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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

GOP desperation at its worst - letter by Patricia and William Skidmore

Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.
I find it vaguely amusing when leftists start citing "facts" about this or that thing. Invariably the documentation is unavailable once one starts looking for it. I truly believe that a lot of leftists simply go to thinkprogress.org or some other leftist website and simply copy and paste.

Here's an example:

On Oct. 1 House Republicans said the American people don’t want Obamacare, (Actually, poll after poll says that ACA is and has remained unpopular. What the House Republicans say is not really relevant.) and shut down the government (Yes, this is the constantly-repeated mantra of the Left, dutifully reinforced by a complicit media. However, there are two parties, and if neither budges, both are to blame. This simple equation seems to be too much for the Left to understand.) because President Obama refused to defund or delay Obamacare as a condition for keeping the government open.

Also on Oct. 1, government health care exchange computers crashed because of the overwhelming demand for health insurance (Yes, the computers crashed. No it wasn't due to demand. Demand is an economic concept related to supply. A business, after reviewing the marketplace and the competition, decides to offer a product for sale. Consumers decide whether or not they want to purchase the product. If the product suits the consumer's criteria, he will purchase the product. With obamacare, there is no consensual relationship, because the consumer is required to purchase the product. Therefore, there is no demand, there is only a rush of people seeking to discover what they will be required to do.) — nearly 10 million uninsured citizens visited the federal Obamacare website on the first day. (These things are not hard to check. HHS claims 4.7 million. The Huffington Post claims 2.8 million. 10 million is the initial claim some have reported, but subsequent reports have shown lower and lower numbers. And remember, these are the claims made by government, which has a vested interest in the success of the program. Still no report on actual successful enrollments.

The letter writer also claimed that they were "uninsured citizens." We don't know if they were uninsured, and we don't know if they were citizens.)  

Some Republicans acknowledged that they were desperate to end Obamacare, because once people experienced it, they would like it. (I looked high and low for documentation for this claim. The only links I could find is Democrats and Leftist claiming it.)

As news stories appeared illustrating the anger being felt all across the country as the government shutdown began to take effect, House members began frantically proposing piecemeal stop-gap measures to fund whatever program was the news story of the day. ("Frantically" is an editorial comment. Actually, the strategy was deliberate and calculated, used to demonstrate that President Obama and the Democrats had no intention of compromising, rejecting every funding bill that came their way.)

One Republican House member has said, “We’re not going to be disrespected. We have to get something out of this. And I don’t even know what that is.” (Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-Ind. apparently said this. Has anyone ever heard of him? Is he some sort of mover and shaker? How happy the Left must be to find an obscure Republican to give them a quote they could run with. 

But beyond that, I'm really wondering what is wrong with what he said? The implication is the Republicans share this perspective, including the insinuation that they don't even know why they're doing it. But there is the matter of context. In the wake of hardnosed opposition from the Democrats and their unwillingness to budge at all, Rep. Stutzman simply threw up his hands and said in effect, "We aren't going to get anything out of this. Why bother to negotiate?" There's more than one way to interpret his remarks.) (Senate Democrats offered him a “group hug.”)

Another GOP congressman said the government shutdown is the Republicans’ “Braveheart” moment.

The head of the National Republican Congressional Committee told wealthy business donors, alarmed by the effect on the economy of the shutdown and threat of government default: “We have to do this because of the tea party. If we don’t, these guys are going to get primaried and they are going to lose their primary.” (It's interesting when I look up these quotes. They're reported on every leftist website from The Huffington Post to democraticunderground. And they all seem to cross reference each other. The Daily Beast at least noted that the remarks are disputed. 

What's more interesting here is that these remarks are being made by the Big Republican Money, those hated and reviled millionaires blamed for all the nation's woes. The working man's party, the Democrats, well, they just can't compete with all that money rolling into political campaigns because the rich hate the poor and are greedy and eeeevil... wait.  Um, they're quotable? Well, yes. Suddenly they are full of gravitas because they spoke badly of the TEA party! Hooray, we have some new heroes!)

Even right wing groups headed by the Koch brothers and Karl Rove are disassociating themselves from the events they promoted. (Yes, they're heroes too! Hooray for Karl Rove! Hooray for the Koch brothers. Yes, we hated you before, but we love you now. You're so wonderful because you criticized the TEA party.) But it is too late. The tea party members are safe, in the gerrymandered districts these groups had funded. (Gerrymandering never bothered the Left before. It's only when someone else does it that it raises their hackles.) The country was held hostage by 40 hardline House members who are motivated by their radical ideology, as well as by 100-plus Republican members who are afraid of being “primaried.” (Ooo, those evil, hateful, hardline TEA partiers! I hate those guys. They actually believe government is too big and spends to much, so that makes them racist, homophobic, child molesting wife beaters. And I bet they drink 44 oz. sodas, too.)

Patricia and William Skidmore Bozeman

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