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Monday, October 21, 2013

Tea party is America’s home-grown Taliban - Robert Staffanson

Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.
This kind of thinking is what one gets when one not only listens to the Left, but believes it wholesale without even a hint of understanding the irony. The writer, Mr. Staffanson, so perfectly spews the hateful rhetoric and hyperbolic rants of the Left that one might think this is satire. But it isn't. Mr. Staffanson actually believes this, and not only that, he thinks he's doing a service by sharing it with us all. 

I'm going to actually analyze Mr. Staffanson's childish hyperbole, though I'm not sure why I should bother. For reasons known only to God Himself, Mr. Staffanson seems completely comfortable characterizing his ideological enemies as terrorists  while remaining completely oblivious to the bombastic, boorish nature of his prose. 

Note how effortlessly he vomits 1) hateful invective, 2) strawmen, 3) non sequiturs, 4) stereotyping, and 5) anti-intellectual emotionalism. Hold on to your sphincters, here comes some really outlandish spewing.


America has its own Taliban in the tea party.

In the Islamic world, the Taliban mission is to bring back the days of the Caliphate when women knew their place and dictatorial rule prevailed within strict religious parameters. (So our first example of hate. Mr. Staffanson attempts to draw a parallel between the TEA party and the Taliban by asserting that the TEA party is attempting to put women in their place. His evidence? Well, he doesn't provide any. What we have here is a bare assertion presented as unvarnished fact. A polite interlocutor would simply reject this out of hand without comment. Failing that, we will simply say to Mr. Staffanson, "Prove it." Provide a single shred of of corroborating fact, like a representative quote from a prominent TEA party activist. One will do.) 

The tea party mission is to bring back the days when women, blacks, Hispanics and some others, particularly a black president, knew their place as second class citizens. (Having established his indefensible premise, Mr. Staffanson moves on to charges of racism, again undocumented. Can he point to a single quote, a youtube video, something on a TEA party website, that backs up his hyperbole? 

The TEA party is nothing more than a lose association of people who have certain views in common. So we might ask, which TEA party group is he talking about? Indeed, can he point to ANY group that has such beliefs? No, but like a good little Leftist he parrots the talking-point rhetoric promulgated by the hateful Left. 

Who is he to say what the TEA party's mission is? One group, the TEA Party Patriots, actually has one: "The Tea Party Patriots’ mission is to restore America’s founding principles of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets." You will note that there is no comment about race. Indeed, such views are perfectly reasonable, responsible, and widely shared. 

The Left loves to make everything about race. Therefore, simple disagreement about the issues of the day cannot be about principle, thoughtful consideration of the facts, or reasonable disagreement amongst diverse world views. No, the very act of disagreeing with President Obama is prima facie evidence of racism. 

Impugn the opinion and dismiss. It's an easy and quick method to shut down debate. It's nothing more than a variant of Godwin's Law, a conversation ender, an anti-intellectual way to marginalize and negate those who disagree.) The days when government was controlled by white, largely corpulent, old men whose mantra was Republican. (As is typical for the Left, it is convenient and easy to make stereotypes about people while ignoring actual facts. It was the Democratic party that actively supported institutional racism and Republicans who opposed it. The Democrats support racism to this day, relegating blacks to modern-day plantations where they have no hope of escaping or making a better life for themselves.

The Left doesn't believe that blacks can be successful on their own. Blacks must be kept in line in order to perpetuate the idea that they are victims. Any black that leaves the plantation is attacked in the most hateful and vile ways imaginable. Oh, and can we note that government is still controlled by "white, largely corpulent, old men," It is Democrats who perpetuate the failed system they themselves created and benefit from?) 
Whose god was business also controlled and operated by white men for whom the bottom line was maximum profit at all cost, regardless of negative effects on the environment, on workers and on society in general. (You would think that the Left would come up with some new ideas. But they have been regurgitating the same tired tropes and spitefully malevolent rhetoric for decades. These rich old white Democrats have tailored the system to personally enrich themselves while presenting themselves as caring and compassionate. Look at the destruction they have wrought! 17 trillion in debt, enmity between races at an all time high, and a system that rewards the successful at the expense of the worker. 

Everything bad that has happened in the country was during a the times when Republicans couldn't stop a single thing the Democrats wanted to do. They have been in charge for decades, with a brief hiatus between 1995 and 2007. During that time the Republicans acted exactly like Democrats and continued the big spending habits of their Democratic predecessors. It was only in 2010 that the Republicans recaptured the House, but with a Democrat for President and a Democratic Senate, they still don't have the power to do anything.) 

The Islamic Taliban has limited but lethal capacity for destruction in theirs and other countries by force and bloodshed.

The American Taliban, the tea party, has limited but lethal capacity to do much more damage to its country and the outside world not by force and bloodshed but by using the tools of the democratic system negatively in ways largely unthinkable. (There are only 80 or so TEA party people in the House, and a handful in the Senate. They have no power at all. But note the tacit admission regarding democracy. Democracy is the high doctrine of the Church of Government the Democrats so love. The Left loves to tout democracy, but when it doesn't go their way, they will summarily abandon it. Democrats don't believe in democracy, they believe in power. They only object when someone else uses that power in way they don't like.)

Where is the outrage? Where is the response of the majority? (The outrage is everywhere. It permeates Leftist circles. it's on the news every day. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone decrying the actions of Ted Cruz. 

It is laughable to assert there is no outrage. It's even more absurd to believe that 48% of the country are terrorists. But this is what passes for intellectualism on the Left. This is what Leftists do when someone disagrees with them. It is scorched-earth rhetoric, it is uncivil discourse, it is the response of limited minds to diversity. Tolerance is a one-way street. Dissent is no longer patriotic. What's amazing to me is that anyone still takes these people seriously.)  

Robert Staffanson


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