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Friday, November 18, 2022

Why Trumpism as a fascist movement will not disappear - By Wayne Madsen

Found here. Our comments in bold.

Yet another Trump-is-fascist article. When the command goes out from headquarters, the minions leap to their word processors and start cranking out their bumper-sticker slogans.

This article is one of those. The author's purpose is not to inform, explain, or clarify. He's not intending to impart information or understanding. This is not written to contribute to the debate.

No, the author is simply bolstering The Narrative in service to The Agenda. The Narrative is the Leftist talking points of the day, the factoids and topics that always appear simultaneously all over the media landscape, designed to facilitate The Agenda. The Agenda is the elimination of the current system to install Marxism. 

This article is far more clumsy than what we typically see. It is so breathtakingly dumb, so filled with agitprop, false narratives, leftist talking points, and invented conspirators, that we barely know where to start. We are attempting to shake off the effects of this, but an odd brain fog resists all our efforts to do so. 

This is what raw, unadulterated leftism does to a previously clearheaded person's mind.

We should also note that the author is engaging in Mountain Man's Law. Everything he tells us about the Republicans is something the Left is actually doing.

While some high-profile Republicans are ditching Donald Trump after a series of major losses for the party in 2018, 2020, and 2022, (The author is an early promulgator of the latest leftist fake talking point, that the Republicans lost in 2022.)

the political brand of "Trumpism," an anti-democratic fascist movement, is not likely to disappear any time soon. (Trump was president for 4 years. If he was fascist, wouldn't we have seen some fascism from him? What, exactly, has Trump done that is fascist? Name at least one thing, Mr. Madsen.)

Militant political movements that double as cults of personality often long outlive their demagogic leaders. (Indeed, like Black Lives Matter.

What comes next is the author will write an extremely long sentence where he attempts to connect disparate people and groups to each other and to Trump. It's really nothing more than a series of random lists of right-wing bogeymen and other unrelated people. The author wants this all to mean that it's a grand conspiracy and an existential danger to Democracy.)

As significant far-right ideologies, (Trump wasn't far-right.)

Trumpism and its Tea Party forerunner (The TEA Party isn't far-right.)

may continue as a potent force within the GOP for several decades. Ronald Reagan left office in 1989, (Reagan wasn't far-right.)

but his philosophy of Reaganism, itself an outgrowth of Barry Goldwater's brand of doctrinaire conservatism, (Goldwater wasn't far-right.)

was only recently discarded with the ascendancy of Trumpism. Goldwater's extreme conservatism was emblematic of a party that had, for thirty years, dabbled in the extremism of the pro-Nazi Germany American First movement in the 1930s and early 1940s, (We read this several times, but are unable to discern what he means. Republicans were never pro-Nazi, and did not dabble in the America First Movement [because it involved the KKK, which was an arm of the Democrats].)

the postwar Red Scare politics of Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy, (Wikipedia: "He is known for alleging that numerous communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers had infiltrated the United States federal government, universities, film industry, and elsewhere."

Whatever else McCarthy was, he was certainly right about that. 

Oh, and by the wayOn December 2, 1954, the Senate voted to censure Senator McCarthy by a vote of 67–22. The composition of the Senate at that time was 48/46 R/D, which suggests that Republicans weren't "dabbling" with McCarthyism at all. But of course, for superficial thinkers like the author, simply mentioning the name of McCarthy is sufficient.)

and the unhinged conspiracy theories of the John Birch Society. (This is a fringe group that peaked in membership at 100,000 decades ago. Republicans have nothing to do with this.

Sentence now ended, but the lists will continue.)
In the sense that Trumpism's propagandists, including Steve Bannon, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, and retired Lieut. Gen. Michael Flynn, use the term "populism" to describe their movement, (Nooo, they used a word. Oh, the humanity! 

Shapiro thinks populism is bad. A quick internet search reveals that Shapiro has been rather critical of Trump.

We didn't bother to check Bannon, Carlson, or Flynn, because we're pretty sure the only reason they appear in the author's list is so the author can make a list.)

this is an attempt to paint a fascist ideology as a popular movement. Populism was the mask that Charles Lindbergh, radio preacher Father Charles Coughlin, American Nazi Party fuhrer George Lincoln Rockwell, Liberty Lobby chief Willis Carto, and others of the far-right used to hide their true philosophy, that of fascism. (More lists, more accusations of fascism.

What follows is proof of Mountain Man's Law. Everything the author accuses the Republicans of doing is being done by Democrats.)

