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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A big bah humbug to Daines - letter by Jack Kligerman

Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.
I think Mr. Kligerman is a smart man, but I don't think he is a thinking man. I've commented on his previous letters before. If he were a thinking man, he wouldn't continually make public logical errors like the ones below.

Follow along:
--------------------------------- At the end of Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol,” Tiny Tim says, “God bless us, every one.” He is, of course, thankful that Ebeneezer Scrooge had a change of heart, sending the Cratchit family a prize turkey for Christmas dinner. Too bad Steven Daines and the House Republicans couldn’t have been visited by the three Christmas Spirits before their vote cutting almost $4 million from the SNAP (food stamp) program next year. (I've corrected this error before, so I won't recap it here. Suffice to say, there were no cuts. The $4 million figure I assume applies to Montana's share of the "cut.")  After all, 130,000 Montanans, including 55,000 children and 9,000 seniors, (So $4 million divided by 10 years equals $400,000 per year divided by 130,000 equals $3.08 per person per year.) as well as millions of other poor Americans, will see their food stamp assistance cut as a result by $40 billion over the next 10 years, 10 lean years, 10 hungry Christmases. (Once again we must note that there are no cuts. The Democrats proposed a huge increase to SNAP, while the Republicans passed a slightly smaller increase. THERE. ARE. NO. CUTS.) But Daines does support $20 billion per year in long-term farm subsidies, much of which goes to the largest agribusinesses.

That is not all. Daines voted against relief for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. He voted to pass the Stopgap Spending Bill, which includes defunding Obamacare. Apart from Daines’ not caring about shutting down the government, (On what basis does Mr. Kligerman assert that Daines doesn't care? Maybe he cares a lot. Maybe it was extremely important to him.) he was sent to Washington to serve — with who knows what dire consequences — what would Americans lose if Obamacare was defunded? Well, no annual limits on healthcare, insurance companies couldn’t drop you when you were sick, no pre-existing conditions allowed to deny insurance, improvement to women’s healthcare services, better care for seniors, reforms to save money and cut waste. (This is the de rigueur laundry list of supposed benefits continually touted by the Left. It took 2700 pages of legislation to articulate these? I wonder what might be on the other 2699? Unfortunately for Mr. Kligerman, details of ACA are finally leaking out, and people don't like it.) Benefits that Daines’ vote would deny include emergency services, hospitalizations, laboratory services, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse treatment, pediatric care, prescription drug coverage, preventive care, vision and dental coverage for children. Etcetera. (As is typical for the Left, someone opposing a particular piece of legislation is the same thing as opposing what the legislation is claiming to provide. This is just juvenile. No further comment is required.)

If you voted to elect Steven Daines to Congress, did you expect to get an unrepentant Ebeneezer Scrooge? (He ran on and was elected for clearly articulated positions that Mr. Kligerman apparently disagrees with. Does Mr. Kligerman accept the results of democracy or not?) Yet he wants to be our senator? And consider the Republican company he keeps. “Bah! Humbug!” (I must note that Scrooge had a personal change of heart and chose FOR HIMSELF to be compassionate WITH HIS OWN MONEY. No government in the equation. No multi trillion dollar legislation involved. No forcing people to do things they don't want to do.) 

Jack Kligerman


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