(Mr. Lourie has a long and ignoble history, as previously chronicled on these blog pages. So it should be no surprise that his reappearance here is to further document his ignominy. In today's letter he responds to one written by Debbie Moran.
First, Ms. Moran's letter:
In light of recent irresponsible comments about the Tea Party, I thought I’d take a moment to explain who we are.
We are salt-of-the-earth, hard-working Americans who have pride in and love our country. We are a generous people, who quietly give to those that need a hand up. We treat one another with respect and dignity and believe we are all created equal.
Many are business owners who are truly concerned about how they will be able to stay in business and provide good-paying jobs and health insurance for their employees. With Obamacare, the EPA and the many other regulations coming from the government that are being forced upon us, the costs are simply too much.
We feel it is our duty to stand up and protect the freedoms and pass on the same opportunities to the generations that follow. We don’t want to leave our children and grandchildren with an unsustainable debt. It is immoral and puts their future in grave danger.
We are for all Americans to be given the opportunity to succeed in life; we are for a free-market healthcare system that is affordable and provide for those that were falling through the cracks. We are for being good stewards of our land while taking advantage of the vast energy resources. We are for protecting our Constitution.
We realize that the people who want to control every aspect of our lives and want us to sell our soul and livelihood for small handouts from the government will attack us and make us out to be the enemy and something we are not. The truth will eventually shine through. We are the backbone of a free and prosperous society.
Debbie Moran, Belgrade
(Before you read his reply, let me note that Mr. Lourie is simply giving us a verbatim regurgitation of a "cheat sheet" offered to liberals, to be used to steer Thanksgiving conversations. This is so incredible that I'm reposting the cheet sheat:

Now for Mr. Lourie's reply:
Astonishment describes my reaction to the Belgrade letter writer’s praise for the tea party. This “backbone of a free and prosperous society” has been a late night punch line for two years, heaped with ridicule for its machiavellian agenda, scorned for shutting down the government idling 800,000 workers, and decried for its pernicious political theater. The “respect and dignity” ascribed to these extremists, depicting them as “good stewards of our land” belies an agenda rejecting the wishes of a large majority of voters.
Tea party-led Republicans, including Montana’s Steve Daines, have voted more than 40 times to repeal health care reform, and have cost our economy $24 billion by shutting down the government. Americans favor keeping “Obamacare” by a 20 point margin (58 percent to 38 percent.) It has already saved seniors $8.9 billion in prescription drug costs, $1,209/ person.
They blocked raising the minimum wage to $10/hour, which would increase income for 30 million Americans, 40 percent of whom today earn less than the 1968 minimum wage. (“Generous people?” “Treating one another with respect and dignity?”) Tea party-led Republicans voted against closing loopholes rewarding corporations shipping American jobs overseas. They overruled 63 percent of Americans, across party lines, who support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Tea partier Paul Ryan’s budget slashes Pell Grants, will likely give millionaires a $245,000 average tax break. Middle-class families would, on average, pay an additional $3,000 in taxes. Eighty-nine percent of Americans support background checks for all gun buyers; “salt of the earth” Tea partiers rejected them. Tea partiers voted against the Violence Against Women Act and targeted birth control access in their shutdown extortion. They refused to vote on ENDA, which would protect LGBT Americans from workplace discrimination.
Clearly, tea partiers have proven themselves the antithesis of “the backbone of a prosperous society.”
(I have asserted many times before that Leftists simply repeat talking points. They mindlessly spew what they've been told with nary a critical thought process applied. So here we see, in stark detail, that I am proved correct.
Not only does Mr. Lourie repeat talking points, he copied them, in order, to the last detail, and submitted it as a letter to the editor. Mr. Laurie is so intellectually lazy, such a mind-numbed robot, so much a Pavlov's dog, that he can't even come up with an original letter to submit!
Having done this, we realize that nothing in his letter can possibly be aimed at refuting Ms. Moran. In fact, he had no intention of doing so.
This may explain why leftists have such difficulty refuting their interlocutors, preferring to spout slogans and hateful invective. I suspect they simply don't have the capacity to respond without having received their marching orders.)
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