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Friday, January 24, 2014

Daines continues attack on working Americans - letter by Geoff Stephens

Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.

These letters about the eeevil Steve Daines all sound alike. It seems like the same person is writing all the letters, and these individuals simply rearrange the sentences and sign their names. Or maybe Leftists are so lock-step, so indoctrinated, so unblinkingly thoughtless that they simply regurgitate everything they've been told. Read on:

Last week Steve Daines (That's Congressman Steve Daines to you, dude.) 

continued his assault on working Americans by voting against a bipartisan budget deal that provides funding for veterans, children, the elderly and many others. (Definitionally, every budget bill contains money to be spent. That's what budget bills do. The question is, is the bill a good one? Most agree that the bill is a compromise, which contains things that no one likes. In Daines' case, he found the contents of the bill onerous enough to vote against it. 

But in the pink unicorn land of the Leftist, opposing wasteful government spending or wanting better legislation equals hating veterans, children, and the elderly. This is what passes for logic in the Leftist mind. And this is why government can never be cut, reformed, or reduced, because it automatically means that the reformers are haters.

What is astonishing is that this way of thinking actually is persuasive with these people.)

This is just the latest in Daines’ assault on working people. He is one of the extreme (Leftists love this word. Definition of extreme: Disagreeing with a Leftist.) 

Republicans who are refusing to extend jobless benefits for just three months ("Just." After 26 weeks was extended to 50 and now it is 99. At the end of three months, then we "just" need three more. In fact, if we really cared about the jobless, why don't we make unemployment permanent? You see, Mr. Stephens must hate the poor, because he only favors a three month extension. If he really cared, he would double their benefits, and give them for as long as they needed them. No, he would triple them. If he disagrees, he's a hater, right?) 

or to raise the minimum wage. Two-thirds of all working Americans live paycheck to paycheck. (This is Obama's economy, he's been president for five years. Daines has been in office for a year, but it's his fault? Really?) 

Maybe Steve Daines doesn’t know what that is like since his median wealth is listed at over $13 million, putting him firmly in the richest 1 percent. (A little leftist envy thrown in for good measure. The Left is sure obsessed about peoples' money. Actually, Daines' net wealth is not $13 million, it is $9.19 million, which is 40th richest in Congress. 

So what is the takeaway? Daines, a long-time Montanan, parleyed his skills and abilities into an American success story. He worked hard, took risks, and succeeded. Success, it's a GOOD thing. We ought to admire him, emulate him. The headline about Daines should read, "Local boy makes good.")

For 30 years Republicans have pushed tax cuts and deregulation that has favored Wall Street (and people like Steve Daines) over working Americans, and has led to the greatest divide between the rich and everybody else since just before the Great Depression in the 1930s. (What Republicans have pushed is not relevant. The economic policies that are actually installed in government are relevant. The actual economic policies presently in operation are the ones that Mr. Stephens favors. Wealth transfer, welfare, massive government intervention into the economy. For the last 30 years, 50 years, 80 years, government has increased its power, size, and influence, just as Mr. Stephens advocates. Therefore, it is the policies IN OPERATION NOW that is are causing all the problems decried by Mr. Stephens, NOT the polices advocated by Republicans.) 

Wall Street greed created the recession from which we are still trying to recover, (Still? That was nearly 7 years ago, 5 of which have been presided over by "hope and change" Obama. Why are we still languishing? Why haven't the stimuli, and the bailouts helped? Could it be that they were the wrong thing to do, Mr. Stephens? 

And by the way, Wall Street isn't the culprit. This is the persistent myth promulgated by the Left. However, we certainly can lay the crash at the feet of government. I won't take the time to explain why, because that is worthy of a book-length explanation, but suffice to say, we have an interventionist government that tries to dictate economic outcomes. 2008 is the culmination of those interventions, and the ironic solution to 2008 is more intervention.) 

but instead of helping working Americans get back on their feet, Steve Daines supports Republicans in the House who want to radically cut food assistance while giving even more tax breaks to the wealthy. Daines also supported last year’s government shutdown that cost Montana’s economy $45 million. Now Daines won’t even help Montana veterans, or Montanans who are desperate for work.

John Walsh is running for Senate to fight for working Montanans. Unlike out-of-touch multi-millionaire Steve Daines, Walsh understands working Montanans because he is one. Walsh grew up in a working family in Butte and paid for his education by joining the military. (Hmm. So in actual fact, the GI bill, that is, we the taxpayers, paid for Walsh's college. Daines got a degree in chemical engineering from MSU. Who paid for his college? 

Daines worked at Proctor and Gamble for 13 years, moved up in the company to eventually manage its Hong Cong operation, then moved back to Bozeman to help with the family construction business. Then Right Now Technologies sought him out to be vice president of sales. Does any of this sound like a negative for Daines? Doesn't it sound more like something noble, valuable, and good?) 

We need leaders like John Walsh who will fight for ordinary Americans.

Geoff Stephens


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