addition to Minneapolis, we find that Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Seattle are all current racism hotspots, and all of them have been governed by Democrats for decades.
If those in control have not changed the system, we would surmise they are in agreement with its results.
So why does the author want to correct us ignorant folks? Well, he has an agenda. He isn't really interested in racism or oppression, except to the degree these things are useful to advance his worldview. And that worldview is found in the name of his avatar: Socialism.
Socialism is always the goal with the Left. Whether achieved by incremental transformation of society or bloody uprising, the ends always always justify any and every means, and here the end is always overcoming the bourgeois by the proletariat.
It is necessary, then, for the socialist to foment discontent. Upheaval, chaos, and destruction are necessary features of social revolution. Socialism requires an oppressed class. If such a class does not exist, it must be created. Envy, hatred of those who have more than you, and discontent must be encouraged and nurtured.
However, if people are either content or believe they have the opportunity to make a better life for themselves, they will pursue their goals with hard work and moral lives. If instead they are encouraged toward resentment, anger, and the feeling they are being trodden upon, they are then prepared for the agitators to come in and engage the next step: Violence, disorder and confusion.
We can see, given this description, that this process has been under way for decades.
Despite the fact that our country has made great strides to wipe out the residual effects of racism, the agitators want to hold it responsible for all the ills of the world. So if America is responsible, it is evil. If it is evil, it must be replaced. The goal is to replace self government with central government, with them in charge.
If we understand this is the underlying goal, we will then be able to correctly ascertain the nature of the times we live in and respond accordingly.
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