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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Just ‘not being a racist’ is no longer sufficient - by Sara Rushing

Found here. My comments in bold.

On Sept. 15, the Montana Racial Equity Project held a one-day forum on “Race in Montana.” The panels were excellent (though I may be biased, since I was on one), and the attendance was amazing. There is clearly a hunger in Bozeman, and around the state, for conversations about this crucial topic. Folks came from as far away as Great Falls to attend the forum. (I wonder what that attendance figure might really be, since leftists are given to prevaricating.)

Unfortunately, the people who worked tirelessly to organize this event and make sure it was a success are having their efforts repaid in harassment by white supremacists. (Again, we have no reason to believe the author. What constitutes harassment? Who are these white supremacists? Were there any police reports filed? How many arrests have been made? Who was harassed?)

This may not come as a surprise, given the many racist groups that call Montana home. As a report put out by the Southern Poverty Law Center in August showed, Montana leads the nation per capita in hate groups. (No one believes the SPLC any more, except leftists. That's because it long ago abandoned its mandate to fight racism and oppression and turned instead to leftist political advocacy.)

It is up to all of us who care about fighting racism to see, understand and combat this reality. Unfortunately, not everyone falls into the category of “people who care about fighting racism.” (That is, unless you agree with her, you are in the wrong category, and you're still a racist.)

Thus it is particularly incumbent upon white people who do share that goal. We have the privilege of not being racially vulnerable, (Try telling that to some white person who tried to walk through a black neighborhood in any major American city.)

and we have the responsibility for changing a history that white people created and perpetuate. (Whew. That's quite a claim. Apparently only white people are bigoted. Only white people had slaves. And only white people are to blame for all the problems of the world. 

I also want to refer you to a previous post where I account for the obsession leftists have for revising history.)

Now is the time to get clear on what this work involves. Simply “not being racist” is no longer sufficient, if it ever was. (No, and it won't be enough for the left when you've done all the things you are obligated to do. You'll still be a racist. Even after you bow before the god of anti - -  [insert your cause de jour here], you still haven't done enough. Hand over all your cash... oops, you're still a racist.

Racism is a problem that can never be allowed to be fixed.)

We should all make being actively anti-racist our goal. Stand up, show up, donate time and donate money. Read, ask questions, understand how implicit bias works, believe people of color when they tell you about the overt racism they encounter. Don’t look away. Looking away is a privilege, and one we must reject. There is no “auto-pilot” when it comes to justice. (You see, you haven't sufficiently embraced the cause. You need to step up. It isn't enough to simply lead your life, treating others with respect and kindness. No, you need to throw some bricks through windows and burn some police cars. March down the streets with obscene slogans. Dox some racists. Write letters to the editor. 

What's that, you say? You employ blacks and pay them a good wage? You helped put a roof on some poor person's house? You bought food for a homeless man? Why you racist! Don't you know that actually helping people is irrelevant? You are on auto-pilot. You need to do something real and substantial for the cause!)

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