Found here. My comments in bold.
In 1814, First Lady Dolley Madison helped hide the White House’s famous portrait of George Washington from the British when they burned and sacked the capital. But if the current pack of brigands raiding DC has its way, by the time they’re done, that painting and every other piece of government property that isn’t nailed down will be stolen and put up for sale on eBay. (The author is using a wildly hyperbolic statement to set the stage for his premise.)
That’s because a smash-and-grab mob is running the government. If they continue the way they are, every agency, every social program, every benefit and every one of us not-rich-people will take it in the wallet as they rapaciously loot the system. (Not content with his previous statement, the author piles on.)
I’m the enemy, ’cause I like to think; I like to read. I’m into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I’m the kind of guy who likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, “Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?” ...Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? -Edgar Friendly, character in Demolition Man (1993).
Disclaimer: Some postings contain other author's material. All such material is used here for fair use and discussion purposes.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Friday, December 8, 2017
A Brief History of Pastors
We are all used to the prevailing model of church leadership, which is a pastor over subordinates. Indeed, the church has been structured this way for centuries.
What is the biblical support for a pastor leading a church? Well, there is none. None at all. There is but a single mention of the word Pastor in the scriptures, Ephesians 4:11:
Ep. 4:11-13 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.Then how did we get pastors? Some time in the late second century, central power began to be consolidated in the leadership via the development of a professional clergy:
According to some historians and scholars The early Christian Church was very loosely organized, resulting in diverse interpretations of Christian beliefs. In part to ensure a greater consistency in their teachings, by the end of the 2nd century Christian communities had evolved a more structured hierarchy, with a central bishop having authority over the clergy in his city, leading to the development of the Metropolitan bishop.
The organization of the Church began to mimic that of the Empire; bishops in politically important cities exerted greater authority over bishops in nearby cities. The churches in Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome held the highest positions. Beginning in the 2nd century, bishops often congregated in regional synods to resolve doctrinal and policy issues.
church government,
Doctrine rethink,
Monday, December 4, 2017
What is Heresy? Is Arminianism Heresy, Part I - J.D. Hall
Found here. A valuable list. Not sure I agree that every "heresy" listed is actually heresy as defined by the author. For example, preterism is an eschatological viewpoint where a Christian can be otherwise completely orthodox.
We also note that the author has a mocking requirement that there needs to be a name for the heresy in order for there to be heresy. Yet in his list there are several heresies for which he has simply made up his own name for. But John MacArthur is not a heretic because there is no named heresy.
Part two here.
Part two here.
Random Internet Denizen: John MacArthur is a heretic!
Us: Why?
Random Internet Denizen: Because he said you could accept the Mark of the Beast and still be saved!
Us: What heresy is that?
Random Internet Denizen: What do you mean?
Us: Heresies have names. What is the name of that heresy?
Random Internet Denizen: I don’t know.
Us: So John MacArthur is a heretic, but you don’t know what kind of heretic?
Random Internet Denizen: [silence]
That’s pretty much how the majority of heresy discussions go. The term is often – but not always – misapplied in various ways. Unfortunately, the term has been misapplied so frequently that some have thrown out the term altogether, and choose not to use it at all. But, heresy is a fine word. There’s no reason to throw it out. Heretic is a fine title to give someone, and there’s no reason we should stop. We just need to make sure that we’re using it correctly.
doctrinal police,
Pulpit and Pen
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Politics from the Pulpit - BY SUSANNAH JACOB
Found here. My comments in bold.
As is typical for Leftists, you find the author neither understands the role of government, the Christian faith, nor the obvious implications of her position as it relates to the issue at hand.
Tucked inside the enormous House tax proposal (Since when has the Left been troubled by the size of a bill?)
is a provision that would roll back a 63-year-old ban on tax-exempt organizations — including churches — from making explicit political endorsements. In 1954, then-Sen. Lyndon Baines Johnson proposed the amendment to section 501(c)(3) of the federal tax code after a brutal campaign during which a tax-exempt group ran advertisements labeling him a communist. With its passage, Johnson hoped to quiet his opponents. (Hmm. Did the author just admit that the law was specifically designed by a liberal democrat to silence dissent?)
But in decades since, the ban has drawn a bright line between pulpits and political podiums, validating one of this country’s founding principles: the separation of church and state. (Was this really a founding principle? And is the author representing the principle correctly? We shall find out.)
As is typical for Leftists, you find the author neither understands the role of government, the Christian faith, nor the obvious implications of her position as it relates to the issue at hand.
Tucked inside the enormous House tax proposal (Since when has the Left been troubled by the size of a bill?)
is a provision that would roll back a 63-year-old ban on tax-exempt organizations — including churches — from making explicit political endorsements. In 1954, then-Sen. Lyndon Baines Johnson proposed the amendment to section 501(c)(3) of the federal tax code after a brutal campaign during which a tax-exempt group ran advertisements labeling him a communist. With its passage, Johnson hoped to quiet his opponents. (Hmm. Did the author just admit that the law was specifically designed by a liberal democrat to silence dissent?)
But in decades since, the ban has drawn a bright line between pulpits and political podiums, validating one of this country’s founding principles: the separation of church and state. (Was this really a founding principle? And is the author representing the principle correctly? We shall find out.)
Monday, November 27, 2017
We Need to Have a Talk About Matt Chandler - BY NEWS DIVISION
Found here. My comments in bold.
Ever on the alert for doctrinal purity, the Doctrinal Police cannot see past their own preconceptions and discern the reality of the diversity of faith and practice.
You will note the author quotes absolutely no Scripture, supplies little documentation of his claims aside from hostile references to the very blog his article appears on, and seems unable to treat the issues at hand without disdain or personal attack.
Most grievously, the author hides behind a "news division" moniker.
Okay, Christians. We need to have a talk about Matt Chandler.
We like Matt. Who couldn’t like Matt? He’s a great preacher. He’s entertaining as can be. He handled a nearly-terminal brain tumor like a God-glorifying champ. He gets the Gospel. So there’s that. We should applaud him for all those things. But that’s not what we need to talk about.
Let’s all admit that being really, really right on some things doesn’t make being really, really wrong on some other things okay. Neither does saying somebody is wrong about some things imply that we think they’re wrong on everything. So, we’re going to ask the legions of New Calvinist fanboys to set down their venti split-quad no foam lattes, put down their mole skin journals, and listen. Hear us out on this.
Matt Chandler – as swell of a guy as he is – has some deep theological problems. Chandler took over the troubled, Driscoll-stained Acts 29 Network at a difficult time of self-induced celebrity implosion. And, Chandler was one who – reluctantly and a day late and dollar short – finally gave Driscoll the boot. But, the charismatic commitment that forms the heart of the Acts 29 Network (it has always been charismatic, and includes on its board other charismatics, like Sam Storms) is a different kind of cancer that seems to have been slowly eating away at the doctrinal soul of Matt Chandler.
Endorsing Ann Voskamp – who writes theoerotic literature about making love to God – is not cool. (Endorsing an article about suicide is not the same as endorsing the person or everything she believes.)
Ever on the alert for doctrinal purity, the Doctrinal Police cannot see past their own preconceptions and discern the reality of the diversity of faith and practice.
You will note the author quotes absolutely no Scripture, supplies little documentation of his claims aside from hostile references to the very blog his article appears on, and seems unable to treat the issues at hand without disdain or personal attack.
Most grievously, the author hides behind a "news division" moniker.
Okay, Christians. We need to have a talk about Matt Chandler.
We like Matt. Who couldn’t like Matt? He’s a great preacher. He’s entertaining as can be. He handled a nearly-terminal brain tumor like a God-glorifying champ. He gets the Gospel. So there’s that. We should applaud him for all those things. But that’s not what we need to talk about.
Let’s all admit that being really, really right on some things doesn’t make being really, really wrong on some other things okay. Neither does saying somebody is wrong about some things imply that we think they’re wrong on everything. So, we’re going to ask the legions of New Calvinist fanboys to set down their venti split-quad no foam lattes, put down their mole skin journals, and listen. Hear us out on this.
Matt Chandler – as swell of a guy as he is – has some deep theological problems. Chandler took over the troubled, Driscoll-stained Acts 29 Network at a difficult time of self-induced celebrity implosion. And, Chandler was one who – reluctantly and a day late and dollar short – finally gave Driscoll the boot. But, the charismatic commitment that forms the heart of the Acts 29 Network (it has always been charismatic, and includes on its board other charismatics, like Sam Storms) is a different kind of cancer that seems to have been slowly eating away at the doctrinal soul of Matt Chandler.
Endorsing Ann Voskamp – who writes theoerotic literature about making love to God – is not cool. (Endorsing an article about suicide is not the same as endorsing the person or everything she believes.)
Pulpit and Pen
Friday, November 24, 2017
Time to ask how we will get better election results - by Kevin Crawford
My comments in bold.
How do we get better election outcomes than the GOP liars and miscreants (One who has behaved badly, or illegally. The author paints with a wide brush, while of course exempting his own side.)
we largely have now? I see four possibilities:
1. Get corporate money out of elections? Never happen – not with a Republican Congress; they (and even too many Democrats) (Um, most every Democrat. There is virtually no difference between the parties regarding big money contributions. Apparently the author has bought into the frequently told lie that Democrats are the party of the little guy while Republicans are the party of big corporations. It's amazing what people will believe.)
How do we get better election outcomes than the GOP liars and miscreants (One who has behaved badly, or illegally. The author paints with a wide brush, while of course exempting his own side.)
we largely have now? I see four possibilities:
1. Get corporate money out of elections? Never happen – not with a Republican Congress; they (and even too many Democrats) (Um, most every Democrat. There is virtually no difference between the parties regarding big money contributions. Apparently the author has bought into the frequently told lie that Democrats are the party of the little guy while Republicans are the party of big corporations. It's amazing what people will believe.)
Monday, November 20, 2017
Sermon Notes 11/19/17 Rom 5:1-5 - How to walk out your faith
S1 How to walk out your faith.
I don’t know if we’ve ever actually said it, but the elders have been embracing a general theme over the past several weeks, “how to walk out your faith.” We have been trying to flesh out some of the spiritual and practical ways to have a real and relevant faith.
For example, the spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting. The ministry of the body, one to another. The honor we give as we recognize what Father has place in others. The matters of structure and authority and gifting and course corrections. All of this you have heard from this stage.
Father has been preparing us, even as we didn’t know what was coming. He’s been laying the groundwork, not only to equip us to overcome difficulty, but also to draw us together in love and prepare us for what He wants us to do.
He knows our need. He knows what’s coming. He’s always faithful, always loving, and always lifegiving. Knowing this really builds faith in me.
So, “how to walk out your faith” has indeed become real. I stood up here a few weeks ago and said there was an earthquake coming. I didn’t know what that meant, other than the fact that we need to plant our feet firmly on the Rock, believe God in obedience, and to love one another.
My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.
When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
His oath, His covenant, His blood Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.
When the storms come, when the earth shakes, when what we thought was trustworthy turns out to be unstable, we will either depend wholly on Jesus and stand firm in faith, or we will walk away, injured and jaded and mistrustful.
We get to choose. Choose wisely.
One of my favorite preachers, TD Jakes once said, S2 “You will never know you have faith until you’re in a good fight.” And that’s where we are, we are in a good fight. Not good as in pleasant, but good as in real. Paul tells Timothy in S3 1Tim. 6:12: Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
It is a good fight. But we aren’t fighting for a man, an ideology, or an organization. Our fight is not fleshly. We are fighting for what Father has promised. We are fighting for our lives, including our lives together as a people of God. We are fighting for the sake of what has been set before us.
We do this together. This is what we must do. Together: Commit to discern and then stand firm in what Holy Spirit is saying to the church. Commit to hold on tight to the Scriptures. Commit to rely on each other as the body of Christ. Commit to trust Father for his faithfulness.
And let me tell you, you are up to the challenge of this fight. You can overcome. You can persevere. You have what it takes. And, you have the people of God right there with you. You are not alone.
Say this with me: I wasn’t ready before… but now I’m ready for this fight.
What can you do? You can love. You can pray. You can build faith in others as well as guard your own faith.
And may I say, you shouldn’t speculate. You shouldn’t take sides. You shouldn’t be so sure that you know enough to render judgment. S4 1Ti. 5:22 …do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.
That word “share,” koinoneo, is also translated “participate,” or “partake.” The definition is, “come into communion or fellowship with, to become a sharer, be made a partner.”
That means, don’t come on board with someone’s sin. Do be a part of it. Don’t think you have all the information to necessary to take up a cause. Don’t carry someone else’s offense.
The enemy wants to mess things up. He’s putting in a lot of overtime. Apparently something is happening here in the spirit that worries him. So I hope you’re ready to fight in the Spirit. But even more, I hope that you’re desire is to be positioned for what Father is doing next. He has big plans.
That’s my introduction. Now let’s look at today’s passage.
S5 How to walk out your faith.
S6 Ro. 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.
S7 3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
I usually like to study my Bible in a topical way. I like to take an idea or a word and explore everything the Bible has to say about it.
But today I want to focus on the elements of this particular passage to see if we can dig out something meaningful.
So we come to the first word… S8 Ro. 5:1 Therefore…
Whenever we see the word “therefore,” we need to see what it’s there for. We need to look back to what was written before. In the previous chapter, chapter four, we find that Paul is discussing Abraham’s faith.
Paul tells us that God had promised that Abraham would be the father of many nations. And Abraham believed God, even though his wife Sarah was too old to get pregnant.
Paul writes that Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness. Paul is using Abraham’s faith to set up a premise -- to make a point. Paul says he’s not just talking about Abraham. He writes: S9 Ro. 4:23-24 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, 24 but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness — for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.
The phrase “it was credited to him” is more traditionally the word “imputed.” S10 ascribe to someone a quality, by virtue of that quality in another.
What does this mean? Let’s say you know someone who is a soldier, and he always acts with respect and honor, he has a noble bearing and is highly trained and disciplined. This is what you think a soldier is like. So whenever you see a soldier, it would be quite natural for you to think in those terms, even though it’s quite possible this particular soldier doesn’t possess those qualities at all.
What you have done is imputed qualities to him based on the qualities someone else possesses. You regard him through that lens.
That’s what Father does with us. He regards us as righteous. But He takes this further. When Father imputes something to someone, that quality actually becomes present in that person.
So Father deemed Abraham as righteous by faith. Abraham wasn’t righteous, but when he believed God he was righteous. Imputed.
So Paul asserts that this same principle is in operation today, S11 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, 24 but also for us. And Paul says it’s the same way for us. Righteousness by faith is as true for us as it was true for Abraham. It’s like Father makes a cash deposit in your account and then honors you for being rich. It isn’t your money, but it is. It isn’t your righteousness, but it is. It isn’t your faith, but it is. It’s imputed to us. It’s to our credit.
Say this with me: I am righteous… because Father says so.
So that’s the groundwork Paul lays for us, bringing us to “therefore.”
S12 How to walk out your faith.
S13 Ro. 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith
Paul now runs with the concept he just established. He tells us we are justified through faith.
Our contemporary understanding of justified is different than the biblical usage. We think of it in terms of, “Oh, she was justified in getting angry.” “His divorce was justified.” “The police were justified in arresting Jeff Kitto.” Basically, understandable under the circumstances.
But the Bible uses the term differently. S14 Justify: to render righteous, or to declare, to pronounce, someone to be righteous.
S15 Therefore.
S16 Therefore, through faith
S17 Therefore, we are justified by faith.
S18 Therefore, we are made righteous.
Father makes a thunderous pronouncement. Justified. Righteous. This declaration from heaven resounded through the cosmos: S19 This is my beloved daughter, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. You. This is you.
He justified us and proclaimed it as truth. He opened his mouth with a trustworthy saying, that we are righteous through faith in Jesus.
And He spoke this right to our innermost being. You are my beloved daughter, you are my beloved son.
He called forth your identity, destiny, and purpose. It wasn’t there until he spoke. He made something out of nothing. He formed something in you that brings you life. He regards you according to what He says about you, not what you think about yourself or what you are or what you did or how you failed . Nope, you’re
S20 justified through faith
There was some moment when I started to believe. Do you remember your moment? In a particular combination of circumstances of your life, maybe dissatisfaction or hopelessness or questioning or finally hitting bottom in your sin, or even thinking, “there must be something more,” revelation came to you. Father revealed himself.
Say this: Everything I know about Father… He revealed to me.
He cracked open my darkness with the light of His word. Barely visible at first, way off in the distance. A flicker of hope. A tiny shred of faith.
