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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Relative and Objective truth - FB comments

In an earlier post I engaged what I must assume was a vegan post-modernist new ager. In that particular thread we had begun by talking about the morality of killing animals, and he believed it to be immoral.

The conversation morphed. The new-ager's comments about truth of his opinions were fascinating, if confounding.

My comments in bold.

Comment One:

I’m just stating truth. And no it’s not my personal truth. (So we are clear that our interlocutor views himself as making objective truth claims and not subjective truth.)

It’s actually our creators truth. (Now he invokes an unnamed creator, further solidifying his claim to objective truth.)

The truth is that it is unloving to kill harm or torture any living creature. (He makes an objective moral claim. He does not reference the basis or source of this claim, however.)


Comment Two: 

There is absolute truth and one must figure that out for themselves. (We've been using the word "objective" truth, but our interlocutor uses the word "absolute." Absolute truth is an unvarying, rigid standard, but there is contained no suggestion that such standards are knowable, or even operate in the real world. However, objective truth is knowable truth that works through our lives in practical ways, and true no matter what one believes.)

One has to have desire to investigate our creators love and truth. We must have a deep emotional longing from within to figure out absolute love and truth from our creators perspective- not ours. Their are billions of personal truths that are out of harmony with Gods love and truth. Don’t believe me. I’m just giving counsel and advice. I encourage you all to grow in love. Keep experimenting with what’s loving and unloving on everything based on how you feel. (Our interlocutor contradicts himself. Having embraced "absolute" truth, he retreats to what feels to be true. No longer an absolutist, he has become a relativist.

Interestingly, despite it being his personal truth, he evangelizes for it. "We must" is a moral imperative, but such imperatives cannot exist in a subjective framework. In other words, if truth is my truth, how can I claim it to be yours as well?)

What does the heart feel. What does the soul feel. Get out of your intellectual mind and start having true real conversations with your feelings. (Now he begins offering prescriptions, with our feelings as the standard.)

Your feelings will set your true freedom. This is not about me or any religion or a book. (How can it not be about him if it invokes his feelings? And of course he is most certainly making religious claims about our "creator." Most likely, he read this stuff in a book somewhere.)

This is about us making personal choices privately to ask long and communicate to our creator for her love (Ah, now we know that this "creator" is not God. We conclude he is talking about some pagan goddess like Gaia. "Many Neopagans worship Gaia. Beliefs regarding Gaia vary, ranging from the belief that Gaia is the Earth to the belief that she is the spiritual embodiment of the earth, or the Goddess of the Earth."

This would certainly make sense given his veganism, for it would certainly be immoral to eat a fellow creature.)

and truth to transform the condition of our soul.

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