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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

How to stop Musk - by Robert Reich

Found here. Our comments in bold.

**Update** Dr. Reich complains about lies told by Musk as the reason to cancel him. What does he think about Alexa informing people that Trump wasn't shot? Will he call for Google's cancellation?***

This is a truly astounding article. Dr. Reich has an ax to grind with Elon Musk, solely on the basis of opinions. Does Dr. Reich want to persuade? No. Does the case he presents carry a thoughtful, considered objective? Negatory. Is he interested in discourse and give and take? Not on your life.

Dr. Reich wants to punish Musk. Punish him for lying (actually, for expressing opinions Dr. Reich doesn't like.) He wants to bring the full weight of government down on him. Hit him hard. Because he doesn't like Musk. 

That's it.

This is the current state of the political Left. Having long abandoned 60s tolerance, love and peace, opposing the Man, and doing your own thing, these people have become what they opposed. In fact, they have became the worst parts of the Man themselves: Wielding power to silence dissent, maliciously prosecuting political enemies, punishing unapproved thoughts and speech, and instilling fear in law-abiding citizens.

Utterly lacking in self-awareness, Dr. Reich happily embraces Gestapo tactics and Fascist language, hiding behind something called the "public interest." That is, one man, Musk, is a serious danger by expressing ideas contrary to the ficticious collective interest of hundreds of millions of Americans.

Dr. Reich is a man that you should avoid at all costs.


Lies on Elon Musk’s X have instigated some of the worst racial riots in Britain’s history. (No, these "racial riots" have their own causes apart from some person speaking their mind on an internet site.

But somehow Dr. Reich knows from his ivory tower the sole and singular reason there's civil unrest in Britain: It's Musk's fault.

And by the way, Dr. Reich will continue his silence regarding the violent protests of summer 2020.)

Musk recently posted a comment to his hundreds of millions of followers claiming “Civil war is inevitable” in the U.K., (An opinion not without merit...)

and asserted that the British criminal justice system treats Muslims more leniently than far-right activists. (Dr. Reich doesn't deny this.)

European Union commissioner Thierry Breton sent Musk an open letter reminding him of EU laws against amplifying harmful content “that promotes hatred, disorder, incitement to violence, or certain instances of disinformation” and warning that the EU “will be extremely vigilant” about protecting “EU citizens from serious harm.” (Musk expresses an opinion and is threatened with arrest by the British thought police...)

Musk’s response was a meme that said: “TAKE A BIG STEP BACK AND LITERALLY, F*CK YOUR OWN FACE!” (Well played Mr. Musk.)

As I noted last week, Americans, too, are being subject to lies and bigotry on Musk’s X — and not just because Musk fired the entire staff that had been keeping such filth off the platform; Musk is also reposting and encouraging some of it. (Which certainly never happened before Musk purchased it...)

Musk recently released an AI chatbot that falsely told tens of millions of Americans that “the ballot deadline has passed” in several swing states, including the battlegrounds of Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania, among others. (Dr. Reich would need to demonstrate this wasn't an honest mistake as opposed to a malicious lie.)

Secretaries of state in five states urged Musk to “immediately implement changes” to his chatbot, but Musk hasn’t done so. (I wouldn't either if I were Musk. What he was "urged" to do by government bureaucrats he is free to ignore.)

Evidence is mounting that Russia and other foreign agents are using X to disrupt this year’s presidential race, presumably in favor of Trump. ("Presumably?" It seems that old, discredited leftist fake news dies hard. After being sent home with their tails between their legs on the Russia collusion hoax, Dr. Reich now attempts to resurrect it.)

Musk refuses to take any action. (We're really beginning to like Musk...)

What to do about Musk? I’ve suggested that advertisers boycott X. Now Musk is suing advertisers for doing this, arguing that they’re violating antitrust laws. (Apparently Musk should just let them roll over him. He isn't allowed to put up a fight.)

It’s time to get tough with Musk. Here are some suggestions. (Hmm. Because of "lies," not identified, and Musk's profane response to engage in a deviant sex act, the tolerant leftist Dr. Reich wants him punished.)

First, the Federal Trade Commission should demand that Musk take down lies that are likely to endanger individuals or threaten our democracy, (How about a couple of examples of such lies, Dr. Reich?? You have led us to believe it's a serious and pervasive problem, so it shouldn't be too hard to list numerous examples, right?)

and if he does not, sue him under Section 5 of the FTC Act. (What an egregious misuse of this section. It has to do with unfair TRADE practices, not policing unapproved opinions.)

Musk’s free-speech rights under the First Amendment don’t take precedence over the public interest. (This is quite false. "Congress shall make no law..." There is no "public interest" exception.)

Seven weeks ago, the Supreme Court said federal agencies may pressure social media platforms to take down misinformation — a technical win for the public good (technical because the court based its ruling on the plaintiff’s lack of standing to sue). (No, it remanded the case back down because it determined the plaintiffs lacked standing. 

Notice what Dr. Reich is advocating. He wants government to have the power to pressure people to allow only government-approved speech. Dr. Reich is a tyrant.)

The U.S. government — and we taxpayers — have additional power over Musk, if we’re willing to use it: The U.S. should terminate its contracts with him, starting with Musk’s SpaceX. (Is the reader keeping track? He wants Musk punished for allowing unapproved messages on X.)

In 2021, the United States entered into a $1.8 billion classified contract with SpaceX that includes blasting off classified and military satellites, according to The Wall Street Journal. The funds are now an important part of SpaceX’s revenue.

The Pentagon has also contracted with SpaceX’s Starlink broadband service to pay for internet links, despite Musk’s refusal in September 2022 to allow Ukraine to use Starlink to launch an attack on Russian forces in Crimea. (Musk wants to stay out of the war. The Left used to be that way. What happened to them?)

Last August, the Pentagon gave SpaceX’s Starshield unit $70 million to provide communications services to dozens of Pentagon partners.

Meanwhile, SpaceX is cornering the rocket launch market. Its rockets were responsible for two-thirds of flights from American launch sites in 2022 and handled 88 percent in the first six months of this year. SpaceX is also the only entity ferrying NASA astronauts to and from the International Space Station.

In deciding upon which private-sector entities to contract with, the U.S. government considers the contractor’s reliability. Musk’s mercurial, impulsive temperament makes him and the companies he heads unreliable. The government also considers whether it is contributing to a monopoly. Musk’s SpaceX is fast becoming one.

Why is the U.S. government allowing Musk’s satellites and rocket launchers to become crucial to the nation’s security when he’s shown utter disregard for the public interest? (That is, Musk shows utter disregard for Dr. Reich's political preferences.)

Why give Musk more economic power when he repeatedly abuses it and demonstrates contempt for the public good? (That is, what Dr. Reich thinks is the public good...)

There is no good reason. American taxpayers should stop subsidizing Elon Musk. Stop. Him. Now. (Notice it's not "defund him now." Dr. Reich, like all authoritarians, wants Musk stopped. Astonishing.)

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