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Monday, November 12, 2018

Killing an animal is murder - FB conversation

A FB friend posted this.

Vladka November 5 at 6:25 PM ·

I don’t even know what to say! My little Joshua is growing up!!! Bitter sweet 😊❤️ I am super proud of him🙏❤️🙏

Jason: It’s actually quite sad to see a young boy be taught that it’s ok to take the life of another creature. The truth is all animals have the divine right to live freely without being murdered - kidnapped - live in suffering- torchered or used and abused in anyway. The more you desire to grow in love from within. You will see this and feel this very clearly.

Kenton: It’s sad for those who don’t hunt. Why? Because the bean fields in which the farmer is growing tofu has an abundance of rabbits, turtles, mice, raccoons and so many more little animals that are being murdered without cause, except to grow the beans for vegans. We can definitely dig much deeper on this subject. I don’t know how right it would be to judge anyone but ourselves.

Kip: Awesome job little buddy bringing home the steaks!!

Kip: Jason, its only your truth. Shut up. Keep your hippie loving mushroom eating opinion to yourself. Not needed. That deer is tasty steaks.

Kenton: Jason, step outside of what you’re saying. Do you understand the farmers who raise your tofu burgers and turkeys kill the animals who try to eat the beans? This is your truth, everyone has their own truth. What has a vegan done for wildlife?! Seriously! People who think like this do not understand the balance that is required. The wolves which were released into Yellowstone, they kill elk, deer and moose for fun. This is not what we do, we carefully prepare these delicious burgers, steaks, breakfast sausages, jerky, salami so we can invite you and your family over to enjoy organic food. You’re barking up the wrong tree my friend. You ask us to dig deep, I ask you to dig even deeper to see the animals killed to protect your lifestyle too.

Jason: Thanks for your feedback brother. Keep progressing in love bro. We’re all learning and growing. Thanks for the conversation.

Stepanka: Do you feel proud because your son kills an animal? Incomprehensible

Kip: Stepanka, VERY PROUD!! That boy is learning how to provide good healthy organic food for himself and his family in the future. Don’t like the post? Roll on by. We do not need your opinions. I see on your page your eating innocent oysters. Poor things. If you preach it. Live it.

Vladka: I am proud of him that he gets out there,have fun and provides organic meat for us. This is not easy to do, it takes hard work and courage. You are seeing from completely different side and I understand it as well. Hugs 🤗

Kenton: Why yes, yes we do😊


Vladka: You guys are missing the whole point of this post. I am sorry Jason and Stepanka if you feel this way, it wasn’t my intention to insult anyone, it doesn’t even come to my mind, ultimately in nature animals kill animals oh my goodness right and this is the whole point of hunting, knowing how to survive and provide organic food for your family plus how beautiful it is to be in nature exercise and learn many more skills hunting offers.

Vladka; Love you Jason and Stepanka anyway ❤️ There is a place for all🙏

Jason: No need to apologize. I’m not insulted. I’m just stating truth. And no it’s not my personal truth. It’s actually our creators truth. The truth is that it is unloving to kill harm or torture any living creature. Now i do agree with you about unloving practices the vegan industry does do to farm certain products. Their is a loving and unloving way way of doing everything. The truth is if you desire to work on your beliefs and your emotional injuries around this topic and just experiment with what I’m saying - you will come to this understanding as well. The truth is you can live a loving sustainable full healthy life with the right amount of nutrients and vitamins with plants. The truth also is that you don’t need to eat food if you don’t want to live a sustainable loving healthy life if you have progressed enough with our creators love. But that’s another topic and yes their are people that live on earth that live solely on their breathe (air) and water. Lots of them are spirit influenced but it is possible. The way you breathe is actually more vital to your body than what you put in it. I actually eat about a meal and half right now and I’m now eating more raw foods because my body craves live nutrition- I’ve been experimenting for the last 15 years as a vegetarian and vegan. I understand how you all feel. I get it. I been there. Just have an open heart to experiment yourself and see what comes out of it. It’s all good on my side. I have no anger or resentment towards any of you.

