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Monday, September 23, 2013

*Updated* Will to help poor woefully lacking - letter by Jay Moor

Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.
*Update* Regarding Mr. Moor's claim that "...they would take food stamps away from families with hungry children...," now comes a report that those eeevil Republicans are not cutting food stamps at all. From the article: "The Republicans want to increase food stamp spending 57%. The Democrats had previously planned to increase it by 65% (to $764 billion over 10 years instead of the $725 billion in the Republican bill), so they depict the Republicans as “meanspirited class warriors” seeking “deep cuts.” "Nuff said.
Mr. Moor is a never-ending source of amusement. You can find previous letters here, and particularly, here. He's a doctrinaire leftist, a true believer, whose entire perspective is filtered through two ideas: 1) people with whom he disagrees (in particular, Republicans) are the source of all evil in the world today, and 2) Government is invariably good, so cutting it is tantamount to hating the poor. 

There seems to be no nuance to his thinking, no due consideration of other points of view. He appears rigid in his viewpoint with no toleration of variation from his perspective. It seems he thinks that anyone who does have a different opinion is alternately a hater, a racist, a misogynist, or greedy. As such, one might think there is no room for diversity of thought for Mr. Moor.

Read on:
Taking the wrong side at every opportunity, too many of our politicians insist on making life unbearable for the poor. Turning loose every pit-bull demon straining at the leash of decency, they work unashamedly to deny help to the impoverished. (Since he refers to politicians, clearly he thinks that the government programs they control are the remedy for poverty. Cutting them, therefore, is making life unbearable for the poor.)

They have schemed for three years to take away affordable health care, now within reach of the uninsured. (Once again, a government program, being confused with compassion, being defended.)

They staunchly resist any public program and tax that might ask the wealthy to join in solidarity with their less fortunate fellow-citizens. (Again, he defends government "solutions." 

But note the clever use of language. We need to inquire, has someone really "asked" the wealthy to do something? Are these "public programs" and taxes voluntary? The rich are apparently being "asked" to "join in solidarity" [Solidarity: "Unity or agreement of feeling or action, esp. among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group."] with the poor. "Solidarity," of course, actually means government acting to pick the pockets of the rich, in a quite mandatory manner.)

They use the non-problem of election fraud (This is a prevalent [and completely false] meme from the Left, an issue I discuss here.) 

to remove from voter rolls those poor citizens who may take a more empathetic stand on social issues. ("Moral issues," which I guarantee has nothing to do with the kind of morals that might typically spring to mind. It's just a buzz-phrase designed to divert and obfuscate. Mr. Moor is not interested in the poor voting pro-life or for less government meddling. 

More to the point, Mr. Moor wants people who haven't proved who they are to be able to vote, because those people are likely poor minorities [By the way, a racist idea, Mr. Moor], and they will "take a more empathetic stand" by voting themselves more benefits, which Mr. Moor is happy to have government pay for.)

They are busy destroying public school systems (Undocumented claim.) 

and making higher education unattainably expensive.(Another undocumented claim. It is worth mentioning, however, that the reason that higher education is expensive is because government subsidizes it for so many people, which in turn means the ones who pay to go to school get charged more. And student loans facilitate the increase by making installment payments available. This means the felt cost of education is lowered, so the price of it can be increased. Of course a commodity will increase in price when the source of funding is increased in availability! This, of course, is the fault of government and its leftist agitators.)

They insist on life-wrecking jail time for delinquent or merely disobedient youth. (?  Criminals shouldn't go to jail? Whaa? We must pause to note that this is a typical rhetorical style of Mr. Moor. He tosses out undocumented random accusations in a stream-of-consciousness style that leaves the reader scratching their heads. What is this guy talking about?)

They thwart living-wage legislation in the name of trickle down, a thoroughly debunked economic theory that would have the poor looking for scraps that never fall from the tables of the rich. (These 33 words have several unsubstantiated assertions. It would take 300 words to answer each one. But doing so imputes a rationality of thought not warranted by Mr. Moor's presentation. It would be a mistake to rationally analyze irrationality. 

