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Monday, January 27, 2014

Letter to the editor regarding Geoff Stephens

I decided to write a letter to the editor based on my prior post.

These letters criticizing Steve Daines all sound alike. The sentences are simply rearranged, regurgitated talking points. Or maybe the writers really believe this stuff, a product of lock-step indoctrination. Hard to say.

Geoff Stephens recent scattershot letter hyperbolically suggests that Daines engaged in "assault" with his vote against the budget bill. In the pink unicorn land of the Left, opposing profligate government spending or wanting better legislation equals hating children. Worse, it's "extreme." This is a textbook example of why the Left will never let government be reformed. You see, the reformers are haters.

Apparently, the unemployed were assaulted as well, because Republicans refused to "extend jobless benefits for just three months." "Just" three more months. You know, if Mr. Stephens really cared, he would favor doubling unemployment benefits. No, triple. Come on, sir. Are you assaulting the unemployed?

And, those eeevil Republicans are "pushing" bad economic policies, yet are we "still trying to recover" from the recession, after 5 years of Hope and Change. You know, it's been Big Government for as far as the eye can see. So why are we still languishing after Obama's laser-like focus on the economy? Why haven't the stimuli and the bailouts helped? Where did all those trillions go?

Mr. Stephens then asserts that "two-thirds of all working Americans live paycheck to paycheck." Daines has been in office for a year. Leftist economic theories have dominated the economy for 80 years. But surprise, it's Daines' fault.

And, ooooh, Daines is wealthy! A little envy always furthers the conversation. Leftists are obsessed with other peoples' money. But Daines did nothing more than parlay his skills and work ethic into an American success story. Daines should be admired and emulated.

Daines isn't the problem, it's Big Government and their enablers. Whether Republican or Democrat, we should blame them. And vote them out.

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