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Thursday, November 8, 2018


Found here. A very true word.


I'm convinced that church leaders who refuse to drop the mic and get off a stage to learn how to actively mother and father the generations will become obsolete in the days ahead. Obsolete meaning: Out of date. Churches shutting down. No longer effective and bearing fruit type obsolete.

The "old wineskin" in the Church is currently trembling because the saints are over the one man ministry does all model. They are looking for fathers and mothers who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do life with them. They don't care much about the sermons anymore. They are actually looking for church leaders to model a healthy marriage and what it looks like for your kids to serve the Lord with everything in them.
The "old wineskin" in the Church is confused because the saints can see through and recognize "fake" more than ever before. The days of plastic smiles and worshipping "platform ministry" are over. The "living room" in people's homes is now becoming the main attraction and focus. The saints are going to be taught and learn how to steward the presence of God in their homes before they ever try to welcome Him in a church service.

My heart aches and groans for so many church leaders in America (especially those in their 50's and 60's) that are set on continuing to do a model of church that has become obsolete. It worked back in the day, but those days are over. I continue to meet church leaders across the USA who are completely disconnected from the hunger rising in the generations in the earth. As one church leader in his early 60's recently told me, "The problem with the current hunger in this generation is that they want intimate relationship, which requires too much out of church leaders. In my day, the people were satisfied with coming and watching us minister. Now the people actually want to get involved, it's too bad." (I actually wept right in front of him).

As someone who interacts with hundreds of church leaders, I can assure you that this is NOT an isolated incident. I'm prophesying to you that thousands of church leaders in America are on the ropes, not sure if they can even keep going, because they have failed to recognize the new wineskin that is forming in the Church. The church leaders in the days ahead who will form the new wineskin that God will pour out the new wine into (whether they be 25 or 65 years old) will model and teach the following:

1. Drop the Microphone.
2. Get off the Stage.
3. Fire the Armor Bearers and Entourage.
4. Stop Hiding in the Green Room.
5. Be Accessible and Available to the People.
6. Don't ask people to do anything you won't do.
7. Father and Mother through Discipling.
8. Be Real and Transparent. Share the Mistakes.
9. Value the Prayer Room over the Platform.
10. Don't Compromise the Word of God.
11. Invite Saints into your Home and Lifestyle.
12. Empower and Make Room for Others to Lead.
13. Train, Equip, and Release.
14. Multiplication and Legacy are the Standard.
15. Humility brings Honor and Pride Repels Saints.

-Jeremiah Johnson

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