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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Obama created 12 million jobs, brought the stock market to record highs, got Bin Laden...

One of those Occupy memes that so typically has trouble with the facts.

12 million jobs: Actually, between January of 2009 and September of 2015 the number is 8,414,000 jobs, none of which were created by President Obama, because presidents don't create jobs, businesses do.

And by the way, the labor force participation rate in January of 2009 was 65.7%, while in September of 2015 it was 62.4%. In other words, although the number of jobs increased, the number of people not employed increased more. People are dropping out of the labor force because they can't find work.

And it is worth noting that some have asserted that most of those jobs went to non-Americans.

Stock market to record highs: A great thing for the fatcats on Wall Street I'm sure, but the middle class is not flush with a stock portfolio and corporate perks. Oh, and by the way, presidents don't increase the stock market, businesses do.

Got Bin Laden: I believe that was Seal Team 6, not Obama.

Got 17 million health insurance: I believe that was insurance companies, not Obama. And by the way, how is it that only 17 million of the 50 million uninsured got insured? With Obamacare being mandatory and all?

Saved the American Auto Industry: Both Chrysler and Chevrolet filed for bankruptcy AFTER receiving their bailouts. Ford, which did not take a bailout, did not file for bankruptcy.

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