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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Responding to Dr. Michael Brown's Questioning of Discernment Ministers - By Anthony Wade

Found here. Our comments in bold.

"Discernment" ministers don't like to be discerned. They bristle at being questioned, held to their own standards, or subject to any sort of evaluation.

Rev. Wade is offended at the questions posed by Dr. Brown. He's outraged that anyone might suggest that "discernment" ministers ought to be held accountable. The thing about it is, "discernment" ministers are often worthy of criticism. They are too often over-the-top, insulting, and, yes, down right wrong. 

In keeping with their hyperbolic tendencies, their response to criticism is also hyperbolic.

Here's a "discernment" ministry that claims that its brand of discernment is definitionally loving.

This is a "discernment" minister who was respectfully asked a question about the status of her heart when she writes about false teachers, and her response is truly astounding.

This same person does concede that some criticism is deserved, but spends the greater part of her article complaining about how difficult it is to be a "discernment" minister.

Here we have a person who believe that only false teachers are divisive, which apparently justifies any and all bad behavior of "discernment" ministers towards false teachers.

"Discernment" ministers can get really nasty. Here's some examples:
  • Here's a fellow who seriously wants all charismatics to die of COVID (from Protestia's predecessor "Pulpit and Pen").
  • Karen Swallow, an admittedly questionable Christian, was "discerned" (by Protestia) as follows:
hideously ugly
post-menopausal woman 
bizarre wardrobe choices
a penchant for cackling
no personal charisma
a face that scares children
a voice that sounds like nails down a chalkboard
uglier on the inside than she is on the outside
the personality of a Roomba 
 the personal charisma of fetid corpse
unpleasant and evil woman
  • Here's a "discernment minister" (also from Protestia) who thinks it's appropriate to rank the worst Christian of the year.
  • Here's one who accuses a person of committing the unforgiveable sin.
  • This man feels it's within the bounds of proper discourse to call someone an imbecile (also from Protestia's predecessor "Pulpit and Pen").
  • T.D. Jakes might have some problems, but here's what a Rev. Wade himself wrote about him: TD Jakes deserves no honor among bible teaching, God-fearing men. Like you, he deserves nothing but our contempt and the working end of the shepherd's rod.
  • Rev. Wade also says we don't have to pray for people who are false teachers.
There are many more examples, including from Rev. Wade, that we could list. We don't want to suggest the above examples are typical, but they happen frequently enough that they're not aberrations. 

Lastly, Rev. Wade's "devotional" doesn't contain a single quote from the Bible or a discussion of any spiritual principle. It's continually dismaying to us how these people think they can be any sort of minister, let alone a discernment minister, without quoting or even discussing the Bible.

Ironically, right after I posted a devotional (!!) detailing the various strategies Dr. Michael Brown employes (sic) in response to his recent sensitivity about being called false, I came across a tweet where he feigns to be merely asking honest questions of discernment ministers. I say feigns because what he is clearly doing is trying to mock and marginalize his critics by asking self-serving questions that reveal how little he truly understands. I am unsure if he expected honest answers but I have nothing to hide after a decade of exposing false teaching. So, I am game.

"Some honest questions for those whose primary "ministry" is critiquing others:" - Dr. Michael Brown

I normally would not start with just the intro line but even here we see his disingenuousness. By placing ministry in quotes, he is signaling his followers that discernment is not really a ministry. (Maybe. We might agree with Dr. Brown since so much of what we see in "discernment" is grenade lobbing.)

I understand why since Dr. Brown relies on his followers not being able to discern. This also reveals that he is not an honest broker in this debate. He just doesn't like being called out for his nonsense. So, he lashes out while pretending to take the high road. (We will soon see how rich the irony of this statement is.)

The other sleight of hand he tries to pull off here is to twist the discernment of teaching into a personal attack. (In order for there to be a "personal attack" there needs to be a person. Which person is Dr. Brown personally attacking?)

The ministry is not critiquing others but rather correcting false teaching. (Critique: 
  1. A critical evaluation or analysis, especially one dealing with works of art or literature.
  2. The art of criticism.
  3. A critical examination or estimate of a work of literature or art; a critical dissertation or essay; a careful and thorough analysis of any subject; a criticism.”
We are unable to identify any relevant difference between a critique and a correction, or why it might be so important for Rev. Wade to make the distinction.

And by the way, to which ministry does he refer when he writes "the ministry?" Is it his ministry? Or is he lumping all discernment ministries into his defense?)

Why? Because false teaching leads people astray according to the bible (A book that remains closed on Rev. Wades' desk.)

and shipwrecks their faith. You see, while Dr. Brown is inevitably concerned with the lack of love shown towards the wolves, discernment ministers are solely focused on the sheep. (Again Rev. Wade appears to be speaking for all discernment ministries. 