I didn’t even know it was there before. Could it be true? What was that? Did I hear something? Wait, what did He just say? Did he whisper or shout?
S21 You are my beloved.
We were loved before we were lovable. He spoke and said we belong to Him. Suddenly we’re a child of the King. He imputes to us righteousness. Forgiveness. Sonship.
He calls us something we’re not. Imputed. We didn’t deserve it before, but… But… now we do deserve it as co-heirs in Christ. Did you hear that? Now we deserve the promises He has spoken. We never earned them. We didn’t do anything. They were imputed. Credited to our account.
That might be controversial to you. “Who is this guy to tell us that we deserve God’s blessing?” Let me say this: It isn’t arrogant to agree with Father. This is what He has done for us!
Does that mean we have some sort of inside track or secret understanding? No. Are we superior or special compared to others? No. Should we stop being concerned about avoiding sin? Shall we stop being humble? No.
But should we live our lives according to the truth? Yes! Father has imputed righteousness.
Say this with me: I didn’t know… how big my inheritance is.
S22 Yes
And this you can be sure of, He makes promises that never fail. He speaks a big fat “yes” over us. Promises. Every promise of God is trustworthy. It’s a sure thing. Bank on it. S23 2Cor. 1:20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.
Father says “yes.” Yes in Christ. In Christ. You are in Christ. S24 1Co. 1:30 It is because of him [God] that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God — that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.
Father says S25 “yes.” Yes you are delivered. Yes you are saved. Yes you are forgiven. Yes you are freed from bondage.
Father says “yes.” Yes you are His. Yes you are justified. Yes you are worthy. YES!
Because we are S26 justified. Our status changed. Our position is elevated. Our identity has changed. Once I was dead, now I’m alive. Once I was destined for hell, now I’m a citizen in heaven. Once I was an orphan, now I am found in Christ. Once I had no future, now I know where I’m going. Once I had no future, now I have a living hope. Once I was nothing, but Father made me something. Something precious. Something valuable.
S27 You. S28 Are. S29 My. S30 Beloved.
Does this make you a little uncomfortable? Don’t let it. Instead, let it change how you might walk out your faith.
Let me pause a moment and ask, what is your status? Are you S31 justified? S32 Righteous? S33 Beloved?
It’s time for your S34 faith to arise Let me call it forth. It’s time to believe. Jesus, the Son of God, victor over death and the grave, offers life to you right at this moment.
Your life may be a disaster. Jesus is the answer. You have many worries and troubles. Jesus is the answer. You’ve become aware of your sin and how it separates you from how your life should be. Jesus is the answer.
Or maybe your life is not particularly troubled. God doesn’t bother you and you don’t bother God. But you know deep down that there is something better. Jesus is the answer.
Or maybe you’re simply a skeptic. Is there really a God out there? How can I know for sure? Jesus is the answer.
So I call forth faith. Hear the word of the Lord! S35 Ro. 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
If you’re not saved, S36 let faith arise. If you’re saved but you feel without hope, let faith arise. If you know deep down there must be more, let faith arise. Come to the Father, who loves you.
Any questions?
S37 Ro. 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith
S38 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
Justification comes through faith, and from that we have peace with God. When He imputed righteousness to us, we received peace with God.
We were all enemies of God. It wasn’t a case of agree to disagree. It wasn’t ambivalence. It wasn’t let bygones be bygones. We were actively, in your face, over the top, hostile, enemies of God. It isn’t so much that He was angry with us, it was actually that we were haters of God.
Father took care of that through Jesus. Father’s justification brought peace. Through Jesus the score is settled, the war is over. Through Jesus there is a cessation of hostilities. But notice, peace is not just the absence of war; the term implies a reconnection between the former opposing factions.
S39 Ep. 2:17-19 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. 19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow-citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household…
Holy Spirit provides the avenue that connects us to Father. S40 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. That is, both those who are near and those who are far can enter this relationship. No matter how evil you’ve been, there is a way.
Because of this, we’re no longer foreigners, we are citizens. We are no longer fatherless, we are family. There is no longer emnity, there is now peace through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Say this with me: Jesus has done much more for me… than I first thought.
S41 How to walk out your faith
S42 Ro. 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith
S43 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
S44 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.
Access by faith. That’s us. We have access.
Do you look at yourself and think there is no way you qualify for this access? Do you think you don’t measure up? Yes, on one hand we know we have this sin nature, and that of course disqualified. Past tense. That’s what we were.
But I hope you haven’t forgotten that righteousness has been imputed to us. We are new creations in Christ, by faith. You are no longer who you were.
But too many of us have lived in the faulty understanding that the old man is still alive. But he’s dead. We are new creations.
Too many of us are enamored with the dead man. That’s where condemnation comes from. May I say that you need to stop slow dancing with your corpse?
So, we see a way has been opened. Access has been gained. S45 …through whom we have gained access by faith... Faith has brought justification, which gains us peace with God by way of Jesus, and now we see that this faith gives us access to grace.
This is a door I want each of us to walk through. It’s a new way, based not on our perception of our merit, but on righteousness by faith. S46 He. 10:19-20 Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body…
Confidence to enter the very presence of Father. Righteousness grants us this access. I’m not advocating that you fire up your bravado and pretend you’re something you’re not. You don’t need some sort of hyper faith. It’s not psyching yourself up. No, this is already you. I’m just telling you who you are.
S47 …into this grace in which we now stand. So we’re at grace yet again. This is the third time I’ve stood before you and the third time I’ve talked about grace.
The word grace appears 147 times in the NT, and 95 of those are Paul’s. So I hope you forgive me if I talk about if a few times. I think it’s that important. S49 Grace: God’s empowering presence to do what we are called to do and be what we’re called to be.
S50 Grace is the power to stand.
S51 Grace is the power to stand firm.
S52 Grace is the power to stand firm in faith.
S53 Grace is the power to stand firm in faith and identity.
S54 Grace is the power to stand firm in faith and identity and do the will of Father.
S55 …into this grace in which we now stand. My feet are firmly planted in Father’s grace. How did I get here? Faith was counted to me as righteousness, which ushered me into the presence of Father. Now I am unshakable. Confident. I know who I am. Father said so, and I believed.
…into this grace in which we now stand. There’s power there. It’s a solid rock position where we can stand and not be shaken by the earthquakes. Even when everything seems unstable.
There have been some things happening lately that make it feel a bit shaky. But grace is the safe place. Let me tell you, don’t look to man for this safety. Father’s grace is where you must stand.
S56 How to walk out your faith
S57 Ro. 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith
we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.
S58 And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
S59 5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
A main prayer focus of mine has been that we would see the glory of God in this place. It consumes me that God would find us as people completely surrendered to Him, and He would be pleased to move among us with salvations, healings, deliverances, and impartation.
A move of God. That’s my hope. I have hope in me because I know whom I have believed. It’s hope that enlivens us. Hope builds faith. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness…
Verse 5: S60 hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
This is the money quote for me today. S61 hope does not disappoint us. His Holy Spirit lives in us, and He is the reason we have the hope of God’s glory. It’s a confidence not based on our circumstances or our difficulties or our successes or what we thought we knew about God.
If we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God, we will not be disappointed! The reason? S62 because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Oh how He loves us! I still can’t get my mind around this even as I’ve studied it.
And I think it’s for us right now. Why? Because we have his Holy Spirit NOW. It’s not just the great by and by. Some people believe that the promises of Father are for the afterlife. If that were true, then it would be like someone giving you the keys to a Ferrari, but telling you that you can’t drive it until your bicycle wears out. Nope. It’s for now.
Say this with me: I think it’s time… for me to take a road trip.
I think this ought to change our thinking. It ought to change the way we live. It ought to change the way we pray. It ought to change how we love.
We should start hoping. We should be rejoicing. We should be celebrating. How good Father is to pour His love into us by the Holy Spirit! This was Jeff’s point a couple of weeks ago. If all this is true, we should be worshiping like crazy!
Hope does not disappoint. Ever been disappointed? Father will not disappoint! S63 He. 6:19-20 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, 20 where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf.
The inner sanctuary is the place of God’s presence. The Holy of Holies. The place where the high priest only could enter, and then only once a year. The same Holy of Holies where the curtain was torn in two. Our anchor, the place where our boat is secured, is in the presence of the Creator of the universe!
But sandwiched in between verse 2 and verse 5 are verses 3 and 4. S64 3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Here Paul acknowledges a sober reality, and he sticks it right in the middle of our party. Sometimes things don’t go our way. We struggle. We fail. We suffer. It doesn’t always work out.
I quoted TD Jakes: S65 You will never know you have faith until you’re in a good fight. I’d take it further and say, you will never have perseverance unless you have struggles. And you will never gain character if you never have to persevere. And you will never have hope if you never gain character.
And you will be forever powerless without hope.
Rejoice in our sufferings. Nothing can intervene in our worship. We must worship right on through our difficulties and pain and hardship. That’s how we get to the place of hope as Father develops Christ-likeness in us. The reward is great: The glory of God.
(Worship team)
Our word for this year is harvest. My idea of harvest has expanded. Let’s reap souls, but let’s also reap a harvest of righteousness.
But let me give you a new word. Hope. Michael blitzed you with Scriptures at then end of his sermon last week, and I’m going to follow his lead to hammer my point: We need to fire up our hope.
S66 Scripture Blitz
S67 Ro. 15:4-6 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. 5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, 6 so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
S68 1Co. 13:6-7 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
S69 Ep. 1:17-19 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
S70 Ep. 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit — just as you were called to one hope when you were called — 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
S71 Col. 1:3-6 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints — 5 the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven and that you have already heard about in the word of truth, the gospel 6 that has come to you.
S72 Col. 1:23 if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven…
S73 Tit. 2:11-13 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope — the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ…
S74 He. 10:23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
S75 He. 11:1-2 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.
S76 1Pe. 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…
I’m not saying all this to make you feel better about yourself. This is not a motivational speech. This is a call to righteousness that comes by faith.
I think we have to get a better handle on who we are in Christ before we can live a life of fullness in the Holy Spirit. If you cannot accept who Father says you are, you make Him out to be a liar. You will be forever buffeted by the storms. You will be rudderless and powerless.
We look to the promises of Father, to His unvarying faithfulness, to the glory set before us, to live and move and have our being in the currents of Holy Spirit, by the blood of Jesus.
If that happens, we are in a good place.
I don’t know if we’ve ever actually said it, but the elders have been embracing a general theme over the past several weeks, “how to walk out your faith.” We have been trying to flesh out some of the spiritual and practical ways to have a real and relevant faith.
For example, the spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting. The ministry of the body, one to another. The honor we give as we recognize what Father has place in others. The matters of structure and authority and gifting and course corrections. All of this you have heard from this stage.
Father has been preparing us, even as we didn’t know what was coming. He’s been laying the groundwork, not only to equip us to overcome difficulty, but also to draw us together in love and prepare us for what He wants us to do.
He knows our need. He knows what’s coming. He’s always faithful, always loving, and always lifegiving. Knowing this really builds faith in me.
So, “how to walk out your faith” has indeed become real. I stood up here a few weeks ago and said there was an earthquake coming. I didn’t know what that meant, other than the fact that we need to plant our feet firmly on the Rock, believe God in obedience, and to love one another.
My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.
When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
His oath, His covenant, His blood Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.
When the storms come, when the earth shakes, when what we thought was trustworthy turns out to be unstable, we will either depend wholly on Jesus and stand firm in faith, or we will walk away, injured and jaded and mistrustful.
We get to choose. Choose wisely.
One of my favorite preachers, TD Jakes once said, S2 “You will never know you have faith until you’re in a good fight.” And that’s where we are, we are in a good fight. Not good as in pleasant, but good as in real. Paul tells Timothy in S3 1Tim. 6:12: Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
It is a good fight. But we aren’t fighting for a man, an ideology, or an organization. Our fight is not fleshly. We are fighting for what Father has promised. We are fighting for our lives, including our lives together as a people of God. We are fighting for the sake of what has been set before us.
We do this together. This is what we must do. Together: Commit to discern and then stand firm in what Holy Spirit is saying to the church. Commit to hold on tight to the Scriptures. Commit to rely on each other as the body of Christ. Commit to trust Father for his faithfulness.
And let me tell you, you are up to the challenge of this fight. You can overcome. You can persevere. You have what it takes. And, you have the people of God right there with you. You are not alone.
Say this with me: I wasn’t ready before… but now I’m ready for this fight.
What can you do? You can love. You can pray. You can build faith in others as well as guard your own faith.
And may I say, you shouldn’t speculate. You shouldn’t take sides. You shouldn’t be so sure that you know enough to render judgment. S4 1Ti. 5:22 …do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.
That word “share,” koinoneo, is also translated “participate,” or “partake.” The definition is, “come into communion or fellowship with, to become a sharer, be made a partner.”
That means, don’t come on board with someone’s sin. Do be a part of it. Don’t think you have all the information to necessary to take up a cause. Don’t carry someone else’s offense.
The enemy wants to mess things up. He’s putting in a lot of overtime. Apparently something is happening here in the spirit that worries him. So I hope you’re ready to fight in the Spirit. But even more, I hope that you’re desire is to be positioned for what Father is doing next. He has big plans.
That’s my introduction. Now let’s look at today’s passage.
S5 How to walk out your faith.
S6 Ro. 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.
S7 3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
I usually like to study my Bible in a topical way. I like to take an idea or a word and explore everything the Bible has to say about it.
But today I want to focus on the elements of this particular passage to see if we can dig out something meaningful.
So we come to the first word… S8 Ro. 5:1 Therefore…
Whenever we see the word “therefore,” we need to see what it’s there for. We need to look back to what was written before. In the previous chapter, chapter four, we find that Paul is discussing Abraham’s faith.
Paul tells us that God had promised that Abraham would be the father of many nations. And Abraham believed God, even though his wife Sarah was too old to get pregnant.
Paul writes that Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness. Paul is using Abraham’s faith to set up a premise -- to make a point. Paul says he’s not just talking about Abraham. He writes: S9 Ro. 4:23-24 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, 24 but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness — for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.
The phrase “it was credited to him” is more traditionally the word “imputed.” S10 ascribe to someone a quality, by virtue of that quality in another.
What does this mean? Let’s say you know someone who is a soldier, and he always acts with respect and honor, he has a noble bearing and is highly trained and disciplined. This is what you think a soldier is like. So whenever you see a soldier, it would be quite natural for you to think in those terms, even though it’s quite possible this particular soldier doesn’t possess those qualities at all.
What you have done is imputed qualities to him based on the qualities someone else possesses. You regard him through that lens.
That’s what Father does with us. He regards us as righteous. But He takes this further. When Father imputes something to someone, that quality actually becomes present in that person.
So Father deemed Abraham as righteous by faith. Abraham wasn’t righteous, but when he believed God he was righteous. Imputed.
So Paul asserts that this same principle is in operation today, S11 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, 24 but also for us. And Paul says it’s the same way for us. Righteousness by faith is as true for us as it was true for Abraham. It’s like Father makes a cash deposit in your account and then honors you for being rich. It isn’t your money, but it is. It isn’t your righteousness, but it is. It isn’t your faith, but it is. It’s imputed to us. It’s to our credit.
Say this with me: I am righteous… because Father says so.
So that’s the groundwork Paul lays for us, bringing us to “therefore.”
S12 How to walk out your faith.
S13 Ro. 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith
Paul now runs with the concept he just established. He tells us we are justified through faith.
Our contemporary understanding of justified is different than the biblical usage. We think of it in terms of, “Oh, she was justified in getting angry.” “His divorce was justified.” “The police were justified in arresting Jeff Kitto.” Basically, understandable under the circumstances.
But the Bible uses the term differently. S14 Justify: to render righteous, or to declare, to pronounce, someone to be righteous.
S15 Therefore.
S16 Therefore, through faith
S17 Therefore, we are justified by faith.
S18 Therefore, we are made righteous.
Father makes a thunderous pronouncement. Justified. Righteous. This declaration from heaven resounded through the cosmos: S19 This is my beloved daughter, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. You. This is you.
He justified us and proclaimed it as truth. He opened his mouth with a trustworthy saying, that we are righteous through faith in Jesus.
And He spoke this right to our innermost being. You are my beloved daughter, you are my beloved son.
He called forth your identity, destiny, and purpose. It wasn’t there until he spoke. He made something out of nothing. He formed something in you that brings you life. He regards you according to what He says about you, not what you think about yourself or what you are or what you did or how you failed . Nope, you’re
S20 justified through faith
There was some moment when I started to believe. Do you remember your moment? In a particular combination of circumstances of your life, maybe dissatisfaction or hopelessness or questioning or finally hitting bottom in your sin, or even thinking, “there must be something more,” revelation came to you. Father revealed himself.
