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Monday, November 19, 2012

GOP would do well to craft inclusive policy - Letter by Jay Moor

My responses interspersed in bold. Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes.
Bill O’Reilly of Fox noticed. “[I]t’s not a traditional America anymore,” he said. “The white establishment is the minority.” Neo-cons, neoliberals and the oligarchs — the white establishment — saw it coming and decided an open democracy (open democracy is the enemy of the Left. If the Left ever let it slip what they really believe, they would never win another election. Their modus operandi is to obfuscate. They whip up peoples' emotions with bumpersticker slogans and empty rhetoric, trotting bogeymen and monsters to scare people. As we read the rest of his letter, you will find these techniques everywhere.) 

no longer worked to their advantage. So they let loose an engine of change powered by nihilist politicians, an activist Supreme Court, ALEC, a corrupted Congress, rigged elections, faithbased constituencies, profitoriented media and a co-opted Republican Party (I know it's a 300 word letter to the editor, but all we have here is a list of devils. Let's see if Mr. Moor actually substantiates any of his assertions).

They intended to retake political power by making white people afraid of non-whites (While the Left makes sure everyone knows how eeeevil and racist their opponents are) 

and driving non-whites out of the political process with voter suppression, deportation and lies (Sigh. I'm sure the author is referencing voter ID laws, which I discuss here. I won't rehash that argument except to say that ID requirements are reasonable and color blind.).

To make sure the changes were irreversible, the white male establishment began to dismantle government, too (The advantage of laundry list charges, of course, is there is never a need to be specific or cite examples. One might reasonably wonder that how in this era of bloated government, what dismantling could the author be talking about? I sincerely doubt he could find a single program that has had a reduced budget, let alone be dissolved. Dismantling government? I can only classify that charge as fairyland preposterous.). This had the added advantage of deregulating dangerous-but-profitable economic activities, dissolving safety nets for (poor) Democratic voters

(Yeah, we sure don't want those poor Republican voters having a safety net) 

and reducing taxes on unearned profits (ho-boy. There is no such thing as "unearned profits." A company is entitled to every dollar it legally receives from its business enterprises.).

But, they weren’t fast enough. While the establishment was building its fear-mongering juggernaut, America shape-shifted. Whites were turning into a minority, so that, in our recent election, the establishment candidates captured fewer votes just as champions of growing minorities improved their electability (Tell that to Herman Cain, Mia Love, Alan West...) .

Rather than pull out the throttle in a futile attempt to leave America’s democracy (this continual misrepresentation borders on psychotic. We are not a democracy. Or perhaps the author can tell us what his vote was on the debt ceiling? Or what side he voted for majority leader? What was his vote for the last omnibus spending bill? He did not cast a vote for any of these things, because he can't. Clearly we are not a democracy.)

in the rear-view mirror, the Republican Party must stop driving the establishment’s limousine and stand for something more positive (Ooh, can't wait! He, a leftist, is going to tell Republicans how to win! The problem is, by the contents of his letter we can pretty clearly see that he has no idea what the right believes, so how can he tell us to stand for "something more positive?" And really, as you read his letter, do you feel like himself is being positive and constructive? Didn't think so...).

Continued attempts to isolate minorities, to destroy their political power and to use white male voters as hired guns is a fruitless strategy (Case in point. None of this is even close to true. Not that it needs to be in his eyes, since the only thing he has done up to this point is to craft a laundry list of assertions)

Better . would be for the Republican Party to make an honest commitment to consult all Americans in crafting an inclusive national economic platform that lets our elite — bankers, financiers, manufacturers, resource extractors and service providers — know that their role is as the peoples’ agent not master (uh, what? Bankers and business people are agents of the people? They are to be pressed into service for the, what, betterment of humanity? Imagine! Because you own a business, in Mr. Moor's dreamworld you cede your right to your own purposes and must serve the interests of society, as determined by the strong arm of government. This hyper marxist rhetoric belongs in the land of pink unicorns and rainbows. People serve the interests of others only by consent. Any coercion is a breach of property rights and anti-freedom. Mr. Moor, and for that matter, society, has no claim whatsoever on the private, legal transactions of other people.).

Then, the two parties can debate the merits of constructive ideas and collaborate for a real change (There's that compromise issue so near and dear to leftists. I discuss the real nature of compromise here and here. The thing is, we've already had the "real change" Mr. Moor calls for, intensified over the last four years, but in place at least for the last 50. He, like Obama, like to pretend they have just walked into the room only to discover the 600 pound gorilla. But they've been in power, they've created this monstrosity. The gorilla is theirs, they fed it, nurtured it, and got exactly what one gets. And the result is trillions of debt, increasing poverty and misery, and financial devastation. The profligate spending of both Democrats and Republicans is destroying this country. Their studied ignorance of government of the constitution is appalling. The left has gotten pretty much everything they want over the last decades, and here is the result. One wonders what sort of Matrix they live in, because they want even more!).

Jay Moor

(So, to conclude, can we find anything in Mr. Moor's letter that when he makes a charge he provides evidence or substantiates it in any way? Nope, it's the typical litany of leftist talking points recited ad nauseum, like a chant from an eastern religion: "Government, government, government is good, it is good, good government, oh so good. Business bad, evil, bad, greedy bad, if you're not like me you're bad.")

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