a point to ponder when deciding how sincere Hobby Lobby's owners are when they say their objection to the Affordable Care Act is due to its inclusion of birth control.
If they REALLY believed that, wouldn't they be sourcing their inventory from countries that are more consistent with those values?
D.F.: Sourcing from China is perfectly consistent with their main value -- greed.
S.E.: I think this company is bullshit however...how is sourcing from China an integrity issue? at least today in this market place? I mean I also see the pile on on Walmart...mainly because they are a juggernaut and a convenient huge target...Do you really know where your goods and food that you buy come from? Come on people! Have a bit of contemporary perspective!
S.B.: I've got no problem with buying goods from China, Skip -- but if one is going to drag the ACA all the way to the Supreme Court on the argument that it forces them to support birth control practices that are contrary to their corporate values -- well, one would think that the same concern would pervade their sourcing of products as well.
K.B.: I don't shop there due to their anti-gay sentiments. As with the birth control issue, it is their right to believe what they will, and my right to not give them my business. I don't believe they should be allowed to opt out, however, as the ACA is law. I'd like to know what their family leave policy is for these minimum wage workers who can't afford to buy birth control on their own and become pregnant.
S.E.: S.B., ...the context of my "comment" related directly to D.F.'s comment...not the entire original premise of your post...
D.F.: If being screwed by your employer could lead to pregnancy, the birth control issue would be an even graver concern.
G.M.: I think most of the abortions are government demanded to try to control population/size of families. If the people forced to have the abortions were given a choice most want the children. The companies and workers in China aren't the problem with abortions but rather the Chinese government!
D.F.: No dump taken. lol. My comment was simply a fast way of saying that owners of companies like Hobby Lobby like to play the morality card when it supports their position, but at the end of the day, their decisions are generally driven by their own desire to maximize their profit (which is fine; but one shouldn't pretend to be more morally driven than one actually is -- unless one wants to be ridiculed by FB posters).
T.P.: I can't help but think that if the same principle were applied to other religions all of a sudden it is a problem. I have had to give up shopping there due to their position towards the health of their female employees.
Me: What percentage of their purchases are from state-owned businesses?
S.B.: somewhere around 45% of industry in China was still state owned in 2002, though not sure that it's still that high.
Me: And what percentage of Hobby Lobby's purchases are from state owned businesses?
S.B.: THAT, I don't know, Rich -- and I doubt they do either.
A better discussion of the topic than I'm prepared to host appears here:

Christians Question Hobby Lobby's Defense, Biblical Stance Against Obamacarewww.christianpost.com
Me: It seems obvious to me that one ought to know how much of their purchases, if any, are actually hypocritical before one claims hypocrisy.
J.A.: I agree it appears hypocritical, but almost everything comes from China. If they were able to buy their stock elsewhere, would they be able to compete with other stores? Besides, China has a form of government which this country has detested and fought against in war after war...yet we are over the top in our financial support of it and take money from it in the form of loans without blinking.
D.R.: Support those you feel your money should go to, don't shop at stores that you feel are wrong or make you feel yucky. It's that simple. This government and big business could make your head spin if you sit and dig to far past the surface. Take care of your families, your neighbors, and if you have money and energy left your community. If everyone did their part, we wouldn't need all these mandates and government hand outs.
I spend my money with both those of the right and left mind of thinking. My time and my experience are way more important then what the company does behind closed doors. If I worried about that too much I wouldn't shop anywhere most likely. That's the great part about America we should be able to run our businesses how we want, the markets and communities we serve can decide if we stay in business or not.
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