Say this: Everything I know about Father… He revealed to me.
He cracked open my darkness with the light of His word. Barely visible at first, way off in the distance. A flicker of hope. A tiny shred of faith.
I didn’t even know it was there before. Could it be true? What was that? Did I hear something? Wait, what did He just say? Did he whisper or shout?
S21 You are my beloved.
We were loved before we were lovable. He spoke and said we belong to Him. Suddenly we’re a child of the King. He imputes to us righteousness. Forgiveness. Sonship.
He calls us something we’re not. Imputed. We didn’t deserve it before, but… But… now we do deserve it as co-heirs in Christ. Did you hear that? Now we deserve the promises He has spoken. We never earned them. We didn’t do anything. They were imputed. Credited to our account.
That might be controversial to you. “Who is this guy to tell us that we deserve God’s blessing?” Let me say this: It isn’t arrogant to agree with Father. This is what He has done for us!
Does that mean we have some sort of inside track or secret understanding? No. Are we superior or special compared to others? No. Should we stop being concerned about avoiding sin? Shall we stop being humble? No.
But should we live our lives according to the truth? Yes! Father has imputed righteousness.
Say this with me: I didn’t know… how big my inheritance is.
S22 Yes
And this you can be sure of, He makes promises that never fail. He speaks a big fat “yes” over us. Promises. Every promise of God is trustworthy. It’s a sure thing. Bank on it. S23 2Cor. 1:20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.
Father says “yes.” Yes in Christ. In Christ. You are in Christ. S24 1Co. 1:30 It is because of him [God] that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God — that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.
Father says S25 “yes.” Yes you are delivered. Yes you are saved. Yes you are forgiven. Yes you are freed from bondage.
Father says “yes.” Yes you are His. Yes you are justified. Yes you are worthy. YES!
Because we are S26 justified. Our status changed. Our position is elevated. Our identity has changed. Once I was dead, now I’m alive. Once I was destined for hell, now I’m a citizen in heaven. Once I was an orphan, now I am found in Christ. Once I had no future, now I know where I’m going. Once I had no future, now I have a living hope. Once I was nothing, but Father made me something. Something precious. Something valuable.
S27 You. S28 Are. S29 My. S30 Beloved.
Does this make you a little uncomfortable? Don’t let it. Instead, let it change how you might walk out your faith.
Let me pause a moment and ask, what is your status? Are you S31 justified? S32 Righteous? S33 Beloved?
It’s time for your S34 faith to arise Let me call it forth. It’s time to believe. Jesus, the Son of God, victor over death and the grave, offers life to you right at this moment.
Your life may be a disaster. Jesus is the answer. You have many worries and troubles. Jesus is the answer. You’ve become aware of your sin and how it separates you from how your life should be. Jesus is the answer.
Or maybe your life is not particularly troubled. God doesn’t bother you and you don’t bother God. But you know deep down that there is something better. Jesus is the answer.
Or maybe you’re simply a skeptic. Is there really a God out there? How can I know for sure? Jesus is the answer.
So I call forth faith. Hear the word of the Lord! S35 Ro. 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
If you’re not saved, S36 let faith arise. If you’re saved but you feel without hope, let faith arise. If you know deep down there must be more, let faith arise. Come to the Father, who loves you.
Any questions?
S37 Ro. 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith
S38 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
Justification comes through faith, and from that we have peace with God. When He imputed righteousness to us, we received peace with God.
We were all enemies of God. It wasn’t a case of agree to disagree. It wasn’t ambivalence. It wasn’t let bygones be bygones. We were actively, in your face, over the top, hostile, enemies of God. It isn’t so much that He was angry with us, it was actually that we were haters of God.
Father took care of that through Jesus. Father’s justification brought peace. Through Jesus the score is settled, the war is over. Through Jesus there is a cessation of hostilities. But notice, peace is not just the absence of war; the term implies a reconnection between the former opposing factions.
S39 Ep. 2:17-19 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. 19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow-citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household…
Holy Spirit provides the avenue that connects us to Father. S40 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. That is, both those who are near and those who are far can enter this relationship. No matter how evil you’ve been, there is a way.
Because of this, we’re no longer foreigners, we are citizens. We are no longer fatherless, we are family. There is no longer emnity, there is now peace through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Say this with me: Jesus has done much more for me… than I first thought.
S41 How to walk out your faith
S42 Ro. 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith
S43 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
S44 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.
Access by faith. That’s us. We have access.
Do you look at yourself and think there is no way you qualify for this access? Do you think you don’t measure up? Yes, on one hand we know we have this sin nature, and that of course disqualified. Past tense. That’s what we were.
But I hope you haven’t forgotten that righteousness has been imputed to us. We are new creations in Christ, by faith. You are no longer who you were.
But too many of us have lived in the faulty understanding that the old man is still alive. But he’s dead. We are new creations.
Too many of us are enamored with the dead man. That’s where condemnation comes from. May I say that you need to stop slow dancing with your corpse?
So, we see a way has been opened. Access has been gained. S45 …through whom we have gained access by faith... Faith has brought justification, which gains us peace with God by way of Jesus, and now we see that this faith gives us access to grace.
This is a door I want each of us to walk through. It’s a new way, based not on our perception of our merit, but on righteousness by faith. S46 He. 10:19-20 Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body…
Confidence to enter the very presence of Father. Righteousness grants us this access. I’m not advocating that you fire up your bravado and pretend you’re something you’re not. You don’t need some sort of hyper faith. It’s not psyching yourself up. No, this is already you. I’m just telling you who you are.
S47 …into this grace in which we now stand. So we’re at grace yet again. This is the third time I’ve stood before you and the third time I’ve talked about grace.
The word grace appears 147 times in the NT, and 95 of those are Paul’s. So I hope you forgive me if I talk about if a few times. I think it’s that important. S49 Grace: God’s empowering presence to do what we are called to do and be what we’re called to be.
S50 Grace is the power to stand.
S51 Grace is the power to stand firm.
S52 Grace is the power to stand firm in faith.
S53 Grace is the power to stand firm in faith and identity.
S54 Grace is the power to stand firm in faith and identity and do the will of Father.
S55 …into this grace in which we now stand. My feet are firmly planted in Father’s grace. How did I get here? Faith was counted to me as righteousness, which ushered me into the presence of Father. Now I am unshakable. Confident. I know who I am. Father said so, and I believed.
…into this grace in which we now stand. There’s power there. It’s a solid rock position where we can stand and not be shaken by the earthquakes. Even when everything seems unstable.
There have been some things happening lately that make it feel a bit shaky. But grace is the safe place. Let me tell you, don’t look to man for this safety. Father’s grace is where you must stand.
S56 How to walk out your faith
S57 Ro. 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith
we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.
S58 And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
S59 5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
A main prayer focus of mine has been that we would see the glory of God in this place. It consumes me that God would find us as people completely surrendered to Him, and He would be pleased to move among us with salvations, healings, deliverances, and impartation.
A move of God. That’s my hope. I have hope in me because I know whom I have believed. It’s hope that enlivens us. Hope builds faith. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness…
Verse 5: S60 hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
This is the money quote for me today. S61 hope does not disappoint us. His Holy Spirit lives in us, and He is the reason we have the hope of God’s glory. It’s a confidence not based on our circumstances or our difficulties or our successes or what we thought we knew about God.
If we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God, we will not be disappointed! The reason? S62 because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Oh how He loves us! I still can’t get my mind around this even as I’ve studied it.
And I think it’s for us right now. Why? Because we have his Holy Spirit NOW. It’s not just the great by and by. Some people believe that the promises of Father are for the afterlife. If that were true, then it would be like someone giving you the keys to a Ferrari, but telling you that you can’t drive it until your bicycle wears out. Nope. It’s for now.
Say this with me: I think it’s time… for me to take a road trip.
I think this ought to change our thinking. It ought to change the way we live. It ought to change the way we pray. It ought to change how we love.
We should start hoping. We should be rejoicing. We should be celebrating. How good Father is to pour His love into us by the Holy Spirit! This was Jeff’s point a couple of weeks ago. If all this is true, we should be worshiping like crazy!
Hope does not disappoint. Ever been disappointed? Father will not disappoint! S63 He. 6:19-20 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, 20 where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf.
The inner sanctuary is the place of God’s presence. The Holy of Holies. The place where the high priest only could enter, and then only once a year. The same Holy of Holies where the curtain was torn in two. Our anchor, the place where our boat is secured, is in the presence of the Creator of the universe!
But sandwiched in between verse 2 and verse 5 are verses 3 and 4. S64 3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Here Paul acknowledges a sober reality, and he sticks it right in the middle of our party. Sometimes things don’t go our way. We struggle. We fail. We suffer. It doesn’t always work out.
I quoted TD Jakes: S65 You will never know you have faith until you’re in a good fight. I’d take it further and say, you will never have perseverance unless you have struggles. And you will never gain character if you never have to persevere. And you will never have hope if you never gain character.
And you will be forever powerless without hope.
Rejoice in our sufferings. Nothing can intervene in our worship. We must worship right on through our difficulties and pain and hardship. That’s how we get to the place of hope as Father develops Christ-likeness in us. The reward is great: The glory of God.
(Worship team)
Our word for this year is harvest. My idea of harvest has expanded. Let’s reap souls, but let’s also reap a harvest of righteousness.
But let me give you a new word. Hope. Michael blitzed you with Scriptures at then end of his sermon last week, and I’m going to follow his lead to hammer my point: We need to fire up our hope.
S66 Scripture Blitz
S67 Ro. 15:4-6 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. 5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, 6 so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
S68 1Co. 13:6-7 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
S69 Ep. 1:17-19 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
S70 Ep. 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit — just as you were called to one hope when you were called — 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
S71 Col. 1:3-6 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints — 5 the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven and that you have already heard about in the word of truth, the gospel 6 that has come to you.
S72 Col. 1:23 if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven…
S73 Tit. 2:11-13 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope — the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ…
S74 He. 10:23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
S75 He. 11:1-2 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.
S76 1Pe. 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…
I’m not saying all this to make you feel better about yourself. This is not a motivational speech. This is a call to righteousness that comes by faith.
I think we have to get a better handle on who we are in Christ before we can live a life of fullness in the Holy Spirit. If you cannot accept who Father says you are, you make Him out to be a liar. You will be forever buffeted by the storms. You will be rudderless and powerless.
We look to the promises of Father, to His unvarying faithfulness, to the glory set before us, to live and move and have our being in the currents of Holy Spirit, by the blood of Jesus.
If that happens, we are in a good place.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Americans Are Stressed About the Future. Here’s Why That’s Promising - BY SARAH VAN GELDER
Found here. My comments in bold.
This is a classic example of Confirmation Bias. The author interprets the results of the poll in light of what she feels is wrong with the country. And that is the typical leftist perspective: It's the fault of Eeevil Donald Trump, inequality, racism, pollution, and greed.
But she doesn't know why people answered the way they did. A conservative might say that people are stressed by the continual ideological bombardment by the Left. White privilege, micro aggressions, how we're destroying the planet and it's America's fault, etc.. You know the litany. We could just as easily conclude that the average person has grown weary of being accused of every sort of wrong.
Second, the poll offers no historical context. There are no past polls made available. We don't know how people felt about these issues 10 or 20 or 30 years ago. The author assumes without evidence that this is a new development and has never been a problem before.
And we note that the author attributes this disquiet to fear. This is a typical leftist rhetorical technique, to impute irrational emotion to people as a way of disqualifying them.
The author then wanders off into irrelevancies about finding meaning and embracing progressive causes. It makes me wonder how this article made it past the editor's desk.
This is a classic example of Confirmation Bias. The author interprets the results of the poll in light of what she feels is wrong with the country. And that is the typical leftist perspective: It's the fault of Eeevil Donald Trump, inequality, racism, pollution, and greed.
But she doesn't know why people answered the way they did. A conservative might say that people are stressed by the continual ideological bombardment by the Left. White privilege, micro aggressions, how we're destroying the planet and it's America's fault, etc.. You know the litany. We could just as easily conclude that the average person has grown weary of being accused of every sort of wrong.
Second, the poll offers no historical context. There are no past polls made available. We don't know how people felt about these issues 10 or 20 or 30 years ago. The author assumes without evidence that this is a new development and has never been a problem before.
And we note that the author attributes this disquiet to fear. This is a typical leftist rhetorical technique, to impute irrational emotion to people as a way of disqualifying them.
The author then wanders off into irrelevancies about finding meaning and embracing progressive causes. It makes me wonder how this article made it past the editor's desk.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
The GOP Tax Plan Tells Us Everything About Who Matters In American Democracy - BY ZACH CARTER
Found here. My comments in bold.
This post originally appeared at HuffPost.
The United States is the richest country in the history of the world. Last year, the genius and muscle of the American people generated more than $18.6 trillion in wealth. This year, our brains and brawn will combine to create well over $19 trillion. Despite all the debt theatrics of the Republican Party during the Obama presidency, we owe just $6.2 trillion to other countries — less than four months of our collective labors at their present value. (There are at least three non sequiturs in this paragraph.
This post originally appeared at HuffPost.
The United States is the richest country in the history of the world. Last year, the genius and muscle of the American people generated more than $18.6 trillion in wealth. This year, our brains and brawn will combine to create well over $19 trillion. Despite all the debt theatrics of the Republican Party during the Obama presidency, we owe just $6.2 trillion to other countries — less than four months of our collective labors at their present value. (There are at least three non sequiturs in this paragraph.
First, the Republicans have not made the debt to other countries an issue. It is always been the debt in whole.
Second, The value of America's private sector is not relevant to government debt. Government debt must be compared to government revenue.
Third, the amount of debt does not mean the debt is justified. A small debt achieved irresponsibly is still unacceptable.)
Under these circumstances, the question of what the American government can afford is functionally meaningless. (That is, under the dishonest criteria offered by the author, government apparently can afford much more. However, if we look at government revenue to debt, the story is starkly different.
Under these circumstances, the question of what the American government can afford is functionally meaningless. (That is, under the dishonest criteria offered by the author, government apparently can afford much more. However, if we look at government revenue to debt, the story is starkly different.
In addition, the author seems to think that the productivity of the private sector is a government asset. But actually, that money belongs to those who earned it.)
If any nation has ever been able to afford quality housing, education, health care, parks, museums — anything — the United States can. (The author continues to conflate government and the private sector. Also, we have quality housing, education, healthcare, parks, and museums.)
And we ("we" means government.)
And we ("we" means government.)
don’t need to tax anyone, rich or poor, in order to afford these fine things. The wealth — the fruits of our labor — already exists. (? The author seems to be suggesting that all these things can be taken care of by the private sector, so taxation is unnecessary. I kind of doubt this is what he intended to say...)
Taxes are a way of managing the bookkeeping system, of setting national priorities for the distribution of wealth created by good ideas and hard work. (Ah, so he didn't intend to say that. He wants taxation, for the purpose of "distribution of wealth," which of course means the rich have too much money and government's job is to spread it around. But actually, taxation is the method by which the constitutional functions of government are funded.
Government does not have the ability to ascertain national priorities. And it shouldn't have the ability to fund those priorities by appropriating peoples' money.)
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Prophets need... - by Jeremiah Johnson
I liked this, because I've been studying the five-fold ministries and am hoping to see God-ordained leadership reinstalled in the the Church.
This explanation begins to explore the interconnection between the offices of the five fold ministries. Hopefully the author will continue with the other offices and why they need each other.
Friday, October 27, 2017

Jeremiah Johnson Ministries
God is releasing a new breed of travailing prophets in the earth right now who have been convinced that their greatest privilege in life is to make intercession to the Lord of Hosts. These burning ones are being forged in the context of night and day prayer. They are more devoted to the secret place than the public place.
These travailing prophets are more familiar with a prayer room than a playroom called a stage. These men and women would rather minister to an audience of One than an audience of hundreds or even thousands. They crave the attention of the throne room more than the praise afforded to them on a platform and is the very generation Jeremiah spoke of in Jeremiah 27:18 when he said, “But if they are true prophets and if the word of the Lord is really spoken by them, let them now make intercession to the LORD of hosts…”
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Sermon notes, 10/22/17
We’ve heard about:
a new season
how we need to examine our thinking
how we are entering a time of shaking and change and new things and vision and course corrections and fasting.
ideas about how church should look
how we need to better discern what our role in the Kingdom might be
a cohesive message in a variety of voices
this season is a little uncertain, sabbatical
we aren’t overthrowing the pastor/going weird
heresy creeping in? historically speaking, having credentialed pastors or being part of a denomination hasn’t done a thing.
