(8 Multiple Choice)
The choices are based on Matthew 24. (You can read or refer to it Here)
In Matthew 24:5 Jesus said,
"For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many."
Are you deceived in regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?. Are you included in "the many" or are you exempt? Find out by selecting your answers below.

Your Quiz Results
* * * FAILED * * *
Sorry, you missed . . . 6 out of 8
Question 1 Correct
Question 2 Incorrect
Question 3 Incorrect
Question 4 Incorrect
Question 5 Incorrect
Question 6 Incorrect
Question 7 Incorrect
Question 8 Correct
The answers to the first 7 multiple choice selections is -SATAN-. The answer to the last statement concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in what is known as "the rapture" is -FALSE-".
(Mt24:5) For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.
Well, it looks like you have joined the "many" that Jesus is talking about in these last days of the church age. Just how many is many anyway? Jesus answered this by saying it would be "as in the days of Noah". That gives us an idea of how many are many. This quiz exposes the summary of your understanding of bible doctrine. Jesus warned us that many in the church will become deceived prior to His arrival and fall victim to the doctrine of Balaam portrayed in the old testament and transferred into the church age as the doctrine of the Nicolaitans.
This doctrine is characterized in Revelation chapter 2 by . . .Eating things offered to idols and
Commit fornication
Jesus used parallel phrases in verse 38 . . .Eating and drinking and Marrying and giving in marriage
to say the same thing.
Moses encountered this same thing even before Balaam's time when he came down from Mount Sinai with the 10 commandments and found the children of Israel had...Sat down to eat and Rose up to play
Jesus is teaching that He cannot come again at the rapture until the thief or the "Man of Lawlessness is revealed (see IITh 2). Therefore, the popular and widespread teaching that Jesus can come for His church at any minute is a false and deceptive teaching. Jesus refers to those who fall victim to this deception as "sleeping" (see Mt 13:36)
Together, these two doctrines are epidemic in the churches today and most Christians have no clue as to what these two doctrines are. The churches at large are actively promoting one or both of these doctrines and encourage it as being from Jesus Christ and in accordance with sound doctrine. Public rejection of either will classify that Cristian (sic) as not spirit filled and/or missing out on the blessings of God. Any Christian testimony in the church today which is in accordance with either of these two doctrines will receive a hearty "Amen" and a "Praise the Lord" from the entire congregation.
The good news from this quiz even though you have failed, is that your salvation in not affected. The bad news is that you have become "unsanctified" and that will cost you. How much will it cost? This will be taught in another article.
Enter any questions or comments via email or submit it anonymously on the forms page under the "Contact" page.
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We previously commented on another of this man's articles, and found that he leaves much to be desired as a Bible teacher. As we poked around his site we found some troubling information, enough so that we would not consider him to be a competent Bible teacher.
The below quiz found on his site confirms our assertion. We took the quiz and failed, answering questions 2-7 with "Jesus." These were deemed incorrect.
We shall save further comments for the end.
(8 Multiple Choice)
The choices are based on Matthew 24. (You can read or refer to it Here)
In Matthew 24:5 Jesus said,
"For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many."
Are you deceived in regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?. Are you included in "the many" or are you exempt? Find out by selecting your answers below.

Your Quiz Results
* * * FAILED * * *
Sorry, you missed . . . 6 out of 8
Question 1 Correct
Question 2 Incorrect
Question 3 Incorrect
Question 4 Incorrect
Question 5 Incorrect
Question 6 Incorrect
Question 7 Incorrect
Question 8 Correct
The answers to the first 7 multiple choice selections is -SATAN-. The answer to the last statement concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in what is known as "the rapture" is -FALSE-".
(Mt24:5) For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.
Well, it looks like you have joined the "many" that Jesus is talking about in these last days of the church age. Just how many is many anyway? Jesus answered this by saying it would be "as in the days of Noah". That gives us an idea of how many are many. This quiz exposes the summary of your understanding of bible doctrine. Jesus warned us that many in the church will become deceived prior to His arrival and fall victim to the doctrine of Balaam portrayed in the old testament and transferred into the church age as the doctrine of the Nicolaitans.
This doctrine is characterized in Revelation chapter 2 by . . .Eating things offered to idols and
Commit fornication
Jesus used parallel phrases in verse 38 . . .Eating and drinking and Marrying and giving in marriage
to say the same thing.
Moses encountered this same thing even before Balaam's time when he came down from Mount Sinai with the 10 commandments and found the children of Israel had...Sat down to eat and Rose up to play
Jesus is teaching that He cannot come again at the rapture until the thief or the "Man of Lawlessness is revealed (see IITh 2). Therefore, the popular and widespread teaching that Jesus can come for His church at any minute is a false and deceptive teaching. Jesus refers to those who fall victim to this deception as "sleeping" (see Mt 13:36)
Together, these two doctrines are epidemic in the churches today and most Christians have no clue as to what these two doctrines are. The churches at large are actively promoting one or both of these doctrines and encourage it as being from Jesus Christ and in accordance with sound doctrine. Public rejection of either will classify that Cristian (sic) as not spirit filled and/or missing out on the blessings of God. Any Christian testimony in the church today which is in accordance with either of these two doctrines will receive a hearty "Amen" and a "Praise the Lord" from the entire congregation.
The good news from this quiz even though you have failed, is that your salvation in not affected. The bad news is that you have become "unsanctified" and that will cost you. How much will it cost? This will be taught in another article.
Enter any questions or comments via email or submit it anonymously on the forms page under the "Contact" page.
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Now that we have read the author's nearly incomprehensible explanation, we are at loss to understand why he thinks the Son of Man would refer to satan in these verses. He never actually explains this.
And in fact, he wouldn't be able to. There are dozens of references to the Son of Man: Mt. 8:20, Mt. 9:6, Mt. 11:19, Mt. 12:8, Mt. 12:32, Mt. 12:40, Mt. 13:37, Mt. 16:27, Mt. 17:9, Mt. 17:12, Mt. 19:28, Mt. 20:27-28, Mt. 25:31, Mt. 26:2, Mt. 26:23-24, and Mt. 26:64 are just some of the references from Matthew alone.
None of them are ambiguous as to whom is being referred: Jesus.
But he wants us to believe that in this specific place in Matthew 24 the Son of Man switches to being the devil and then switches back to being Jesus.
We would therefore ask the author the same question Jesus asked his disciples:
Mt. 16:13-15 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” 14 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
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