Further, his assertion is actually quite false. It's a ridiculous notion that discernment ministers focus solely on the sheep. Many of the discernment ministers we have examined are obsessed with every little detail of their targets. And they often are hyperbolic, sloppy, and just wrong.

We have created two tags, "doctrinal police" and "scorched earth discernment," which contain thorough documentation of the excesses of self-proclaimed "discernment ministers." We have chronicled some truly egregious rhetoric used against supposed false teachers, some of which we have noted above, and such things are distressingly common.)

So, when Bill Johnson teaches that you can actually teach the gifts of the Holy Spirit or that God is required to always heal us, I say the teaching is false and thus he is a false teacher. (Sigh. Every teacher is a false teacher under this criteria. Every teacher teaches something false, mistaken, or inaccurate. Therefore, Rev. Wade is a false teacher as well.)

The critique is of the teaching. (But, but... Rev. Wade just wrote, The ministry is not critiquing others... Is he critiquing or is he not?)

The calling out of the teacher is for the safety of the sheep. Dr. Brown wrote a fine book exposing the heresies of greasy grace but calls Joseph Prince a good brother in the Lord. That is not just an intellectual disconnect but a spiritual one too as now, people can get caught in the deception of Prince because Brown endorsed him. He thus renders his book, irrelevant.

"1) Who appointed you? Was it simply that you felt called by God, or do you have the support and backing of your local church leadership and/or denomination leadership?" - Dr. Michael Brown

Not falling into this obvious trap. (Rev. Wade does not identify the trap.)

In Dr. Brown's apostolic world, everyone must be under some headship but the heads determine on their own the hierarchy. So, for example, Jennifer LeClaire offers to take people under her leadership for hundreds of dollars in annual homage. She in turn, is under the false prophetic network of James Goll, who she pays. She is a false as a three-dollar bill but she is under "covering" as far as Dr. Brown is concerned. For the record, I was under an Assemblies of God church and pastor for ten years and my ministry efforts started when I was still there. I feel I helped my pastor see the folly of preaching carnal politics and he kept me grounded, which admittedly must have been challenging. It was only when people rose up against him and he was forced out that I eventually left instead of staying under the hireling that replaced him. As for accountability, I have an entire network of good brothers who have no qualms telling me if something is wrong or not handled rightly. (Oh. After mocking the question as a trap we immediately learn that Rev. Wade was under authority. But the question is, is he presently under authority? Does someone or some organization oversee him or hold him accountable?) 

I remain horribly infallible (sic, fallible) and have issued corrections when readers show me if I am in error. (We have never seen one of these. And his readers have no authority over him. And his fallibility makes him a false teacher, correct?)

As for calling, I will assume that Dr. Brown knows full well we are all called by God.  (?? Dr. Brown did not discuss who is or is not called.)

I did not start my ministry in discernment, He led me there. (Ok, so God led him. To start his ministry. But he did not start his ministry. Got it.)

Every time I have considered leaving it, He has shown me why I cannot. People's lives are at stake Dr. Brown. That is not hyperbole. That is biblical fact. ("Biblical fact?" Somewhere in the Bible it says Rev. Wade cannot leave because peoples' lives are at stake? Really?)

"2) What's your own ministry experience? How long have you pastored or served on the mission field or engaged in itinerant ministry or taught in a ministry school or seminary?" - Dr. Michael Brown

Clever but again transparent. It is easy for someone with the learned background of a Dr. Brown to imply that teaching or itinerant ministry is some kind of pre-requisite but he knows it is not. (Dr. Brown's question is not "clever," it's really pretty simple. If a person claims to be in any kind of ministry we would do well to ask for their experience and training. This is not unreasonable at all.)

If you must know however, (Sigh. After again impugning the legitimacy of the question, Rev. Wade goes on to present his credentials. We now are getting confused. What exactly is Rev. Wade's problem with Dr. Brown's questions if he's happy to answer them?)

I was a credentialed minister for the Assemblies of God for several years after five years of classes and training. I then became the primary teacher for credentialling (sic) at my church for a few more years, before I left as indicated earlier. None of that made me special however. While at my church, I served in seven ministries. I led two of them as well as a bridge group. I loved the baptism ministry the most. To share those joyous moments with new believers. That was my first ministry as I believe when I was getting all hyped for what God was going to use me for, He said, here's a mop, start in the bathroom. I did the projection ministry, manned a camera and directed a camera crew for the church. Every Sunday I served in all three services and the Friday prayer service. I say none of this to brag but to answer your question that you thought was a "gotchya" question. (Oh. Now we understand. Rev. Wade is taking it personally. He thinks Dr. Brown is attacking him specifically. 

Rev. Wade is reacting like all "discernment ministers" react to being questioned. They don't like it when they're on the receiving end.)

I have never mentioned any of these efforts in my writing except my credentials when I turned them back to the AG. (We have no idea what this sentence means.)