We’ve heard about:
a new season
how we need to examine our thinking
how we are entering a time of shaking and change and new things and vision and course corrections and fasting.
ideas about how church should look
how we need to better discern what our role in the Kingdom might be
a cohesive message in a variety of voices
this season is a little uncertain, sabbatical
we aren’t overthrowing the pastor/going weird
heresy creeping in? historically speaking, having credentialed pastors or being part of a denomination hasn’t done a thing.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Actually, hate speech is protected speech - by Ken White
Found here. A good explanation.
Free speech and its limitations are on Americans’ minds. In the past year we’ve seen Nazis and white supremacists rally in our cities, angry protesters chase provocateurs off of college campuses, a comedian wield a bloody effigy of the president’s severed head, and slurs and overt racial animus made a staple of political discourse. Controversial speech has people talking about what restrictions, if any, society can enforce on words we despise.
That inquiry isn’t inherently bad. It’s good for citizens to want to learn more about the contours of our constitutional rights. The dilemma is that the public debate about free speech relies on useless cliches, not on accurate information about the law.
Here are some of the most popular misleading slogans:
“Not all speech is protected. There are limits to free speech.”
This slogan is true, but rarely helpful. The Supreme Court has called the few exceptions to the 1st Amendment “well-defined and narrowly limited.” They include obscenity, defamation, fraud, incitement, true threats and speech integral to already criminal conduct. First Amendment exceptions are not an open-ended category, and the Supreme Court has repeatedly declined to add to them, especially in the last generation. Merely observing that some exceptions exist does not help anyone determine whether particular speech falls into one of those exceptions. It’s a non sequitur.
Imagine you’re bitten by a snake on a hike, and you want to know rather urgently whether the snake is venomous. You describe the snake to your doctor. “Well, not all snakes are venomous,” your doctor responds. Not very helpful, it is?
“You can’t shout ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.”
Free speech and its limitations are on Americans’ minds. In the past year we’ve seen Nazis and white supremacists rally in our cities, angry protesters chase provocateurs off of college campuses, a comedian wield a bloody effigy of the president’s severed head, and slurs and overt racial animus made a staple of political discourse. Controversial speech has people talking about what restrictions, if any, society can enforce on words we despise.
That inquiry isn’t inherently bad. It’s good for citizens to want to learn more about the contours of our constitutional rights. The dilemma is that the public debate about free speech relies on useless cliches, not on accurate information about the law.
Here are some of the most popular misleading slogans:
“Not all speech is protected. There are limits to free speech.”
This slogan is true, but rarely helpful. The Supreme Court has called the few exceptions to the 1st Amendment “well-defined and narrowly limited.” They include obscenity, defamation, fraud, incitement, true threats and speech integral to already criminal conduct. First Amendment exceptions are not an open-ended category, and the Supreme Court has repeatedly declined to add to them, especially in the last generation. Merely observing that some exceptions exist does not help anyone determine whether particular speech falls into one of those exceptions. It’s a non sequitur.
Imagine you’re bitten by a snake on a hike, and you want to know rather urgently whether the snake is venomous. You describe the snake to your doctor. “Well, not all snakes are venomous,” your doctor responds. Not very helpful, it is?
“You can’t shout ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.”
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Found here. My comments in bold.
This is an article published a couple of years ago, but the issue raised is still relevant.
As part of the "undercard" debate for second-tier Republican presidential candidates on Wednesday, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum said the United States Supreme Court's June 26 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which effectively legalized same-sex marriage, was "unconstitutional."
Santorum's comments came after candidates were asked to respond to the incarceration and subsequent release of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis after she refused to issue gay marriage licenses on religious grounds.
It is technically impossible for a Supreme Court decision to be unconstitutional, as the Court is endowed with judicial review, a right derived from Articles III and VI of the United States Constitution. (It is not impossible, technically or otherwise, for the Supreme court to render unconstitutional decisions. History is riddled with egregious decisions that have been reversed.)
Judicial review allows the Court to decide if actions by the Legislative and Executive branches are in keeping with the U.S. Constitution, and, if not, to rule them unconstitutional. The right to judicial review was codified in the landmark 1803 Supreme Court Marbury v. Madison. (Waaait. So the Supreme court rendered a decision about its own power? And that's constitutional by definition? The author has an odd idea about what is and isn't constitutional. In actual fact, what the constitution says is what is constitutional. What the court opines about the constitution is a Category Error.)
This is an article published a couple of years ago, but the issue raised is still relevant.
As part of the "undercard" debate for second-tier Republican presidential candidates on Wednesday, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum said the United States Supreme Court's June 26 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which effectively legalized same-sex marriage, was "unconstitutional."
Santorum's comments came after candidates were asked to respond to the incarceration and subsequent release of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis after she refused to issue gay marriage licenses on religious grounds.
It is technically impossible for a Supreme Court decision to be unconstitutional, as the Court is endowed with judicial review, a right derived from Articles III and VI of the United States Constitution. (It is not impossible, technically or otherwise, for the Supreme court to render unconstitutional decisions. History is riddled with egregious decisions that have been reversed.)
Judicial review allows the Court to decide if actions by the Legislative and Executive branches are in keeping with the U.S. Constitution, and, if not, to rule them unconstitutional. The right to judicial review was codified in the landmark 1803 Supreme Court Marbury v. Madison. (Waaait. So the Supreme court rendered a decision about its own power? And that's constitutional by definition? The author has an odd idea about what is and isn't constitutional. In actual fact, what the constitution says is what is constitutional. What the court opines about the constitution is a Category Error.)
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Peeling the Whitewash From Our Myths: Susan K. Smith and Bill Moyers talk about the Bible, the Constitution and Race
Found here. My comments in bold.
There's a lot of leftist agitprop here.
Moyers: Does this help explain why you have spent so much of your adult life grappling with the myths of democracy, as you did in that speech I heard last summer. You are trying to correct the faulty perception of black people by exposing the myths to scrutiny?
Smith: Absolutely. I believe in the power of words. And I said at Chautauqua that I think that America has two guiding sacred texts, the Christian Bible and the US Constitution, and within both those texts are words that should lead us to a place of community and understanding of humanity on pretty much the same level. But the words in those texts have been violated, or perhaps it is that we have ignored them, but whatever the reason, they have not been successful in bringing us to a place where we can use them to destroy racism and sexism. So “all men are created equal” does not mean what we think those words should mean. (Um, that's in the Declaration, not the Constitution...)
At their very inception they meant white, male, Christian property owners were created equal. These are powerful words, life-giving words, but at the time they were never meant to apply to African-Americans — or women or Native Americans, for that matter. (That's not true in the least. The Declaration's statements are universal in nature, even if the political climate of the day didn't allow for their full expression.)
By the same token, the words in the Bible, which are also life-giving, are not interpreted (Emphasis added.)
the same way by whites and blacks, by people who study the same words but who belong to different races. I don’t remember if it was the late Strom Thurmond or the late Sen. Robert Byrd, but both were religious men and one of them was asked if he knew the Bible, and he said yes, of course. And he was asked, “Do you believe the words that say that you should love your neighbor as yourself?” And the senator answered, “Sure, I know those words, but I get to choose my neighbor.” (Byrd was a Democrat and a former KKK leader.)
Well, if we get to make decisions about the validity of those words being something universally applied or not, the words lose their power. (If there's anyone trying to selectively apply the Bible, it would be the Left.)
The Bible is said to be “holy” but the definition of “holy” seems defined by culture — different cultures in different ways.
So I’ve come to believe we are really a polytheistic society. We have at least two different Gods — the God of the oppressed and the God of the oppressor. The God of the oppressor seems to sanction and agree with the practices of those who oppress others. This God sanctions and supports militarism, sexism, homophobia and capitalism. (Capitalism is oppression? Only to a socialist.)
We also have one Bible — but at least two groups of people who interpret the same words in a radically different way. (It surprises Ms. Smith that there are a variety of biblical interpretations? Indeed, she goes to great pains to explain to us why hers is correct.)
And when it comes to the Constitution, we have two groups who interpret those words in radically different ways. As for democracy, well, for me there is no such thing as the egalitarian democracy we were told about as children, where the worth of all people is respected and appreciated. That’s a myth. You know, the Pledge of Allegiance thing about “liberty and justice,” or the Declaration on equality. The white supremacist and I worship different Gods. The white supremacist’s God is okay with somebody going out on a Saturday night and lynching somebody else, then going to church on Sunday morning in a three-piece suit and giving communion. (Hyperbolic nonsense.)
The God that my mama taught me, the God that I learned about in my Sunday School lessons, was different than the God that is evident in our society today. That God taught us to love our enemies. When my mama told me that, I would look over at the white folks on the other side and say, “How come they don’t have to do God like I have to do God? (Ms. Smith is making things up. Either people are like her or they are hypocritical racist homophobes. There are apparently no other categories.)
There's a lot of leftist agitprop here.
Moyers: Does this help explain why you have spent so much of your adult life grappling with the myths of democracy, as you did in that speech I heard last summer. You are trying to correct the faulty perception of black people by exposing the myths to scrutiny?
Smith: Absolutely. I believe in the power of words. And I said at Chautauqua that I think that America has two guiding sacred texts, the Christian Bible and the US Constitution, and within both those texts are words that should lead us to a place of community and understanding of humanity on pretty much the same level. But the words in those texts have been violated, or perhaps it is that we have ignored them, but whatever the reason, they have not been successful in bringing us to a place where we can use them to destroy racism and sexism. So “all men are created equal” does not mean what we think those words should mean. (Um, that's in the Declaration, not the Constitution...)
At their very inception they meant white, male, Christian property owners were created equal. These are powerful words, life-giving words, but at the time they were never meant to apply to African-Americans — or women or Native Americans, for that matter. (That's not true in the least. The Declaration's statements are universal in nature, even if the political climate of the day didn't allow for their full expression.)
By the same token, the words in the Bible, which are also life-giving, are not interpreted (Emphasis added.)
the same way by whites and blacks, by people who study the same words but who belong to different races. I don’t remember if it was the late Strom Thurmond or the late Sen. Robert Byrd, but both were religious men and one of them was asked if he knew the Bible, and he said yes, of course. And he was asked, “Do you believe the words that say that you should love your neighbor as yourself?” And the senator answered, “Sure, I know those words, but I get to choose my neighbor.” (Byrd was a Democrat and a former KKK leader.)
Well, if we get to make decisions about the validity of those words being something universally applied or not, the words lose their power. (If there's anyone trying to selectively apply the Bible, it would be the Left.)
The Bible is said to be “holy” but the definition of “holy” seems defined by culture — different cultures in different ways.
So I’ve come to believe we are really a polytheistic society. We have at least two different Gods — the God of the oppressed and the God of the oppressor. The God of the oppressor seems to sanction and agree with the practices of those who oppress others. This God sanctions and supports militarism, sexism, homophobia and capitalism. (Capitalism is oppression? Only to a socialist.)
We also have one Bible — but at least two groups of people who interpret the same words in a radically different way. (It surprises Ms. Smith that there are a variety of biblical interpretations? Indeed, she goes to great pains to explain to us why hers is correct.)
And when it comes to the Constitution, we have two groups who interpret those words in radically different ways. As for democracy, well, for me there is no such thing as the egalitarian democracy we were told about as children, where the worth of all people is respected and appreciated. That’s a myth. You know, the Pledge of Allegiance thing about “liberty and justice,” or the Declaration on equality. The white supremacist and I worship different Gods. The white supremacist’s God is okay with somebody going out on a Saturday night and lynching somebody else, then going to church on Sunday morning in a three-piece suit and giving communion. (Hyperbolic nonsense.)
The God that my mama taught me, the God that I learned about in my Sunday School lessons, was different than the God that is evident in our society today. That God taught us to love our enemies. When my mama told me that, I would look over at the white folks on the other side and say, “How come they don’t have to do God like I have to do God? (Ms. Smith is making things up. Either people are like her or they are hypocritical racist homophobes. There are apparently no other categories.)
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? - By Daniel Villarreal
Found here. My comments in bold.
The author's refreshing honesty about the gay agenda is no surprise to anyone. We all know that it's about power, not equal rights. And we have to shut up if we don't like it.
In response to New York’s recently introduced marriage equality bill, the so-called National Organization for Marriage got a bunch of pictures of black people and some guy who sounds like Foghorn Leghorn to repeat the same lies about indoctrinating schoolchildren that they ran in 2009. They accuse us of exploiting children and in response we say, “NOOO! We’re not gonna make kids learn about homosexuality, we swear! It’s not like we’re trying to recruit your children or anything.” But let’s face it—that’s a lie. We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it.
The battle over Tennessee’s “Don’t Say Gay Bill” has made this most apparent. Why would anybody get all up in arms about punishing teachers who mention queers in the classroom unless we wanted teachers to do just that? In response against the bill, FCKH8 hired some little girls to drop F-bombs in their online PSAs and gave out hundreds of “Don’t B H8N on the Homos” t-shirts, wristbands, pins and stickers to school children in front of TV cameras. Recruiting children? You bet we are.
Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality as normal?
The author's refreshing honesty about the gay agenda is no surprise to anyone. We all know that it's about power, not equal rights. And we have to shut up if we don't like it.
In response to New York’s recently introduced marriage equality bill, the so-called National Organization for Marriage got a bunch of pictures of black people and some guy who sounds like Foghorn Leghorn to repeat the same lies about indoctrinating schoolchildren that they ran in 2009. They accuse us of exploiting children and in response we say, “NOOO! We’re not gonna make kids learn about homosexuality, we swear! It’s not like we’re trying to recruit your children or anything.” But let’s face it—that’s a lie. We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it.
The battle over Tennessee’s “Don’t Say Gay Bill” has made this most apparent. Why would anybody get all up in arms about punishing teachers who mention queers in the classroom unless we wanted teachers to do just that? In response against the bill, FCKH8 hired some little girls to drop F-bombs in their online PSAs and gave out hundreds of “Don’t B H8N on the Homos” t-shirts, wristbands, pins and stickers to school children in front of TV cameras. Recruiting children? You bet we are.
Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality as normal?
Thursday, September 28, 2017
What the NFL protests are about - email from Jeff Robinson, ACLU Action
Hi ACLU Supporter,
If Donald Trump is not a white supremacist, his actions and words show a great deal of comfort with the values of white supremacy. We saw this most recently in his response to the NFL protests that included standing against racial injustice and police brutality. This started with Colin Kaepernick last season and shows no signs of stopping.
This past weekend over 200 football players – and performers and athletes in other sports – exercised their right to protest after our president resorted to time-tested racial code words to marginalize protestors as unpatriotic. He asked his overwhelmingly white audience in Alabama to get angry because "people like yourselves turn on the television and you see those people taking the knee." Those people – before Saturday, almost all of them Black. The sons of bitches. (Racial code words? What? "People like yourselves," that is, people who aren't getting paid millions of dollars to play a game, people who simply want to turn on the TV and watch highly skilled athletes and not be assaulted with political agitprop, people who enjoy the strategy and spectacle of the game of football... that's the people we are talking about.
And it's "those people," those pampered, privileged, coddled multi-millionaires who pervert their access to the national stage by dragging in highly charged, controversial issues. "Those people" are alienating half their fan base.)
If Donald Trump is not a white supremacist, his actions and words show a great deal of comfort with the values of white supremacy. We saw this most recently in his response to the NFL protests that included standing against racial injustice and police brutality. This started with Colin Kaepernick last season and shows no signs of stopping.
This past weekend over 200 football players – and performers and athletes in other sports – exercised their right to protest after our president resorted to time-tested racial code words to marginalize protestors as unpatriotic. He asked his overwhelmingly white audience in Alabama to get angry because "people like yourselves turn on the television and you see those people taking the knee." Those people – before Saturday, almost all of them Black. The sons of bitches. (Racial code words? What? "People like yourselves," that is, people who aren't getting paid millions of dollars to play a game, people who simply want to turn on the TV and watch highly skilled athletes and not be assaulted with political agitprop, people who enjoy the strategy and spectacle of the game of football... that's the people we are talking about.
And it's "those people," those pampered, privileged, coddled multi-millionaires who pervert their access to the national stage by dragging in highly charged, controversial issues. "Those people" are alienating half their fan base.)
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Sessions offers impassioned defense of free speech on Fox, totally contradicts himself seconds later - MELANIE SCHMITZ
It is clear the author doesn't understand free speech. She seems to think that possessing free speech includes freedom from criticism.
