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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Koch brothers attempting to derail our democracy -Letter by Dan Lourie

Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.
Mr. Lourie is becoming a regular fixture in these pages of my blog, largely because of his relentless pursuit of bumper-sticker slogans, regurgitation of pre-printed democratic talking points, and mindless repetition of the supposed dangers of those eeevil Kochs. Read on:

The billionaire Koch brothers, prime corrupters of our democracy, have opened a Bozeman war office, aka Joe Balyeat’s Americans For Prosperity. They promote tea party schills like Burnett, Vance and White, and it’s time we gave them a closer look. (Quite an accusation. Let's see if he offers any evidence for his assertions.)

It’s naive to presume that their extremist propaganda machine stops at purchasing elected offices for morality-deficient candidates, although it’s clear that they’re now at work buying Montana’s Legislature. (He tosses around some hyperbolic accusations, but supplies no names, dates, or any kind of evidence. Thus, we can summarily dismiss them.)

Their wealth and resulting influence have deleterious impacts on many aspects of American lives: the environment, education, campaign finance, access to health care, jobs, and labor rights. (Continuing in the same vein using the same inflammatory language, and of course, absent any specifics, facts, or data.)

They spend heavily on: gutting Social Security — $28+ million to popularize lies that it borders on collapse; (This has been covered many times by many writers, bloggers, economists, policy wonks, accountants, and actuaries. There is no dearth of information. In these very pages we have dealt at length with the issue. The SS Administration itself admits that the SS Trust Fund contains nothing but debt. The only ones who lie about Social Security's financial status are those who derive political power by pretending it is solvent.)

re-segregating school systems, (The only people I know of who want to re-segregate are blacks themselves.)

reversing hard-won policies promoting diversity; (Actually, forcing diversity as they define it.) 

voter ID laws in 38 states making voting difficult for the elderly, poor and minorities (No evidence this is true.) —

fabricating poverty, (Wait, I thought he just said that voting is difficult for the poor? But now poverty is fabricated? Whaaa?) 

joblessness, (Joblessness is fabricated too? Is Mr. Lourie's precious government lying?) 

and health issues. We’ll beat them by getting out the vote.

(Yet another litany of vague charges with no substance, no refutation, no attempt at analysis, and no intellectual engagement of any kind. This is what passes for proof that the Kochs are eeevil. Wow.)

Dan Lourie Bozeman

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