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Friday, September 6, 2013

Portal School

I know these folks very well. Good people.

They're embarking on this new ministry, and of course have a lot to say about it. But in dozens of web pages and thousands of words, there are only two Scriptures mentioned, here and here.

In charismatic circles there is a language spoken about discovery and relationship and destiny that seems revelational, but doesn't in actual fact say much at all without an understanding of the underlying concepts. We charismatics tend to say things as if people know what we're talking about, forgetting to tie these concepts into the living Word of God. Then people say, "Ah, THIS is that."

It could be just an oversight. But maybe they're purposeful in their presentation. Perhaps they are trying to filter out people who don't talk the language. I don't know. But I do know that if we want to facilitate the advance the kingdom of God, we need to not assume people know these concepts and how they're tied to Scripture.

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