It is clear the author doesn't understand free speech. She seems to think that possessing free speech includes freedom from criticism.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday spoke with Fox & Friends hosts about the ongoing debate over free speech, but swiftly contradicted himself as soon as the hosts broached the topic of NFL protests. (Let's see if the author can actually identify a contradiction.)
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Just ‘not being a racist’ is no longer sufficient - by Sara Rushing
Found here. My comments in bold.
On Sept. 15, the Montana Racial Equity Project held a one-day forum on “Race in Montana.” The panels were excellent (though I may be biased, since I was on one), and the attendance was amazing. There is clearly a hunger in Bozeman, and around the state, for conversations about this crucial topic. Folks came from as far away as Great Falls to attend the forum. (I wonder what that attendance figure might really be, since leftists are given to prevaricating.)
Unfortunately, the people who worked tirelessly to organize this event and make sure it was a success are having their efforts repaid in harassment by white supremacists. (Again, we have no reason to believe the author. What constitutes harassment? Who are these white supremacists? Were there any police reports filed? How many arrests have been made? Who was harassed?)
On Sept. 15, the Montana Racial Equity Project held a one-day forum on “Race in Montana.” The panels were excellent (though I may be biased, since I was on one), and the attendance was amazing. There is clearly a hunger in Bozeman, and around the state, for conversations about this crucial topic. Folks came from as far away as Great Falls to attend the forum. (I wonder what that attendance figure might really be, since leftists are given to prevaricating.)
Unfortunately, the people who worked tirelessly to organize this event and make sure it was a success are having their efforts repaid in harassment by white supremacists. (Again, we have no reason to believe the author. What constitutes harassment? Who are these white supremacists? Were there any police reports filed? How many arrests have been made? Who was harassed?)
This may not come as a surprise, given the many racist groups that call Montana home. As a report put out by the Southern Poverty Law Center in August showed, Montana leads the nation per capita in hate groups. (No one believes the SPLC any more, except leftists. That's because it long ago abandoned its mandate to fight racism and oppression and turned instead to leftist political advocacy.)
Monday, September 25, 2017
Extinguishing hate - letters to the editor between Stanley Racine and Nick Soderstrom
This is a little exchange of letters to the editor in the Chronicle. My comments at the end in bold.
First, Dr. Soderstrom:
"In the wake of the horrific events that recently plagued Charlottesville, Virginia, I’ve heard many people—most notably, the current president—attempt to draw a false equivalency between white supremacists and those who oppose them. News flash: Exposing and countering hate is not itself hateful. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.
"By condemning and extinguishing hate at every turn, we inch ever closer to a peaceful, happy society. I don’t know about you, but that’s the type of America—the type of world—that I want my children and grandchildren to call home."
Now, Mr. Racine's response:
First, Dr. Soderstrom:
"In the wake of the horrific events that recently plagued Charlottesville, Virginia, I’ve heard many people—most notably, the current president—attempt to draw a false equivalency between white supremacists and those who oppose them. News flash: Exposing and countering hate is not itself hateful. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.
"By condemning and extinguishing hate at every turn, we inch ever closer to a peaceful, happy society. I don’t know about you, but that’s the type of America—the type of world—that I want my children and grandchildren to call home."
Now, Mr. Racine's response:
Thursday, September 21, 2017
It’s Time to Start Calling Evangelicals What They Are: The American Taliban - By J.C. Weatherby
Found here. Our comments in bold.
Here we have a tour de force of leftist talking points about Christian conservatives. Not a single assertion is documented. There are no quotes from evangelical leaders. The author can't seem to trouble himself with any references at all to this supposed danger.
“The Council For National Policy” is a Conservative Think Tank, made up of a who’s who of prominent conservatives; Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Reince Priebus, Tim LaHaye, Bobby Jindal, John McCain… the list goes on…
This article, published by the Washington Post, but reported elsewhere, lays out the group’s plan to “restore education in America,” by bringing god into classrooms.
I have said for years and years, the Christian Right is really seeking to establish a theocracy in the United States — at least regionally, throughout the deep south. (The only people who talk about theocracy is the Left. The religious right doesn't. Christians aren't interested in theocracy, they pretty much all believe that the world system is not to be participated in. And those Christians who want to participate in government believe they have as much right to express their beliefs as the religion-haters.
In fact, Christians generally want to be left alone, like most people. Ironically, this is why they finally began to engage the culture. They were forced to by the Left. The Left keeps pushing, keeps intruding, they keep adding mandates and requirements and restrictions and provisos. They police peoples' speech. They insist on their way of doing things, and everyone else is a bigot and a hater. Thus the Left has brought the battle to the religious right, and the religious right got pushed into a battle they don't want but the Left does.
Ironically, the Christians' response is then branded "theocracy." But it's the Left that seeks theocracy, a godless theocracy where everyone is controlled and surveilled and brought into compliance by the hand of a government that knows better than you how you should lead your life. The Left's theocracy knows which light bulb you must use, what words you must say, which causes you must support, They even know how your religion ought to be practiced.
It is actually the Left that wants theocracy.)
Here we have a tour de force of leftist talking points about Christian conservatives. Not a single assertion is documented. There are no quotes from evangelical leaders. The author can't seem to trouble himself with any references at all to this supposed danger.
“The Council For National Policy” is a Conservative Think Tank, made up of a who’s who of prominent conservatives; Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Reince Priebus, Tim LaHaye, Bobby Jindal, John McCain… the list goes on…
This article, published by the Washington Post, but reported elsewhere, lays out the group’s plan to “restore education in America,” by bringing god into classrooms.
I have said for years and years, the Christian Right is really seeking to establish a theocracy in the United States — at least regionally, throughout the deep south. (The only people who talk about theocracy is the Left. The religious right doesn't. Christians aren't interested in theocracy, they pretty much all believe that the world system is not to be participated in. And those Christians who want to participate in government believe they have as much right to express their beliefs as the religion-haters.
In fact, Christians generally want to be left alone, like most people. Ironically, this is why they finally began to engage the culture. They were forced to by the Left. The Left keeps pushing, keeps intruding, they keep adding mandates and requirements and restrictions and provisos. They police peoples' speech. They insist on their way of doing things, and everyone else is a bigot and a hater. Thus the Left has brought the battle to the religious right, and the religious right got pushed into a battle they don't want but the Left does.
Ironically, the Christians' response is then branded "theocracy." But it's the Left that seeks theocracy, a godless theocracy where everyone is controlled and surveilled and brought into compliance by the hand of a government that knows better than you how you should lead your life. The Left's theocracy knows which light bulb you must use, what words you must say, which causes you must support, They even know how your religion ought to be practiced.
It is actually the Left that wants theocracy.)
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
MSU students speak up for free speech - By Gail Schontzler
Found here. My comments in bold.
This is a curious article, with false premises and ironies aplenty.
Montana State University students say they want to protect free speech, even for unpopular views. (Unpopular? Is this the standard for free speech?)
“I don’t particularly like what ‘angry Bible man’ has to say” when the preacher makes an annual visit to the Bozeman campus to harangue students (harangue: a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe. 2. a long, passionate, and vehement speech, especially one delivered before a public gathering. 3. any long, pompous speech or writing of a tediously hortatory or didactic nature; sermonizing lecture or discourse. We see here that the reporter is injecting commentary by pejoratively describing a street preacher. It is out of place to do so in a news article.)
— but still he should be allowed to speak, says philosophy student Mike Dembek. (Mr. Dembek uses the word "allowed." This makes me wonder who he thinks should not be allowed to speak, and who has the power to make such determinations.)
This is a curious article, with false premises and ironies aplenty.
Montana State University students say they want to protect free speech, even for unpopular views. (Unpopular? Is this the standard for free speech?)
“I don’t particularly like what ‘angry Bible man’ has to say” when the preacher makes an annual visit to the Bozeman campus to harangue students (harangue: a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe. 2. a long, passionate, and vehement speech, especially one delivered before a public gathering. 3. any long, pompous speech or writing of a tediously hortatory or didactic nature; sermonizing lecture or discourse. We see here that the reporter is injecting commentary by pejoratively describing a street preacher. It is out of place to do so in a news article.)
— but still he should be allowed to speak, says philosophy student Mike Dembek. (Mr. Dembek uses the word "allowed." This makes me wonder who he thinks should not be allowed to speak, and who has the power to make such determinations.)
Friday, September 15, 2017
The House just passed a bill that could politicize churches - by JACK JENKINS
Found here. My comments in bold.
Jack Jenkins comes up from time to time on my blog, usually due to his creative Bible interpretations. He is a doctrinaire Leftist, whose faith is filtered through his politics. The below article is no exception.
The U.S. House of Representatives quietly (If by quietly the author means "covered extensively by the media.")
Jack Jenkins comes up from time to time on my blog, usually due to his creative Bible interpretations. He is a doctrinaire Leftist, whose faith is filtered through his politics. The below article is no exception.
The U.S. House of Representatives quietly (If by quietly the author means "covered extensively by the media.")
passed a spending bill on Thursday that could transform churches and other houses of worship into entities more closely resembling SuperPACs. (The implication here is that this bill would require churches to be transformed into different entities. In actual fact, the bill REMOVES a requirement from churches, so now they are free to act differently if they so choose.)
When House members passed a $1.2 trillion “megabus” spending bill yesterday in a 211-198 vote, media attention largely focused on the proposal’s high cost and potential challenges in the Senate. (Waaait. I thought the bill was quietly passed?)
When House members passed a $1.2 trillion “megabus” spending bill yesterday in a 211-198 vote, media attention largely focused on the proposal’s high cost and potential challenges in the Senate. (Waaait. I thought the bill was quietly passed?)
But according to the House Appropriations Committee press release, the bill contains a rider with a provision that would make it difficult to enforce the so-called Johnson Amendment, a part of the tax code that prohibits churches and other houses of worship from endorsing political candidates. (Ah, so the truth slips out. The author admits that government is prohibiting churches from speaking, and the change will allow them to resume speaking as they like.)
“Members of Congress had ample opportunities to strike [the provision] from this bill; when it was debated at the sub-committee level, at the full committee level, when Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz offered an amendment to cut it from the bill, and when it was on the floor of the House of Representatives,” Larry T. Decker, Executive Director of the Secular Coalition for America, said in a statement. “At every point, Congress failed to stand up for a law which has helped maintain the separation of church and state for more than 63 years.” (Another admission that the provision PREVENTS churches from certain kinds of speech.
“Members of Congress had ample opportunities to strike [the provision] from this bill; when it was debated at the sub-committee level, at the full committee level, when Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz offered an amendment to cut it from the bill, and when it was on the floor of the House of Representatives,” Larry T. Decker, Executive Director of the Secular Coalition for America, said in a statement. “At every point, Congress failed to stand up for a law which has helped maintain the separation of church and state for more than 63 years.” (Another admission that the provision PREVENTS churches from certain kinds of speech.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Christian: You Are Upset About the Wrong Things - by Darrell Lackey.
Found here. My comments in bold.
Sociologist Tony Campolo has been known, when speaking to Christian audiences, to begin by saying something like this:
I have three things I’d like to say today. First, while you were sleeping last night, 30,000 kids died of starvation or diseases related to malnutrition. Second, most of you don’t give a shit. What’s worse is that you’re more upset with the fact I just said “shit” than you are that 30,000 kids died last night.
When citing this, I have had people prove his very point by responding something to the effect of, “Yeah, I get it, but I still wish he would make his point some other way…” Ummm, that is his point. His point, in my opinion, isn’t really about the children (although it is, obviously); his point is that we (Christians) get upset over the wrong things. Our moral sense of outrage is often misdirected. (That is, the author is frustrated that people don't agree with him about what we should be outraged about. In typical leftist fashion, the author will begin to describe people like this in withering terms. Leftists can't fathom people who disagree with their morality.)
Sociologist Tony Campolo has been known, when speaking to Christian audiences, to begin by saying something like this:
I have three things I’d like to say today. First, while you were sleeping last night, 30,000 kids died of starvation or diseases related to malnutrition. Second, most of you don’t give a shit. What’s worse is that you’re more upset with the fact I just said “shit” than you are that 30,000 kids died last night.
When citing this, I have had people prove his very point by responding something to the effect of, “Yeah, I get it, but I still wish he would make his point some other way…” Ummm, that is his point. His point, in my opinion, isn’t really about the children (although it is, obviously); his point is that we (Christians) get upset over the wrong things. Our moral sense of outrage is often misdirected. (That is, the author is frustrated that people don't agree with him about what we should be outraged about. In typical leftist fashion, the author will begin to describe people like this in withering terms. Leftists can't fathom people who disagree with their morality.)
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Ministering at Burning Man 2017 - Rob Mazza
Living the spiritual life involves living in, being awash in paradoxes. The absurd idea that God’s thinking is remotely like our own is challenged again and again in this learning to walk in the Spirit. I feel there were less of my nights disturbed by the devil than by Father’s voice saying directly or plotting me along, bread crumb by bread crumb, “My ways are not your ways. My thoughts are not your thoughts.” The devil gets much too much credit for that which is meant to be a glorious work in us.
“Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Most of us came to the point of believing this gracious absurdity and we witnessed a transformation not of our head but primarily of the heart if, we heard it right. Condemnation remains if we didn’t reason with the right voice. Plotting along backwards in time to eternity (that does not make for good logic as we know it), I love the audacity of King David’s thoughts and answer to the question, “Who set this life in motion before the great darkness came and almost spoiled the plot line?”:
“Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Most of us came to the point of believing this gracious absurdity and we witnessed a transformation not of our head but primarily of the heart if, we heard it right. Condemnation remains if we didn’t reason with the right voice. Plotting along backwards in time to eternity (that does not make for good logic as we know it), I love the audacity of King David’s thoughts and answer to the question, “Who set this life in motion before the great darkness came and almost spoiled the plot line?”:
Monday, September 11, 2017
The Body of Christ and the five fold ministeries - Sermon notes
Video “Office Space.”
This of course is making fun of the idea of silly requirements businesses use to create uniqueness and a special identity. In fact, the Urban Dictionary actually has a definition of Chotchkie: A small piece of worthless garbage, a decorative knick knack with little or no purpose. The reason I played it is because there’s an underlying theme here. This restaurant called Chotchkies wants to differentiate itself, because people can get a burger anywhere. And this manager thinks that flair, that is, surface displays of enthusiasm, is the thing that makes Chotchkies special.
It made me think about the chotchkies we have in our church, things we consider necessary or unique or attractive to people, and it’s possible some of these things Father thinks are of little or no purpose. I suggest that maybe we ought to rethink the way we do church, or the way we view church, or the way we might value things Father doesn’t value. Are our ideas and programs and idiosyncrasies in line with Father’s ideas? Do we do things because that’s what we do, or because they are actually fitting offerings to the Creator of the universe?
I’m glad David spoke about seasons last week. We didn’t discuss any details about what he would be talking about, but it leads nicely into what I want to share with you. Holy Spirit must have arranged it.
Our church is entering a new season. Many of you probably have sensed it. Father is in the business of new. He is always creating, forming, invigorating. He is always breathing His life into situations, relationships, churches, and circumstances. He speaks, and life just springs up.
This is the ministry of Holy Spirit, who moves with Father’s breath in refreshing, empowering, life changing ways. A touch of this wind can change hearts, churches, regions, and countries. With but a breath.
Remember when Jesus breathed on the disciples? Jn. 20:22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
We need Him to breathe on us with Holy Spirit infilling. He is the world changing breath of Father. Receive the Holy Spirit! Wherever the Holy Spirit blows, the hopeless, stale, death ridden places receive life, become fruitful, and flow with newness. His creative Spirit, His life, His breath that changes death to life, it changes EVERYTHING! Nothing remains untouched. Even our chotchkies.
If you have called upon the name of Jesus and are saved, you are walking in newness of life, washed clean by the blood, marked with a seal, set apart, and seated in heavenly places with Father. Holy Spirit lives within you.
The Greek word for Spirit is pneuma, which means breath, spirit, wind, or life. Pneuma, as in pneumatic. A pneumatic tool is something that is operated by pressurized air.
Say this with me: I am… an air-powered device.
That’s why Paul tells us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. An air powered device must have enough pressure, enough volume. A tire needs to be filled. Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit is the Change Agent. He transforms people, His Church, even nations. He brings forth the new things Father wants. He is everywhere, but He wants to increase in His people. Sometimes He pours out blessings or brings correction; sometimes He speaks through a person or a circumstance. Sometimes He shakes things.
Holy Spirit always changes things. And, I think we are entering this kind of season of change as a part of His family.