"3) Are you bearing more fruit than those you are critiquing, or is your primary "fruit" the critiques you bring? If you are critiquing the soul-winning ministry of someone else or their healing ministry, etc., are you winning the lost and setting the captives free more effectively?" - Dr. Michael Brown

I will approach this as if Dr. Brown is genuinely confused. (There is no hint the Dr. Brown is confused.)

I do not write about false teachers who are merely making an error. (We learned above that false teachers are teachers who teach falsely. Is Rev. Wade now moving the goalposts?)

A wolf does not "bear fruit." (Oh, so we are not talking about teachers making errors, we are talking about wolves. In his mind there is a difference between making an error and being a wolf, but he doesn't tell us where this line is drawn.

Rev. Wade presumes he always is critiquing wolves. By virtue of the simple fact that he labeled them wolves, this allows him to blast away with every sort of attack he wants. Because they're wolves.)

You still do not get it Dr. Brown. (How does Dr. Brown not "get" something? What is it about the question indicates something that Dr. Brown is persistently ignorant about?)

Our fundamental disagreement  ("Our?" Who are these other people? Apparently all discernment ministers have the same opinion.)

is the people you think are "winning souls" are doing nothing of the sort. (Rev. Wade claims God's knowledge as his own.)

Bill Johnson does not win souls. Brian Houston does not win souls. Jennifer LeClaire does not win souls. Benny Hinn does not win souls. (This is the arrogance of people like Rev. Wade. He knows who wins souls and who does not. His criteria is based on the idea that those he labels as wolves cannot be used of God.

Now, we have no intention of defending the people he names. However, there is no way anyone can know how God uses people, even people Rev. Wade dismisses as wolves. The reason is, in every case it is God doing the saving, and He does this through flawed people. Every vessel He uses is flawed. The amount of flaw may vary, but God accomplishes His purposes irrespective of the status of those He uses.

A so-called wolf can certainly deliver a Gospel message and someone can believe, because it is the Holy Spirit who saves. The Holy Spirit does not determine the adequacy of someone's doctrine as a criteria for using a "wolf" to save someone.)

So, do I think that I am more effective at winning souls or setting captives free than voracious wolves devouring the sheep of the Lord? Yeah. (More arrogance. Rev. Wade is like the Pharisee who compares himself to the tax collector [Lk. 18:10].)

Discernment is often a thankless ministry but I do get emails from people all over the world who have come into the light after being under the teachings of darkness. I have had people say their faith had been restored. I do not say this to brag and again, I never mention it, but you thought you'd ridicule it. (?? Who is this you? Dr. Brown? And when did this ridicule take place?)

I also had very little to do with it. God is the author Dr. Brown. I am merely the pen, or the keystroke in these modern times. When people ask me to share my work, my answer is always, the word is God's, not mine. (The veneer of sanctimonious holiness is very off-putting.)

So, I hope this answers your "honest" questions (see what I did there're (sic) with the quotes). This is not about me or even you. It is about the word of God and our adherence to it. (How we long for Rev. Wade to even mention a Bible verse.)

I know you have decades of service over me. That is what makes you so frustrating to deal with. I saw a promo meme today that says you will be appearing with Vlad Savchuk at some bogus conference. I know you don't like doing research (??) but do you even know who you are walking on the same stage with? Does it even matter to you? Do you think it matters to God? Do you think it is good to lead your followers to believe you endorse the fake demon dude of You Tube? (Hey, Rev. Wade. Why not contact Dr. Brown and ask him? He may or may not answer, depending on how arrogant you are when you approach him. But that would certainly be better than asking pejorative hypothetical questions.)

Benny Hinn pretends to slay entire audiences with his suit coat. Shouldn't that matter to you? He has scammed 40 million dollars from the sheep. How many of them have no faith in God today because of him? Who cares if now he says he has changed his mind about prosperity, even though he clearly has not. I want you to know that this ministry is not done for some unconscious pleasure. It would be far better personally to preach about how God wants to make us all rich and give us candy coated unicorns but that simply is not true. (End of odd rant.)

The Matthew verses about Lord Lord, terrify me. (Where, Rev. Wade? Where in the Bible is this? You're supposed to be a Bible teacher, right?)

I do not take the command of walking out my salvation with fear and trembling lightly. (This is a another reference to a Bible verse. Where, Rev. Wade? Why not quote it?)

People used to ask me if I was afraid God would strike me dead with a lightning bolt and my answer remains - I am afraid of forgetting He can. Maybe that sounds like a bad way to live out your faith but it is a good way of making sure you do not end up on stage with Vlad Savchuk or making videos asking if somebody as obviously false as Benny Hinn needs to repent. (What videos? What is Rev. Wade talking about?

Rev. Wade claims to have taught English, but we find ourselves frequently wondering what he is talking about. It's certainly not the Bible. 

And it's certainly not a devotional.)

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