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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Pregnant drinking is ok - FB conversation

I posted this on FB:

Sitting in the hot tub, 13 degrees, no wind; my Fat Tire is staying nice and cold as the snow drifts down. According to the label, the Surgeon General says the pregnant women should not drink alcohol. Pondering. Pregnant women have been prosecuted for drinking while pregnant, yet that selfsame can get an abortion then go out and have a beer to celebrate...

D.G.: AFAIK laws allowing women to be prosecuted for negligent harm to their own fetus are generally proposed by pro-lifers; are you aware otherwise? Seems like that paradox is a symbol of our uneasy compromise.

J.L.: Holy Cow Rich... Are you TRYING to pick a fight on Christmas Eve?

Me: Haha, J.L.! Naw, in the quiet solitude of the hot tub and the soothing effect of a beer one starts thinking.

Me: I wonder how there could be an uneasy compromise if this is a life at stake. Are you suggesting that you support a pregnant woman choosing to drink?

D.G.: AFAIK, yes, small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy are in fact harmless.

Me: So you are different than these pro-lifers only be degree, not principle.

J.L.: I am pro life. But I admit that I ride the fence. But my concerns are the usual ones... Rape, incest, ect. I in no case however would advocate for a late term abortion. The paradox that sends me over the cliff is all the pro choice proponents who are opposed to the death penalty. The typical pro choice lib will advocate for late term abortion all the while fighting tooth and nail to keep some degenerate, rapist, child killer from the gallows. Crazy...

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