I know that many of you are sensing this shift, or shaking, a changing tide, a new wind. The seasons are changing. Holy Spirit is bringing new things, new understandings, new ministries, new ways of doing Kingdom work. Are you hearing what the Spirit is saying to the church in this season?
Da. 2:21 He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
I like this Scripture because it draws a parallel with the natural procession of seasons to human events, the rise and fall of kings. That is, like the natural seasons, which are established by Father, He also establishes and takes down kings. The Creator and Sustainer of the natural processes of the universe rested on the 7th day, but He did not take a permanent vacation. He is heavily involved in the affairs of men.
This scripture also says He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. In this season, are you open to His wisdom? What is your discernment? Will your ears be open? I hope so, because I really believe in this new time our response is important.
We need to discern what is happening in our own lives, so as to keep in step with the Spirit. This is also true as well in our marriages, our business dealings, and our workplaces.
We need to discern the seasons in the Kingdom. You have a place in the Kingdom, which happens to be expressed right here among the brethren. You might think you’re not much, but actually, you’re crucial. This family needs you to operate in your spiritual gifts, we need your anointing, your strength and wisdom, and your service.
Some of you are already stepping up, thank you! Some of you are diving in and saying, “This is my place.” Now is the time take ownership of what Father is calling you to. Stake your claim. Set up the boundary markers. Draw a line in the sand. Are you all in with Father?
Jesus has saved you for a purpose, a destiny, a journey of faith. I think that all this needs to be expressed here at this church, according to the apportionment of grace you have received. Father has put in you an apportionment of grace. Ep. 4:7 …to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.
It’s interesting that grace is apportioned. That Greek word is metron, which means “a measure”, something used to determine what is the proper or fair amount. In other words, Christ has given you exactly the correct amount of grace. I define grace as the empowering presence of Holy Spirit to do what you’re called to do and to be what you’re called to be. It’s always enough, it’s always the right amount, it’s always exactly what you need for doing your kingdom job.
If you have a high calling, your apportionment of grace is higher. But of course, what Father considers a high calling is often different than what we might think. I’ve too often judged by human standards. Why does, say, Steve Furtick get a great big ministry, but our church is smaller? Is our grace apportioned smaller? But wait. Is it possible my apportionment of grace is greater than Steve Furtick for what I am called to do by Father? Maybe we have a greater apportionment of grace for exactly what we are called to do and be in this place.
The kingdom economy is so different. And we are all called to certain positions within it, according to the apportionment of His grace. This may involve a change in the ways we act, the ways our relationships express themselves, even the ways we think about things. Our chotchkies.
These may seem like subtle differences. But actually, we’re talking about a geologic event a seismic shift. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken.
It means in this season that things must be brought into order. Individually, in our families, friendships; these things must be brought into order.
Video “Office Space.”
This of course is making fun of the idea of silly requirements businesses use to create uniqueness and a special identity. In fact, the Urban Dictionary actually has a definition of Chotchkie: A small piece of worthless garbage, a decorative knick knack with little or no purpose. The reason I played it is because there’s an underlying theme here. This restaurant called Chotchkies wants to differentiate itself, because people can get a burger anywhere. And this manager thinks that flair, that is, surface displays of enthusiasm, is the thing that makes Chotchkies special.
It made me think about the chotchkies we have in our church, things we consider necessary or unique or attractive to people, and it’s possible some of these things Father thinks are of little or no purpose. I suggest that maybe we ought to rethink the way we do church, or the way we view church, or the way we might value things Father doesn’t value. Are our ideas and programs and idiosyncrasies in line with Father’s ideas? Do we do things because that’s what we do, or because they are actually fitting offerings to the Creator of the universe?
I’m glad David spoke about seasons last week. We didn’t discuss any details about what he would be talking about, but it leads nicely into what I want to share with you. Holy Spirit must have arranged it.
Our church is entering a new season. Many of you probably have sensed it. Father is in the business of new. He is always creating, forming, invigorating. He is always breathing His life into situations, relationships, churches, and circumstances. He speaks, and life just springs up.
This is the ministry of Holy Spirit, who moves with Father’s breath in refreshing, empowering, life changing ways. A touch of this wind can change hearts, churches, regions, and countries. With but a breath.
Remember when Jesus breathed on the disciples? Jn. 20:22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
We need Him to breathe on us with Holy Spirit infilling. He is the world changing breath of Father. Receive the Holy Spirit! Wherever the Holy Spirit blows, the hopeless, stale, death ridden places receive life, become fruitful, and flow with newness. His creative Spirit, His life, His breath that changes death to life, it changes EVERYTHING! Nothing remains untouched. Even our chotchkies.
If you have called upon the name of Jesus and are saved, you are walking in newness of life, washed clean by the blood, marked with a seal, set apart, and seated in heavenly places with Father. Holy Spirit lives within you.
The Greek word for Spirit is pneuma, which means breath, spirit, wind, or life. Pneuma, as in pneumatic. A pneumatic tool is something that is operated by pressurized air.
Say this with me: I am… an air-powered device.
That’s why Paul tells us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. An air powered device must have enough pressure, enough volume. A tire needs to be filled. Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit is the Change Agent. He transforms people, His Church, even nations. He brings forth the new things Father wants. He is everywhere, but He wants to increase in His people. Sometimes He pours out blessings or brings correction; sometimes He speaks through a person or a circumstance. Sometimes He shakes things.
Holy Spirit always changes things. And, I think we are entering this kind of season of change as a part of His family.
I know that many of you are sensing this shift, or shaking, a changing tide, a new wind. The seasons are changing. Holy Spirit is bringing new things, new understandings, new ministries, new ways of doing Kingdom work. Are you hearing what the Spirit is saying to the church in this season?
Da. 2:21 He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
I like this Scripture because it draws a parallel with the natural procession of seasons to human events, the rise and fall of kings. That is, like the natural seasons, which are established by Father, He also establishes and takes down kings. The Creator and Sustainer of the natural processes of the universe rested on the 7th day, but He did not take a permanent vacation. He is heavily involved in the affairs of men.
This scripture also says He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. In this season, are you open to His wisdom? What is your discernment? Will your ears be open? I hope so, because I really believe in this new time our response is important.
We need to discern what is happening in our own lives, so as to keep in step with the Spirit. This is also true as well in our marriages, our business dealings, and our workplaces.
We need to discern the seasons in the Kingdom. You have a place in the Kingdom, which happens to be expressed right here among the brethren. You might think you’re not much, but actually, you’re crucial. This family needs you to operate in your spiritual gifts, we need your anointing, your strength and wisdom, and your service.
Some of you are already stepping up, thank you! Some of you are diving in and saying, “This is my place.” Now is the time take ownership of what Father is calling you to. Stake your claim. Set up the boundary markers. Draw a line in the sand. Are you all in with Father?
Jesus has saved you for a purpose, a destiny, a journey of faith. I think that all this needs to be expressed here at this church, according to the apportionment of grace you have received. Father has put in you an apportionment of grace. Ep. 4:7 …to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.
It’s interesting that grace is apportioned. That Greek word is metron, which means “a measure”, something used to determine what is the proper or fair amount. In other words, Christ has given you exactly the correct amount of grace. I define grace as the empowering presence of Holy Spirit to do what you’re called to do and to be what you’re called to be. It’s always enough, it’s always the right amount, it’s always exactly what you need for doing your kingdom job.
If you have a high calling, your apportionment of grace is higher. But of course, what Father considers a high calling is often different than what we might think. I’ve too often judged by human standards. Why does, say, Steve Furtick get a great big ministry, but our church is smaller? Is our grace apportioned smaller? But wait. Is it possible my apportionment of grace is greater than Steve Furtick for what I am called to do by Father? Maybe we have a greater apportionment of grace for exactly what we are called to do and be in this place.
The kingdom economy is so different. And we are all called to certain positions within it, according to the apportionment of His grace. This may involve a change in the ways we act, the ways our relationships express themselves, even the ways we think about things. Our chotchkies.
- Before, church was where you went. Now, church is who Father wants you to be.
- Before, worship was what you sang. Now, worship is your life offering.
- Before, serving was something you needed to do. Now, serving speaks of what Father has placed in you.
- Before, you studied your Bible to learn, and prayed to ask for solutions. Now, you study your Bible and pray to apprehend the very heart of Father.
- Before, you shared your faith so people wouldn’t go to hell. Now, you share your faith to fulfill Father’s desire.
These may seem like subtle differences. But actually, we’re talking about a geologic event a seismic shift. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken.
It means in this season that things must be brought into order. Individually, in our families, friendships; these things must be brought into order.
You may be hanging on to some sort of sin and need to repent.
You may have an authority in some area but have been afraid to exercise it.
You may have an authority in some area but have been afraid to exercise it.
You might not have forgiven someone.
Father may have placed a ministry idea in your heart, but you’ve done nothing with it.
You may be waiting for someone to personally ask you to serve.
Say this with me: I think it’s time for me… to get serious about the Kingdom.
It’s not just individual change. Our church needs to change so as to more effectively minister in all the areas it’s called. This may involve simple changes, or it may be macro changes in our paradigms and preconceptions, where we suddenly catch a vision that lights us up. Sometimes seemingly little things turn out to be big.
In addition, we might be persisting in understandings and traditions that are flawed and not Father’s heart. We may be doing our chotchkies simply because that’s the way we’ve always seen them done. We might be resisting change because change is sometimes risky and difficult.
Our vision might be too low! As we lift our vision higher, we will become more fixed on what Father is concerned about. Col. 3:1-2 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
It’s a different way of thinking, this kingdom mindset.
This may represent a level of change in your life that you’ve never experienced before and you might think you’re not ready for it. Let me assure you, however, you cannot be more ready, if Father chooses to bring it. His timing is always perfect.
That’s my setup. Now let’s look at today’s topic, the Body of Christ and the five-fold ministry. Let’s start with the five-fold ministries.
This is a big topic, and I’m only going to manage to scratch the surface. Perhaps sometime we will be able to get deeper into it.
The five-fold ministries is a plurality. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. These five combine and cooperate and operate in concert to raise people up in faith and maturity. They are mature of faith, given to service, they care about the health of the Body of Christ, and they are recognized for their anointing. They are not young in the faith, and they have a track history of Christ-likeness, spiritual fruit, and a stability and trustworthiness that comes from years of humble service. They are the pillars of the church.
They carry a broad authority that even seems to be noticed in a variety of churches or even denominations. Some have suggested that they are authorities over a region, city, or other geographic area, while others believe that the five-fold ministries are itinerant, moving from place to place to help various churches or speak to the spiritual leaders of cities or denominations. Still others believe that these ministries are or ought to be in every church, perhaps resident in the elders.
I would suggest that these all are true. Some manifest in regional or even world-wide authority, some minister place to place, and yes, each local church body ought to have the five-fold ministries in operation in its leadership.
They would be the general spiritual authority over the church family, but not like a board of directors. In my view, there is no such thing as a singular church CEO. The five-fold ministries are not some sort of super believers. I don’t want them to be on a pedestal.
All of them ought to be present in the church. That is, we cannot have a pastor and evangelist and call it good. We should cultivate and embrace all the offices of the five-fold ministry for our church. This is not to say we should be completely autonomous, of course. We all have benefited and should continue to benefit from people and ministries outside our church, whether it be podcasts, the books we read, guest speakers, or going to a conference. That’s all good. What I am saying is that we are digging our own well, and we need it to be deep enough to have sufficient water that all of us might drink. We need to tap into and develop what Father has provided for us right here.
Take a look around. There is a lot of untapped potential right in this room. Some of us might not even know what Father has placed within us. We as a church family need to cultivate and provide space for all the people to pursue what Father has called us to. That’s what Paul is talking about:
Ep. 4: 11-16: It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Clearly Paul is addressing direct ministry to people to prepare God’s people, which suggests local activity. And Paul is not talking about two sides, ministers and learners. The five-fold ministries are working together with each other in the midst of the people, to raise up these very same things in the lives of others. They are training the people to take their place in the Body and embrace their own calling and anointing. Their function is to build up the body into mature and powerful men and women of faith as Father joins us all together into an inseparably connected organism. Notice that Paul writes,
“…so that the body of Christ may be built up…” Who is being built up? “…we will in all things grow up…” Who is growing up? into him who is the Head…” Where are we growing?
We. Everyone. In everything. Nothing and no one excluded. And according to Paul, our spiritual growth takes us deeply into Jesus. This is the Body of Christ, woven into a seamless garment, with everyone called to obedience, blessed with grace, and worshiping the Holy and Awesome God.
“… until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” See anyone excluded here? If the equation is right, the whole body becomes a powerful, mature, insightful, unstoppable entity.
“…to prepare God’s people for works of service… as each part does its work.” If you’ve really been changed, it will show in your behavior.
So the role of the five-fold ministries is to work within the Body to
I’m trying to help you imagine a gathering of people, each contributing to the proceedings according to their gifts, while at the same time being nurtured and encouraged and guided by the five fold ministries. Honestly, I think it would look more like a potluck or a press conference than a college lecture.
Say this with me: I have never been called… to spend my life… being a receiver of ministry.
This may seem like extreme stuff to some of you. Please know, I’m not saying that this church needs to leap head first into crazytown. I’m just here to crack open the door and give you a peek into a different way of thinking about church. Are you willing to trust Father to take us where he wants?
Perhaps some of us might not have thought much about this, or maybe we have a flawed understanding of what these ministries are and how they operate. Unfortunately, this has led to some degree of error, abuse, damage, and injury. I certainly won’t claim that I have a perfect understanding myself, but what I do know I want to share with you. I think it’s going to grow in importance over the next months and years.
When we think of apostles, we probably think of the original 12. They were hand picked by Jesus, and most all of them were from the lower classes of society. We read of their weaknesses, their struggles to believe and understand, as well as their victories and breakthroughs.
Say this with me: I think it’s time for me… to get serious about the Kingdom.
It’s not just individual change. Our church needs to change so as to more effectively minister in all the areas it’s called. This may involve simple changes, or it may be macro changes in our paradigms and preconceptions, where we suddenly catch a vision that lights us up. Sometimes seemingly little things turn out to be big.
In addition, we might be persisting in understandings and traditions that are flawed and not Father’s heart. We may be doing our chotchkies simply because that’s the way we’ve always seen them done. We might be resisting change because change is sometimes risky and difficult.
Our vision might be too low! As we lift our vision higher, we will become more fixed on what Father is concerned about. Col. 3:1-2 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
It’s a different way of thinking, this kingdom mindset.
- We as individuals must fit into a structure and authority that conforms to Kingdom principles and Father’s heart.
- Our families must fit into a structure and authority that conforms to Kingdom principles and Father’s heart.
- The church must fit into a structure and authority that that conforms to Kingdom principles and Father’s heart.
This may represent a level of change in your life that you’ve never experienced before and you might think you’re not ready for it. Let me assure you, however, you cannot be more ready, if Father chooses to bring it. His timing is always perfect.
That’s my setup. Now let’s look at today’s topic, the Body of Christ and the five-fold ministry. Let’s start with the five-fold ministries.
This is a big topic, and I’m only going to manage to scratch the surface. Perhaps sometime we will be able to get deeper into it.
The five-fold ministries is a plurality. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. These five combine and cooperate and operate in concert to raise people up in faith and maturity. They are mature of faith, given to service, they care about the health of the Body of Christ, and they are recognized for their anointing. They are not young in the faith, and they have a track history of Christ-likeness, spiritual fruit, and a stability and trustworthiness that comes from years of humble service. They are the pillars of the church.
They carry a broad authority that even seems to be noticed in a variety of churches or even denominations. Some have suggested that they are authorities over a region, city, or other geographic area, while others believe that the five-fold ministries are itinerant, moving from place to place to help various churches or speak to the spiritual leaders of cities or denominations. Still others believe that these ministries are or ought to be in every church, perhaps resident in the elders.
I would suggest that these all are true. Some manifest in regional or even world-wide authority, some minister place to place, and yes, each local church body ought to have the five-fold ministries in operation in its leadership.
They would be the general spiritual authority over the church family, but not like a board of directors. In my view, there is no such thing as a singular church CEO. The five-fold ministries are not some sort of super believers. I don’t want them to be on a pedestal.
All of them ought to be present in the church. That is, we cannot have a pastor and evangelist and call it good. We should cultivate and embrace all the offices of the five-fold ministry for our church. This is not to say we should be completely autonomous, of course. We all have benefited and should continue to benefit from people and ministries outside our church, whether it be podcasts, the books we read, guest speakers, or going to a conference. That’s all good. What I am saying is that we are digging our own well, and we need it to be deep enough to have sufficient water that all of us might drink. We need to tap into and develop what Father has provided for us right here.