But real quick: First, who has invoked trickle down regarding living wage legislation? Name names, please. Second, trickle down has not been debunked, let alone thoroughly. And by the way, Mr. Moor himself believes in trickle down, if the trickling comes from government. Third, he describes trickle down in a completely spurious way, while simultaneously managing to impugn the rich as scrooges.)

Now, they would take food stamps away from families with hungry children. (So might we ask why Mr. Moor is not similarly outraged that government policies and interventions into the private economy have increased the number of people on food stamps at an unprecedented pace? And would it be rude to point out that Obama has presided over a record number of people forced to unemployment? And we can justifiably assert that the poverty rate, especially amongst blacks, has increased more than any other time in the last 100 years? And what about the gap between the rich and the poor, which has not been larger since FDR's administration? This president has been in office 5 years, and has solved nothing. In fact, things are much worse. 

So with exploding welfare rolls, and food stamp enrollees increasing geometrically under the Obama administration, all of Mr. Moor's outrage is directed at those who want to reel in waste, abuse, and fraud? Mr. Moor, could we beg for a scrap of outrage for the perpetrators of the continuing financial woes of the country, courtesy President Obama?)

Despite all the stories of honest struggle by America’s poor to simply subsist, even when employed at two or three jobs, the response is the offending and often impossible, “get a job.” (He swerves into the truth. There are few jobs, but by george there is a recovery out there, thanks to our savior Obama! Like this:

The poor are unemployed largely because of government policies and spending practices that have wasted trillions of dollars, much of which has been scooped up by Obama's corporate cronies. Companies are reeling under the burden of obamacare. And private citizens are hunkering down even more, protecting their assets, not wasting money on unnecessary expenses, and keeping their heads down. This will continue for as long as Obama insists that printing money and then spending it on harebrained projects somehow will function as a "stimulus.")

Whether motivated by latent bigotry (poverty is nearly three times greater among blacks and Hispanics than whites), (Thanks to Leftist policies that have relegated blacks to the back of the economic bus by keeping them on government plantations [the "hood"], stealing their opportunities by writing them a monthly check while they languish in the projects, and destroying their families by making it more profitable to have children outside of traditional families.) 

naked racism (Obama shall not be allowed to succeed at anything) (Yes, even principled political opposition is racism these days.) 

or voodoo economics (feed only the wealthy and smart), (?  Another wild-eyed crazy statement. Someone is feeding only the wealthy and the smart, and no one else is eating? What?) 

these misguided compatriots of ours are abusing the democratic process to kill our democracy. (WE. DON'T. HAVE. A. DEMOCRACY. Period. End of story. Historically speaking, the killers of the American system are people like Mr. Moor, whom the Founders would have been repelled by. They understood the problems with all-powerful government used as a tool to punish some and reward others. That's why they severely limited the power of government. 

The Left has been systematically dismantling these checks and balances ever since, so that now groups of people can vote themselves money if they have the majority. The Left is not only bankrupting us, but are curtailing our freedoms. And too many "moderate" Republicans are happily helping. 

Where government increases, it is axiomatic that liberty shrinks. So, any sort of destruction of the American system must be laid at the feet of the left because of their advocacy for interventionist, top-down control-type government.)

Please, enough of the effusive but vague letters of endorsement. I would like to hear from candidates for city, state and national office what they would do — and not do — to improve directly the life chances of our less fortunate citizens. (And I would like to hear from Mr. Moor exactly how he going to personally address the problems he has enumerated. Will he be getting out his checkbook and contribute to the food kitchen? Will he be taking in homeless people and giving the shelter? Will he be hiring unemployed people?

Mr. Moor has a lot to say about what other people should do. But let's have him lay it on the table what he plans to do with his own money. Lead by example, Mr. Moor. You have plenty of money, I'm sure. Show your solidarity to the poor. Pay for someone's college. Support an orphan. Then maybe you have the moral authority to cast the first stone, eh?)

Jay Moor Bozeman

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