Kip: Jason, Genesis 1:24-31

Jason: Thank you Kip. But the truth is the Bible is filled with truths and filled with untruths. The Bible has many false claims on the truth about God - love - the spiritual world and the real life of our brother Jesus. Thanks for sharing your feedback.

Me: Competing truth claims. On what basis should I accept either?

Jason: Rich, you shouldn’t accept any but go through your own personal experimentations to feel what’s loving and unloving on every topic and subject. Good luck.

Me: Jason, You'll have to explain. You made two truth claims: "I’m just stating truth. And no it’s not my personal truth," and "The Bible has many false claims on the truth about God..."

Those are statements of objective truth. Therefore, you are not at liberty to throw your moral claims around without stating the basis of them. And, you shall not backtrack to an amorphous "personal experimentation" after making objective claims of truth.

Jason: Rich, it’s all good bro. I have no expectations or demands upon you. Have a great weekend

Kip: Rich, it is only your truth. And your personal opinion. Its not up to anyone but you to prove your point and so called “truths” or “untruths”. Not anyone else’s.

Me: Kip, I made no truth claims. Nor did I express any opinions. I merely pointed out that Mr. Mangan contradicted himself. Therefore, I did prove my point.

I happen to believe that self-determined truth is not truth at all. One must appeal to an absolute to assert that all truth is relative.

Jason: There is absolute truth and one must figure that out for themselves. One has to have desire to investigate our creators love and truth. We must have a deep emotional longing from within to figure out absolute love and truth from our creators perspective- not ours. Their are billions of personal truths that are out of harmony with Gods love and truth. Don’t believe me. I’m just giving counsel and advice. I encourage you all to grow in love. Keep experimenting with what’s loving and unloving on everything based on how you feel. What does the heart feel. What does the soul feel. Get out of your intellectual mind and start having true real conversations with your feelings. Your feelings will set your true freedom. This is not about me or any religion or a book. This is about us making personal choices privately to ask long and communicate to our creator for her love and truth to transform the condition of our soul. Appreciate the conversation.

Me: "Must?" Really? Please, sir. Stop your moral prescriptions. You are in no position to impose your truth claim on anyone.

Jason: Rich, the only reason why I am engaging is because your engaging. I’ve been expressing myself with love and kindness and the truth is you haven’t. So I’m going to share truth to you about your unloving emotions that you have been projecting at me through this entire conversation. You have feelings inside of you that your above others. That your better than others. That’s unloving brother. You have deep amounts of suppressed and denied anger and rage within you that you do not want to feel through. You actually enjoy living in your anger because it makes you feel good having power over others. You desire to control others and have ownership over them because your not willing to feel through your anger and rage within. Which actually comes from your parents and our society. You attracted it from them. Your also in denial about your fears and terrors in life. You have no desire to feel the real grief inside of you. Because you enjoy living in a facade towards everyone else. You don’t want to feel your emotional injuries because you desire to live in a angry facade trying to dominate over others to make yourself feel good but the truth is you really don’t feel good within. I encourage you to dive deep within yourself and start feeling your true self. I’m not saying this because I’m guessing. I know this is true for you based on how you respond to messages that are challenging to your belief systems. I can feel your anger and rage. It just shows me that your not capable of having any loving conversations with a stranger through Facebook because you desire to control others in conversation. It would be unloving for me if i did not share this truth with you. So if you truly desire to have a conversation with me in a loving way. Let’s talk over the phone. Why not ? You put this much time and effort in our conversation already. Why not speak over the phone so we can really get to know one another.

Me: That is presumptuous of you. You don't know me, and you haven't earned the right to pass judgment on me.

For all the vague talk about love and kindness, the only thing you've actually done is accuse and condemn.

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