Take a look around. There is a lot of untapped potential right in this room. Some of us might not even know what Father has placed within us. We as a church family need to cultivate and provide space for all the people to pursue what Father has called us to. That’s what Paul is talking about:
Ep. 4: 11-16: It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Clearly Paul is addressing direct ministry to people to prepare God’s people, which suggests local activity. And Paul is not talking about two sides, ministers and learners. The five-fold ministries are working together with each other in the midst of the people, to raise up these very same things in the lives of others. They are training the people to take their place in the Body and embrace their own calling and anointing. Their function is to build up the body into mature and powerful men and women of faith as Father joins us all together into an inseparably connected organism. Notice that Paul writes,
“…so that the body of Christ may be built up…” Who is being built up? “…we will in all things grow up…” Who is growing up? into him who is the Head…” Where are we growing?
We. Everyone. In everything. Nothing and no one excluded. And according to Paul, our spiritual growth takes us deeply into Jesus. This is the Body of Christ, woven into a seamless garment, with everyone called to obedience, blessed with grace, and worshiping the Holy and Awesome God.
“… until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” See anyone excluded here? If the equation is right, the whole body becomes a powerful, mature, insightful, unstoppable entity.
“…to prepare God’s people for works of service… as each part does its work.” If you’ve really been changed, it will show in your behavior.
So the role of the five-fold ministries is to work within the Body to
- Grow us together
- Grow us in maturity
- Grow us in fullness
- Grow us in service
I’m trying to help you imagine a gathering of people, each contributing to the proceedings according to their gifts, while at the same time being nurtured and encouraged and guided by the five fold ministries. Honestly, I think it would look more like a potluck or a press conference than a college lecture.
Say this with me: I have never been called… to spend my life… being a receiver of ministry.
This may seem like extreme stuff to some of you. Please know, I’m not saying that this church needs to leap head first into crazytown. I’m just here to crack open the door and give you a peek into a different way of thinking about church. Are you willing to trust Father to take us where he wants?
Perhaps some of us might not have thought much about this, or maybe we have a flawed understanding of what these ministries are and how they operate. Unfortunately, this has led to some degree of error, abuse, damage, and injury. I certainly won’t claim that I have a perfect understanding myself, but what I do know I want to share with you. I think it’s going to grow in importance over the next months and years.
When we think of apostles, we probably think of the original 12. They were hand picked by Jesus, and most all of them were from the lower classes of society. We read of their weaknesses, their struggles to believe and understand, as well as their victories and breakthroughs.
We might reasonably wonder why Jesus picked these losers.
After Jesus was crucified, we find in Acts 1:21-22 that Peter wants the remaining 11 to choose a replacement for Judas the betrayer. They established their search parameters:
to have been with the apostles “…the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us…”
and the candidates must become “…a witness with us of his resurrection.”
This makes total sense. Select someone who you know and trust, someone who has been stable, faithful, and committed. They chose Matthias. But for some reason, he is never mentioned again. He may have been a great apostle, or he may have been the wrong choice. We just don’t know. But he was an apostle, #13.
As I think about it, those apostles were a unique category, since at some point they and their contemporaries would pass on, which would mean no one else could have been with them the whole time. So it makes sense to me that there must be more than one kind of apostle. I think Scripture shows this.
For example, Paul. He was an apostle of the highest order, yet he is clearly another kind of apostle. He was not chosen according to the apostles’ criteria. He was not with the apostles the whole time. Perhaps this is why his apostleship was continually questioned. We read in several places where Paul defends his apostleship, which suggests to me that because he wasn’t chosen by the originals, and because his ministry was to the gentiles, he was not universally accepted.
I guess even the first century church had preconceptions and traditions that caused them problems.
Paul describes himself this way: 1Co. 9:1-2 Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are you not the result of my work in the Lord? 2 Even though I may not be an apostle to others, surely I am to you! For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.
Paul was a different kind of apostle, perhaps even the greatest. In fact, he seems to embody all the offices, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher, doesn’t he? If you’re counting, Paul is #14.
There were other apostles as well. Three men, Barnabas, Andronicus, and Junias are specifically mentioned as apostles. Others possibly include Stephen, Titus and Timothy, although they aren’t identified as such. And there must have been more as the church grew across Asia and into the Roman world. So if you’re counting, seventeen men are specifically identified as apostles, and several more can be inferred to be apostles.
Are there apostles just like these in the church today, with the same authority and power? There is a stream of thought out there that the apostolic ministry of the first century is being recovered in our time. This could be, I don’t really know. Actually, I don’t think it is necessary that the ministry of today’s apostles be exactly like the originals, since we have already noted biblically that there were other kinds.
And we know from our discussion of Ephesians 4:11-16 that Father has appointed apostles as one of the five-fold ministries, so we would have to have apostles today. What sort of apostle would that be? The word apostle means “sent one.” Apostles are those who are sent out. A good term we would use today is “ambassador.” That is, a person who is specifically chosen and sent forth to represent a government or king.
There are a variety of people who walk into our church, and because of their anointing, faith, hearts of service, and spiritual fruit, come to be recognized as sent ones. They bear Father’s message. They might not even consider themselves apostles. People who have been sent to us by Father are ministering in our midst right now, with a strong faith and mature outlook that is impacting us. They may just be average people. They may be deacons or elders. Some may be on their way here over the next weeks and months. They are part of us.
Say this with me: Father, help us… to see the sent ones.
We might never know if someone is an apostle or other part of the five-fold ministries. They aren’t self-promoters. A humble attitude would certainly be appropriate for anyone who thought himself to be an apostle, or any kind of church leader for that matter. Yet sometimes church leaders, pastors in particular, get caught up in the adoration, hype, and trappings of their position. Please note I am not talking about Pastor Brand or anyone else in our leadership. I am making a general observation about human nature and what can be an all-to-common problem in the church.
We will see later on that this trap exists in part because I think our churches are structured incorrectly.
So I believe we should have apostles today. There are apostles today. In fact, this church church has or should have apostles. They are “sent ones,” sent to us, called in by Father to help us all to advance in the faith and cause us to mature.
Lastly in the category of apostles is, we are all to some degree apostles. 1Pe. 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
We are commissioned by an authority to bear an authoritative message. That’s a sent one. An ambassador. Do we not go out and operate in the name of one who occupies a high office? That’s a sent one. Father wants us to minister to the orphan and the widow, and to comfort the poor and the afflicted. Father wants the gospel of the Kingdom to be spoken to the ends of the earth. That’s an ambassador.
Are we not all called to build up the people, to be a part of the body of Christ as members of the House of the Lord, to speak edifying words of life? Apostles build. We need apostles.
Say this with me: If I’m sent… I want to know where I’m going.
That’s where the prophetic office enters.
The last time I spoke I explained the role of the prophetic gift in the church, so I won’t spend too much time on that today.
Although there are some who would disagree, I believe NT prophecy is different than that of the OT. OT prophets spoke and recorded the direct words of God. They were held to an exacting standard. 100% accuracy. If they failed to do that, they were to be put to death.
The nature of NT prophecy is different. First, the word is judged and discerned by all of us in the congregation. 1Co. 14:29 Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said.
Second, we do not put prophets to death when they make a mistake, we ignore them. 1Co. 14:37-38 If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command. 38 If he ignores this, he himself will be ignored.
Third, whereas OT prophecy frequently spoke to kings or nations, revealed secrets, or spoke of the future and about judgment, NT prophecy must to be edifying and encouraging as it operates in the gathering, 1Co. 14:3 But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort.
Some prophecy is real, and some is false. 1Jn. 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
False prophets are just as bad as false teachers. 2Pe. 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.
The gift of prophecy is to be sought after: 1Co. 14:1 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.
The gift of prophecy in the body is one of encouragement and building up. It’s a ministry of
This is the general prophetic gift in the church, available to everyone in greater or lesser degree. It’s a crucial part of the operation of the local church body.
Say this with me: I like the idea… of being encouraged… and being an encourager.
In my opinion, the prophetic office as part of the five-fold ministries is not the same thing as the gift of prophecy. The prophetic office tends towards deeper, broader, more insightful revelation that can apply to bodies of people as well as individuals. The prophet’s apportionment of grace seems to be greater. It imparts. It speaks destiny and purpose and identity. I would say that it is not specifically a prophetic gifting so much as it is an authority and depth in the prophetic.
Paul hints at the broader scope of this office in 1Co. 14:6: Now, brothers, if I come to you and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction?
That is, what good is it if Paul enters their midst without ministering to the people in a valuable way? The prophet as part of the five-fold ministry brings that value.
We catch hints of the prophetic office sprinkled around in the Bible:
1Co. 14:32 The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets. The prophetic office operates in oversight to other prophets
Re. 19:10b For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. There is a basic Jesus nature to prophecy, a spiritual nature, and it’s connected to the evangelistic ministry
1Ti. 1:18 Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight… there is a “feet to the fire” aspect to prophecy that keep younger ones on track
1Ti. 4:14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you. there is an impartation aspect to the prophetic office.
We see in these Scriptures the broader scope of the prophetic office. The prophetic office imparts. The prophet speaks the word of Father over people. The prophet speaks of Father’s heart, with words of destiny, purpose, and vision.
We need prophets to impart to the church.
There are only three mentions of evangelists in the NT, and but a single mention of pastor, while there are dozens of references to apostles, teachers, and prophets. It’s noteworthy that we are able to rightly discern the crucial role that evangelism plays in the church despite its rare mention, yet we seem to get the pastor part, also rarely mentioned, so wrong. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
When we think of evangelists, we probably think of people like Billy Graham, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Charles Finney, and Dwight Moody. As with all the offices of the five fold ministry, there is a general expression of the gift that operates in the church, and then there is the evangelist office, which seems to be higher in power and anointing. It’s like sharing your faith on steroids.
Evangelists are consumed with gathering. They want to gather the harvest, bring people to faith, and then turn them over to the other offices for discipling, teaching, and fathering. Their words seem to carry Holy Spirit power to speak to hearts. When the evangelist calls for repentance, people repent. When he calls to get saved, people get saved.
Evangelists gather.
Peter spoke the first evangelistic message in Acts chapter two. After the tongues of fire descended upon the 120 in the upper room, Peter came out with boldness. When he preached, Ac. 2:41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.
Paul evangelized. For example, he made his famous defense before the philosophers in Athens, saying Ac. 17:23 Now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you.
In Acts 8, Philip evangelized. He went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed Christ, and did signs and wonders there. A few verses later, Philip witnessed to an Ethiopian eunuch, then teleported away. I’d like that spiritual gift.
It was Peter and John who were jailed for preaching in Acts 4. This is the ministry of the evangelist, to boldly proclaim the truths of Father to the lost.
As with the other offices, the evangelist seems to have a recognition in various churches and denominations. Those who are doing the heavy lifting in the kingdom seem to be able to transcend denominational and even doctrinal barriers, probably in part because there is no denying that people are getting saved.
And once again, we are all called to evangelism. Isn’t it interesting that each of the offices of the five-fold ministry also play out to some degree in the people?
Our word for this year is “harvest.” Harvest means to reap and gather the crop. There is a crop out there right before your eyes that is ready to harvest. I hope you’re praying in this harvest, that it occupies your thoughts and is in the forefront of your ministry.
Jn. 4:35 I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.
Say this with me: I want to be a gatherer... and not a scatterer.
We need evangelists gathering in the church.
I would suggest that the single office most misunderstood in the church today is the pastor. We have a conception that the pastor is at the top of the food chain in the local church, he’s the leader, the buck stops here, and he’s expected to do all of the things that need to be done in the church.
None of that is true.
I think this misconception is why we so often see pastors fall, why we see them burn out, and why we see their ministries get bogged down or off track. And it’s also why we see uninvolved, ambivalent congregations. In my opinion, it’s not only because we have a wrong view of the pastorate, pastors themselves have a wrong view.
The average pastor lasts 3.6 years in a church. 90% report they are fatigued as a normal state. 57% say they would leave ministry if they had a better opportunity outside the church. 77% percent said their marriage was struggling, and 38% were either divorced or in the process. Only 33% of pastors read the Bible apart from preparing for Sunday sermon. 70% constantly fight depression.
I think this, in part, is the result of decades, if not centuries, of bad doctrine regarding pastors. Thankfully, Brand has been able to get free of much of this, but as you know, he and Josie are on sabbatical right at this moment. They need rest from the obligations and pressures, not only for what they placed on themselves, but from what we’ve placed on them via expectations, complaints, well-intentioned suggestions, and our own inaction.
Do you remember how many times Brand asked for help on behalf of Josie for children’s church? Do you know how hard it is to find people to volunteer for things like the prayer team, the food pantry, or for cleaning the church? Do you know how often just a handful of people show up for projects? And, despite many mentions of our connect groups, they are poorly attended?
I’m not saying any of this to condemn you. Please, don’t misunderstand. It simply means we are part of a system of understanding, our chotchkies, that color our expectations of how church is done. My purpose is to elevate the Body. I want you to see a greater vision of what it means to be the body of Christ. How important you are to the kingdom and to this church. It requires a change in understanding in all of us, and a more accurate discerning of how the body is supposed to work. 1Co. 12:4-6,17 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. 7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good... 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
We are all in this together. We all have a job to do, we all have a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. Do you understand that your work in the church, whether it’s playing on the worship team or scrubbing toilets in our five bathrooms, is a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good? He’s called us to a place just as he wanted them to be, but we want to rearrange and reinterpret and revise this to suit our tastes.
So if we want to be right where Father is taking us, we need to change as individuals. And this church needs to become a fully functioning, leave no one behind, get the job done church. We can only do that by means of Holy Spirit.
We are an elder led church, which means the elders are responsible for the spiritual condition and spiritual direction of the church. Clearly this means that we elders have not done well enough. We need to change as well. We have deacons, and it’s their job to make sure this church functions in its ministries. Their service has to be borne of the Spirit as much as any elder. The deacons need to change. That’s why I say Father is always is doing a new thing. This new thing coming down the pike represents a shift in attitudes, actions, and even our ways of life.
Now let me explain what a pastor really is. A pastor is a shepherd who cares for the flock. In the NT, everything you read about shepherds, overseers, and pastors apply to the elders. That is, the elders are pastors, overseers and shepherds, and the pastors are elders, overseers and shepherds. 1Pe. 5:1-3 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow-elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers — not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
They tenderly watch over the flock. They are fathers. Oh how we need fathers! They must be mature, wise, experienced, and have walked the road of faith for a long time. They must love the people under their care, and carefully guard them. And notice that Peter wants them to set themselves as examples.
Say this with me: I want to be… like my elders.
I tremble inside that anyone would want to be like me. It’s sobering, and a little intimidating.
I said there needs to be a plurality of leadership, but I also need to say that among the group of elders, or any leadership group, there are those who seem to rise above, who take on greater responsibility because they provide key leadership and do highly honorable duties. 1Tim. 5:17 The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.
I would call them first among equals. In a church that is properly ordered, we will have gifted people in public visible positions, yet avoid elevating them into super-ministers. Others are perhaps less presentable, but they would be valued as well. But there is always a plurality of leadership. This is not a democracy, a dictatorship, or a commune. It is a body, a family that is aware of how it fits together.
In the NT, we don’t see apostles and assistant apostles, or pastors and assistant pastors, or evangelists and assistant evangelists. Peter was obviously a leader with high authority. And we know the power of Paul’s ministry, yet in Acts 15 he still went to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for them to render a decision about a pressing matter. The decision was made by the council of leaders.
You won’t find any example in the Bible of a church being run by one person over a group of subordinates. That’s not the biblical model. In fact, one could reasonably assert that the entirety of the five-fold ministry ought to be found within the elders in any church. Though it’s entirely possible for one person to possess the characteristics of more than one of the offices, the plurality of leadership taught by the NT almost demands a variety of people, perhaps even several of each, in the church.
This is a different kind of church order. It is a completely different way of thinking. It might turn many of our assumptions about church on their head.
I’ll let you decide if this all is true or not. This whole thing may be completely new to you, or you may already be operating in this understanding. I’ll let you search the Scriptures for yourself. Holy Spirit will lead you to the truth.
We are endeavoring to be the church we are called to be, however that looks, however that’s organized. We are still learning how to do that, and we don’t always get it right. We apologize for our mistakes.
It is our desire to encourage those with various gifts without placing undue burden on a few. Whether elders, deacons, or attendees, we want to honor what Father is doing in you, and we want to see that released here. Yes, it can be extremely difficult to row against the currents of centuries of tradition and understanding. It’s deeply ingrained, but I believe that the battle is worth fighting.
