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Thursday, August 22, 2024

BE YOURSELF If you voted Republican - Alison Rennie, North Miami Beach

Found on Faceborg:

Transcription: BE YOURSELF If you voted Republican because you fear socialism, then live your truth. Do not accept Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. Avoid public beaches, parks and libraries. Do not allow your children to attend tax-supported schools or to take advantage of food programs. Drive only on toll roads. Do not call 911 unless you intend to pay for services rendered. - Alison Rennie, North Miami Beach

Apparently this is what is considered a clever rebuttal of Republican worries about Socialism. Leftists and Democrats will simultaneously mock people by denying that things are socialist, then they claim that we have socialism already, and then they claim it's wonderful and we should embrace it.

This particular meme takes the tack that we do have socialism in the form of various programs and services, but Ms. Rennie suggests that those who oppose Socialism are duty-bound to not to use these services. Apparently this would be hypocritical.

We are surprised indeed to learn that there is an opt-out for Socialism. We wonder how many people realize that Socialists make participation optional? But in actual fact, try to opt out of Social Security and Medicare. You can't.  They're mandatory. So Ms. Rennie wants you out, but you can't. 

Ms. Rennie's basic error is she thinks that Socialism means paid for by government. But Socialism is a system where the government owns the means of production. Now certainly our government long ago abandoned its constitutional restrictions in its quest for more power. And certain aspects of our government are tilting Socialist. And that indeed is cause for alarm.

So when faced with the impending doom of descending into tyranny and oppression the solution is obviously not to opt out. Sensible people oppose Socialism and fight against it. 

That is, until they are sent off to the gulag by the likes of Ms. Rennie.

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