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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Discovery Channel programming - FB conversation

S.B. posted this: 

"Whoever the programming genius was that convinced discovery channel that playing back to back to back episodes of lousy reality shows is a good idea, should be locked in a room with nothing but "swamp people" on for five days straight."

P.H.: Yeah. It's discovery I'd rather do without!
A.S.: Sick of all this "reality" crap on TV, I swear if I had a 44 magnum and I saw Jersey shore come on or the likes I would have a tv graveyard just like Elvis did! Why do we want to know about the boring miserable and shallow lives of fake people we don't even know? Its no wonder our country is the way it is....

P.H.: How about Sista Wives? Or that show that exploits little girls? Does anyone really care how you cut down a tree, drive an 18 wheeler in bad weather, or catch an alligator?

J.J.:  Mass media has always served to deliver a vicarious experience. It’s not limited to content. Owning an iPhone connects you to the community of 23 year-olds living on the West coast. These are powerful drugs.

Me:  Interesting to see liberals complaining about content on TV...

S.B.: Why? I guess I don't understand why we wouldn't? 

Me: Because when conservatives complain about it, they are labeled censors and bigots, and told to turn the channel. 

S.B.: Bullshit rich. It must be really fucking hard to go through life with such a huge chip in your shoulder. Grow a pair and get over it. I'm really tired of hearing how hard life is for conservatives. 

Me: Calm down. When you get angry, your reading comprehension suffers. I said nothing about how hard life is. If you have a refutation, I'd love to see it. Or even a simple statement of disagreement.

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