Fascism has always exploited the uninformed and ignorant masses to advance a philosophy that has the ultimate goal of suppressing the electoral franchise, freedom of speech and thought, and even a free market economy, although fascists will argue otherwise. America has already seen Republican Party attempts to restrict the business decisions of certain high-tech industries and even Disney. Governmental control of private enterprise remains a centerpiece of fascist ideology. It remains incumbent on pro-democracy parties everywhere that to contribute to parties like the U.S. Republicans, British and Canadian Conservatives, and others that have drifted into fascist territory is to slit their own throats.

Although Adolf Hitler (Godwin's Law.)

committed suicide in a Berlin bunker in April 1945, his Nazi ideology continues to permeate alt-right politics to this day. Two days prior to Hitler's death, Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini " Il Duce " was shot by a firing squad in Italy. Italian fascism would eventually be reborn under different leaders like Italy's new prime minister, Giorgia Meloni. Along with former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his Forza Italia party, Meloni's Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia) are deeply rooted in Mussolini's fascist ideology. (More lists, more accusations of fascism.)

Although democratic parties around the world celebrated former Brazilian President Luiz Ina'cio Lula da Silva recent close victory over the fascist Jair Bolsonaro, two things should be pointed out. Lula narrowly edged out Bolsonaro 50.9 to 49.1 percent, which means that nearly half of the Brazilian electorate opted for Bolsonaro's authoritarianism. Additionally, Bolsonaro's illogically-named Liberal Party won the most seats in the Chamber of Deputies, which has forced Lula's left-wing Workers' Party to form a coalition with the right-of-center União Brasil to support his government. The U.S. House of Representatives, which has a razor-thin Republican majority, means that President Biden will face a dilemma similar to that of Lula in forging a coalition with opposition conservatives who are not election deniers and fascist firebrands in order to pass important legislation. (These random statements and loose associations are getting tiresome. We wonder how even the most dedicated leftist revolutionary could manage to plow through this thing, and then say to himself, "wow, that was awesome," and then be motivated to make even more Molotov cocktails.)

Despite Bolsonaro's loss, Bolsonarism will remain a potent force in Latin American politics, along with other far-right cults of personality movements that continue to laud such figures as Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and the World War II fascistic policies of Argentina's strongman Juan Peron. Peronism suffered a political split in the late 1990s, with the dominant branch of left-wing Peronism taking political power under the presidencies of Nestor Kirchner; his widow, Cristina Ferna'ndez de Kirchner; and current President Alberto Ferna'ndez. Peronism has been unique among fascist movements. There is no "moderate" wing of Trumpism. Florida's recently re-elected governor, Ron DeSantis " the so-called "un-Trump" " is just as fascist-oriented as Trump, albeit without much of the bombastic carnival barker rhetoric displayed by the former president. Several leading Republicans have publicly identified with such fascist leaders as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Bolsonaro, Meloni, and Russian President Vladimir Putin. (More lists...)

As was the case with Biden's low poll ratings, French President Emmanuel Macron also suffered poor opinion polls prior to this year's presidential election in France. Nevertheless, Macron defeated Marine Le Pen, his far-right neo-fascist National Rally opponent, in the second-round election. The results were not even close with Macron receiving 58.5 percent to Le Pen's 41.4. However, as with the cases of Brazil and the United States, Macron's party lost its absolute majority in the National Assembly, where Le Pen's party won a record 89 seats and became a political force to be reckoned with. (Odd tangent.)

Like cancer, fascism can be placed into remission but it can never be fully eradicated. Countries like Germany, France, Austria, Netherlands, and others have anti-Nazism laws on the books, but the far-right is always looking for ways to maneuver around them. (More lists...)

The only way to combat the re-emergence of fascism as a potent political force is by holding far-right parties legally responsible for the actions of its members and affiliates. In addition, the foreign financial support, including that from Russia, Turkey, and China for far-right parties and politicians should be exposed and rigorously prosecuted, particularly in countries like the United States, which bans foreign contributions to political parties and candidates. (Ahh, yes, a pogrom. Hunt 'em down. Ship 'em off. 

Sounds like democracy to us.)

Russia, for example, has spent at least $300 million on covert political financing abroad. Turkey's neo-fascist Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been linked to material support for ethnic Turkish politicians in Germany, Netherlands, Austria, and the United States. It is also incumbent on the media to use the "F" word and refer to the far-right as fascists, not with revisionist descriptions like alt-right, extremist, and ultra-conservative.

Holding far-right parties and leaders to account for promoting hate speech and violence is the Achille's heel for these inheritors of German Nazism and Italian fascism. The law should be used as a sledgehammer on these purveyors of chaos. (Sounds like what a fascist would do...)

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