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Monday, February 13, 2012

Lies of the right wing - The Nation

These guys are a hoot with their hysterics. In an email entitled, "The Truths Behind Right-Wing Lies," they fail to identify a single lie, instead changing the term to malfeasance. Malfeasance is defined as "the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law..."

They claim the "delusional right" considers universal healthcare "anti-American," but that is neither a lie nor malfeasance, it's simply an opinion, and an opinion that is not outside the realm of civil, considered debate.

Neither is "attacking" birth control (granting that this is indeed what is happening).

As for the lawbreaking millionaires, why might it be that none have gone to prison? Could it be another failure of government, of which Obama is president? 

Read on:

Learn the truth behind the lies.

American life expectancy has fallen to 49th in the world – but the delusional right still considers universal healthcare “anti-American”
Anti-choice activists are gearing up to attack birth control
Not one multimillionaire behind the financial collapse has gone to prison

If you consider these examples of malfeasance as OUTRAGEOUS as we do, it’s time you met The Nation.

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