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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Estimated cost of tax deductions

This was in my local paper a couple of days ago.

This is a perfect example of media bias. It's not malicious or deliberate, but it speaks to a mindset, a world view, that is present in the media.

The fact of the matter is tax deductions are not a cost. A deduction in the tax code means that government has decided to leave certain kinds of money alone. If government is not collecting revenue, it means that it remains in the pocket of the one who earned it. The rightful owner of the money gets to keep it.

The only way a deduction can be considered a cost to the government is if government has first claim on all money. That is, the money belongs to government, and it graciously grants the privilege that you and I keep some of it. Government carves out a tax exception and essentially says, "We're going to give you back some of our money that we took from you."

This is a governo-centric view, a bias, a colored lens.

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