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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What Do Democrats Stand For? by ROBERT REICH

Found here. My comments in bold.

The Democratic Party can lead the country in a new direction, but will it? (We will discover shortly what Dr. Reich considers "new.")

Millions of Americans who are politically engaged for the first time in their lives are crying out for a bold alternative to bigoted and destructive policies. (Are they? Didn't Trump ride in on a wave of voter discontent with the existing scenario as established by Obama?)

But Democrats can’t just be anti-Trump or move to the middle. (Democrats have never, ever moved to the middle. They expect Republicans to compromise, which interpreted, means agree with them.)

To be successful Democrats must address the forces that created Trump: The toxic combination of widening inequality and racism. (Clearly Dr. Reich doesn't understand why Trump was elected. He appears to think that widening inequality is on the minds of Trump voters, which of course it is not. Indeed, widening inequality happened on Obama's watch.

As far as racism, it its inexplicable to suggest that people voted for Trump because of it. This is the very same country that elected Obama twice.

No, the reason Trump was elected was because of the old boy network of power brokers in government. Trump promised to drain the swamp. That resonated with voters. If Dr. Reich doesn't address this crucial point, he is demonstrating that he can't see past the buzzword issues of the Left.)

The richest one percent now own more than the bottom 90 percent. Corporations and the rich are running our politics. (Yes, this is the system created by and sustained by the Left. Big money in politics is because there is big money in government.)

The resulting economic stresses have made many people vulnerable to Trump’s politics of hate and bigotry. (That is an incredible leap of illogic. it deserves nary a rebuttal.)

If Democrats stand for one thing, it must be overcoming this unprecedented economic imbalance and creating a multi-racial, multi-ethnic coalition of the bottom 90 percent, to take back our economy and politics. (Take back from whom? Itself?)

This requires, at the least: (Prepare yourself for a litany of time-worn quasi-socialist "solutions" that have been tried over and over again for 80 years with no discernible positive results.)

1. Public investments in world-class schools and infrastructure for all.

2. Free public universities and first-class technical training for all;

3. Single-payer Medicare-for-All;

4. Higher taxes on the wealthy to pay for this;

5. Using antitrust to break up powerful monopolies on Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Agriculture.

6. Getting big money out of our politics.

(This all is exactly what Democrats have been running on for decades. All of this is already in operation.  This is what constitutes Dr. Reich's "new direction," which is exactly what Trump was elected to reverse. The new direction is the old direction, the direction that created wealth inequality, racism, corruption, and the imminent collapse of our economy. 

Voters rejected this. They want a new direction that is actually different than the old direction. the old direction is the Democrat direction. The old direction is failed. The old direction is the swamp.)

Together, these steps form an agenda to reclaim our economy and democracy for all. Will Democrats lead the way? 

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