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Friday, September 8, 2017

Will our country allow hate to become its norm? - By Ian Root

Found here. My comments in bold.

It was only a few days ago I posted my theory on why progressives hate history. It didn't take long for it to be confirmed. Either that or this is satire. If so, he fooled me.

In this post Charlottesville it is time to think about where we go from here. Do we keep the statues of the treasonous and white supremacists in place? Do we return to our lah-di-dah lives? Do we say that since that American holocaust period of slavery is over then everything is okay now? Do we block out the awful things that white people have done over the years to all people who didn’t look like them? (Irony alert. It is the Left who are pulling down statues and impugning the founders.  If anyone is trying to block out history, it's the Left.

(And by the way, who is "we?" This "we" he continually refers to is not you and me. Nope, it's government. He's calling for a government-enforced, systematic and systemic purging of history.)

Now is the time to reject the glorification of hatred. We have to throw off the shackles that binds us to the ugliness of the past. We have to wipe out the strain of blood from the public record. (Spoken like a true citizen of Oceania. Does Mr. Root remember he just decried the blocking out of history?)

History is written by the victors. However, we have to temper our celebration with understanding how the awful hatred led them to do what they did. (Once again, we see the Left cannot recall history without characterizing it as evil. Even moments of celebration aren't allowed. Leftists are like someone who shows up at grandma's birthday party, reminding the party-ers that they shouldn't be happy for her because used to be a drunk.

And thrown on a little armchair psychoanalysis in there for good measure. The "victors" who wrote history are haters. All of them. Therefore, any memory of them must be erased. Tear down Auschwitz! Obliterate the Lincoln Memorial! pulverize the Washington Monument! These are commemorations of evil, and no one must know about them!)

There are many towns and counties in our country named after white men who slaughtered this country’s aboriginal peoples (This country had no aboriginal peoples. The Native Americans were immigrants themselves.)

in the name of greed, religion or manifest destiny. (Easy enough to judge someone who lived hundreds of years ago according to modern leftist sensibilities. Apparently they weren't woke enough.)

The names have to be purged from our consciousness. (Report to the programming center for re-education.)

We have to send a message to today’s white supremacists that the long celebration of hate is over. (Wow, that's never been done before. What a great idea.)

We have to tell them that they are not fine people. We have to get them out of positions of power. (We again. "We" have to get people out of power, but no one like who he describes is in power. And if "we" put them in office, then "we" have spoken. Because democracy.)

We cannot as a country look the other way when the police kill unarmed citizens. (Who exactly is looking the other way?)

We cannot allow the government to destroy families under the guise of illegal immigration. (Now "we" isn't government any longer. "We" have to be against government in this instance. I thought it was white supremacists or something?)

We must do better. We are at a junction in our national development. Do we allow the mainstreaming of hate or do we take another path? (A very odd binary equation. He sets us up for one of two choices as if we must agree with him or allow the mainstreaming of hate.)

We must actually believe and live the words of the documents we all say we admire. (Documents like the Declaration and the Constitution? Those documents that created a country from what was stolen from the "aboriginal peoples?" Written by white European patriarchal slave owners? Those documents that lionize the Creator? Those documents, ancient and a product of a bygone era, which could never be expected to function in today's complex society? 

As I mentioned, this reads like satire. If it is, well done, Mr. Root.)

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