Also, we want Brand and Josie’s ministries to be fruitful for decades. We want them to return to a spiritual environment that is a joy and not a burden. We want them to obtain a vision of the body that allows them to see exactly what their calling and anointing is. This change must connect them into Holy Spirit’s purposes, or we will be seeing burnout. That would be unconscionable.
I also believe that we have a perfect opportunity to press in to discern Father’s heart about what kind of church we should be. I am convinced that when we get on the right track, things will really break loose in this church. All the gifts and talents will come forth in dazzling array. The lost and hurting will come, attracted by our love and care for one another. We all will have revelation of our purpose and position, and when we embrace that revelation, this church will be unstoppable.
Do you believe that?
We need pastors to father in the church.
I spent the most time on the pastor office, because it’s an issue that hits close to home.
The last office is the teacher. There are some people, you’ve probably heard them, who are excellent at explaining concepts in a way that you can grab onto. They’re simply gifted communicators. Their words carry power, and those words seem to demand we listen. Ro. 12:6-7 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us… if it is teaching, let him teach…
It’s that apportionment of grace again. Some people just seem to have a remarkable ability to teach. This is the office of teacher at work, it seems to stand above the typical teacher’s teaching. I wouldn’t say that public recognition is a measure of anointing, but somehow we know when we are being taught by a master.
In my opinion, teaching is different than preaching. Teaching is the exposition of the nuts and bolts of the faith. Teaching takes you deep into holy principles and revelatory knowledge. Teaching transports you into understanding. Teaching is developmental. Teaching grounds you, it gives you a place to stand. Teachers ground.
I view preaching to be more to the moment. The preacher discerns what is needed for the situation, responds to the spiritual climate, and speaks to it with power. The preacher targets the need and the context of what’s happening in the room. The words of the preacher usually demand an immediate response from the hearer. The preacher proclaims.
The teaching I most value is the kind that imparts understanding and vision, teaching that motivates people to take hold and run with it. Teaching is more than the impartation of facts, it’s ideas taking root that lead me to do something about what I’ve learned. Some of us have sat though hundreds or even thousands of sermons in our lives. We’ve got quite a repertoire of biblical knowledge. We nod our heads and say amen, but go home unchanged. This too has to change.
Again, I must stress that I am not talking about anyone in particular, nor am I condemning any of you. I am here to obey the writer of Hebrews: I’m trying to spur you on towards love and good deeds. He. 10:24
As with the other offices of the five-fold ministry, we all are teachers in some capacity. Col. 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Say this with me: I have something of value… and I want to share it.
We need teachers to ground us in the church.
(Worship team) I hope you can see some of the overlap between eldership and the five-fold ministries, and also the overlap with the people as a whole. The lines aren’t clearly drawn, and as I have said, I’m offering my opinion.
It’s quite possible that you have a calling to the prophetic office, for example, but at present you are only aware of vague promptings. Or maybe you may be a person destined to speak powerfully to thousands, but right now you have stage fright. Or you’re a single guy who hates kids, but you’re called to be a father and pastor. There’s a difference between being called and being released. Having a ministry planted in you and seeing your destiny come to fruition are two separate things. Being aware of something and being positioned to do something about it are different.
In fact, Father has placed things in you that you might not even know about. If this somehow this creates some soul searching, or questions, or expectation in you, then I’ve done my job. Many of us come here without expectation, because nothing ever happens. Or maybe it’s really that nothing happens because there is no expectation. Again, change is in the air. It’s a new season. Father is going to breathe His Holy Spirit on us, if we’re willing to receive. He’s going to change this people. He’s going to change the very atmosphere. It’s always new, always life giving, always good.
I don’t know when. Or how. Or what it will look like. I know it takes
The point of all of this is that I’m asking you to respond, perhaps in a way you never have before. Ask Father what He wants you to do. Ask Him to show you your destiny. Ask Him to reveal what He has planted in you. Ask Him to move in you and motivate you. Ask for clear sight and open ears.
While you’re asking, ask Him if there is any wicked way in you. Repent if necessary. Ask for breakthrough. Ask for release. Ask for more. More. MORE. He is the good Father, and will give more of Holy Spirit to those who ask.
Also, if you get done praying, be on the lookout around the room. Don’t just sit there waiting for the service to end. See if Holy Spirit is impressing upon you something about someone. Maybe you have the exact right word for them they need to hear. Maybe you have something they never knew they needed.
There will be people up front and to the side who will pray with you, if you like. Take advantage of them.
After Jesus was crucified, we find in Acts 1:21-22 that Peter wants the remaining 11 to choose a replacement for Judas the betrayer. They established their search parameters:
to have been with the apostles “…the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us…”
and the candidates must become “…a witness with us of his resurrection.”
This makes total sense. Select someone who you know and trust, someone who has been stable, faithful, and committed. They chose Matthias. But for some reason, he is never mentioned again. He may have been a great apostle, or he may have been the wrong choice. We just don’t know. But he was an apostle, #13.
As I think about it, those apostles were a unique category, since at some point they and their contemporaries would pass on, which would mean no one else could have been with them the whole time. So it makes sense to me that there must be more than one kind of apostle. I think Scripture shows this.
For example, Paul. He was an apostle of the highest order, yet he is clearly another kind of apostle. He was not chosen according to the apostles’ criteria. He was not with the apostles the whole time. Perhaps this is why his apostleship was continually questioned. We read in several places where Paul defends his apostleship, which suggests to me that because he wasn’t chosen by the originals, and because his ministry was to the gentiles, he was not universally accepted.
I guess even the first century church had preconceptions and traditions that caused them problems.
Paul describes himself this way: 1Co. 9:1-2 Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are you not the result of my work in the Lord? 2 Even though I may not be an apostle to others, surely I am to you! For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.
Paul was a different kind of apostle, perhaps even the greatest. In fact, he seems to embody all the offices, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher, doesn’t he? If you’re counting, Paul is #14.
There were other apostles as well. Three men, Barnabas, Andronicus, and Junias are specifically mentioned as apostles. Others possibly include Stephen, Titus and Timothy, although they aren’t identified as such. And there must have been more as the church grew across Asia and into the Roman world. So if you’re counting, seventeen men are specifically identified as apostles, and several more can be inferred to be apostles.
Are there apostles just like these in the church today, with the same authority and power? There is a stream of thought out there that the apostolic ministry of the first century is being recovered in our time. This could be, I don’t really know. Actually, I don’t think it is necessary that the ministry of today’s apostles be exactly like the originals, since we have already noted biblically that there were other kinds.
And we know from our discussion of Ephesians 4:11-16 that Father has appointed apostles as one of the five-fold ministries, so we would have to have apostles today. What sort of apostle would that be? The word apostle means “sent one.” Apostles are those who are sent out. A good term we would use today is “ambassador.” That is, a person who is specifically chosen and sent forth to represent a government or king.
There are a variety of people who walk into our church, and because of their anointing, faith, hearts of service, and spiritual fruit, come to be recognized as sent ones. They bear Father’s message. They might not even consider themselves apostles. People who have been sent to us by Father are ministering in our midst right now, with a strong faith and mature outlook that is impacting us. They may just be average people. They may be deacons or elders. Some may be on their way here over the next weeks and months. They are part of us.
Say this with me: Father, help us… to see the sent ones.
We might never know if someone is an apostle or other part of the five-fold ministries. They aren’t self-promoters. A humble attitude would certainly be appropriate for anyone who thought himself to be an apostle, or any kind of church leader for that matter. Yet sometimes church leaders, pastors in particular, get caught up in the adoration, hype, and trappings of their position. Please note I am not talking about Pastor Brand or anyone else in our leadership. I am making a general observation about human nature and what can be an all-to-common problem in the church.
We will see later on that this trap exists in part because I think our churches are structured incorrectly.
So I believe we should have apostles today. There are apostles today. In fact, this church church has or should have apostles. They are “sent ones,” sent to us, called in by Father to help us all to advance in the faith and cause us to mature.
Lastly in the category of apostles is, we are all to some degree apostles. 1Pe. 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
We are commissioned by an authority to bear an authoritative message. That’s a sent one. An ambassador. Do we not go out and operate in the name of one who occupies a high office? That’s a sent one. Father wants us to minister to the orphan and the widow, and to comfort the poor and the afflicted. Father wants the gospel of the Kingdom to be spoken to the ends of the earth. That’s an ambassador.
Are we not all called to build up the people, to be a part of the body of Christ as members of the House of the Lord, to speak edifying words of life? Apostles build. We need apostles.
Say this with me: If I’m sent… I want to know where I’m going.
That’s where the prophetic office enters.
The last time I spoke I explained the role of the prophetic gift in the church, so I won’t spend too much time on that today.
Although there are some who would disagree, I believe NT prophecy is different than that of the OT. OT prophets spoke and recorded the direct words of God. They were held to an exacting standard. 100% accuracy. If they failed to do that, they were to be put to death.
The nature of NT prophecy is different. First, the word is judged and discerned by all of us in the congregation. 1Co. 14:29 Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said.
Second, we do not put prophets to death when they make a mistake, we ignore them. 1Co. 14:37-38 If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command. 38 If he ignores this, he himself will be ignored.
Third, whereas OT prophecy frequently spoke to kings or nations, revealed secrets, or spoke of the future and about judgment, NT prophecy must to be edifying and encouraging as it operates in the gathering, 1Co. 14:3 But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort.
Some prophecy is real, and some is false. 1Jn. 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
False prophets are just as bad as false teachers. 2Pe. 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.
The gift of prophecy is to be sought after: 1Co. 14:1 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.
The gift of prophecy in the body is one of encouragement and building up. It’s a ministry of
- “you can do it!
- You can be free!
- You can be healed!
- You can endure!
- Don’t let this stop you!”
This is the general prophetic gift in the church, available to everyone in greater or lesser degree. It’s a crucial part of the operation of the local church body.
Say this with me: I like the idea… of being encouraged… and being an encourager.
In my opinion, the prophetic office as part of the five-fold ministries is not the same thing as the gift of prophecy. The prophetic office tends towards deeper, broader, more insightful revelation that can apply to bodies of people as well as individuals. The prophet’s apportionment of grace seems to be greater. It imparts. It speaks destiny and purpose and identity. I would say that it is not specifically a prophetic gifting so much as it is an authority and depth in the prophetic.
Paul hints at the broader scope of this office in 1Co. 14:6: Now, brothers, if I come to you and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction?
That is, what good is it if Paul enters their midst without ministering to the people in a valuable way? The prophet as part of the five-fold ministry brings that value.
We catch hints of the prophetic office sprinkled around in the Bible:
1Co. 14:32 The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets. The prophetic office operates in oversight to other prophets
Re. 19:10b For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. There is a basic Jesus nature to prophecy, a spiritual nature, and it’s connected to the evangelistic ministry
1Ti. 1:18 Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight… there is a “feet to the fire” aspect to prophecy that keep younger ones on track
1Ti. 4:14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you. there is an impartation aspect to the prophetic office.
We see in these Scriptures the broader scope of the prophetic office. The prophetic office imparts. The prophet speaks the word of Father over people. The prophet speaks of Father’s heart, with words of destiny, purpose, and vision.
We need prophets to impart to the church.
There are only three mentions of evangelists in the NT, and but a single mention of pastor, while there are dozens of references to apostles, teachers, and prophets. It’s noteworthy that we are able to rightly discern the crucial role that evangelism plays in the church despite its rare mention, yet we seem to get the pastor part, also rarely mentioned, so wrong. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
When we think of evangelists, we probably think of people like Billy Graham, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Charles Finney, and Dwight Moody. As with all the offices of the five fold ministry, there is a general expression of the gift that operates in the church, and then there is the evangelist office, which seems to be higher in power and anointing. It’s like sharing your faith on steroids.
Evangelists are consumed with gathering. They want to gather the harvest, bring people to faith, and then turn them over to the other offices for discipling, teaching, and fathering. Their words seem to carry Holy Spirit power to speak to hearts. When the evangelist calls for repentance, people repent. When he calls to get saved, people get saved.
Evangelists gather.
Peter spoke the first evangelistic message in Acts chapter two. After the tongues of fire descended upon the 120 in the upper room, Peter came out with boldness. When he preached, Ac. 2:41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.
Paul evangelized. For example, he made his famous defense before the philosophers in Athens, saying Ac. 17:23 Now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you.
In Acts 8, Philip evangelized. He went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed Christ, and did signs and wonders there. A few verses later, Philip witnessed to an Ethiopian eunuch, then teleported away. I’d like that spiritual gift.
It was Peter and John who were jailed for preaching in Acts 4. This is the ministry of the evangelist, to boldly proclaim the truths of Father to the lost.
As with the other offices, the evangelist seems to have a recognition in various churches and denominations. Those who are doing the heavy lifting in the kingdom seem to be able to transcend denominational and even doctrinal barriers, probably in part because there is no denying that people are getting saved.
And once again, we are all called to evangelism. Isn’t it interesting that each of the offices of the five-fold ministry also play out to some degree in the people?
Our word for this year is “harvest.” Harvest means to reap and gather the crop. There is a crop out there right before your eyes that is ready to harvest. I hope you’re praying in this harvest, that it occupies your thoughts and is in the forefront of your ministry.
Jn. 4:35 I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.
Say this with me: I want to be a gatherer... and not a scatterer.
We need evangelists gathering in the church.
I would suggest that the single office most misunderstood in the church today is the pastor. We have a conception that the pastor is at the top of the food chain in the local church, he’s the leader, the buck stops here, and he’s expected to do all of the things that need to be done in the church.
None of that is true.
I think this misconception is why we so often see pastors fall, why we see them burn out, and why we see their ministries get bogged down or off track. And it’s also why we see uninvolved, ambivalent congregations. In my opinion, it’s not only because we have a wrong view of the pastorate, pastors themselves have a wrong view.
The average pastor lasts 3.6 years in a church. 90% report they are fatigued as a normal state. 57% say they would leave ministry if they had a better opportunity outside the church. 77% percent said their marriage was struggling, and 38% were either divorced or in the process. Only 33% of pastors read the Bible apart from preparing for Sunday sermon. 70% constantly fight depression.
I think this, in part, is the result of decades, if not centuries, of bad doctrine regarding pastors. Thankfully, Brand has been able to get free of much of this, but as you know, he and Josie are on sabbatical right at this moment. They need rest from the obligations and pressures, not only for what they placed on themselves, but from what we’ve placed on them via expectations, complaints, well-intentioned suggestions, and our own inaction.
Do you remember how many times Brand asked for help on behalf of Josie for children’s church? Do you know how hard it is to find people to volunteer for things like the prayer team, the food pantry, or for cleaning the church? Do you know how often just a handful of people show up for projects? And, despite many mentions of our connect groups, they are poorly attended?
I’m not saying any of this to condemn you. Please, don’t misunderstand. It simply means we are part of a system of understanding, our chotchkies, that color our expectations of how church is done. My purpose is to elevate the Body. I want you to see a greater vision of what it means to be the body of Christ. How important you are to the kingdom and to this church. It requires a change in understanding in all of us, and a more accurate discerning of how the body is supposed to work. 1Co. 12:4-6,17 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. 7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good... 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
We are all in this together. We all have a job to do, we all have a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. Do you understand that your work in the church, whether it’s playing on the worship team or scrubbing toilets in our five bathrooms, is a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good? He’s called us to a place just as he wanted them to be, but we want to rearrange and reinterpret and revise this to suit our tastes.
So if we want to be right where Father is taking us, we need to change as individuals. And this church needs to become a fully functioning, leave no one behind, get the job done church. We can only do that by means of Holy Spirit.
We are an elder led church, which means the elders are responsible for the spiritual condition and spiritual direction of the church. Clearly this means that we elders have not done well enough. We need to change as well. We have deacons, and it’s their job to make sure this church functions in its ministries. Their service has to be borne of the Spirit as much as any elder. The deacons need to change. That’s why I say Father is always is doing a new thing. This new thing coming down the pike represents a shift in attitudes, actions, and even our ways of life.
Now let me explain what a pastor really is. A pastor is a shepherd who cares for the flock. In the NT, everything you read about shepherds, overseers, and pastors apply to the elders. That is, the elders are pastors, overseers and shepherds, and the pastors are elders, overseers and shepherds. 1Pe. 5:1-3 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow-elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers — not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
They tenderly watch over the flock. They are fathers. Oh how we need fathers! They must be mature, wise, experienced, and have walked the road of faith for a long time. They must love the people under their care, and carefully guard them. And notice that Peter wants them to set themselves as examples.
Say this with me: I want to be… like my elders.
I tremble inside that anyone would want to be like me. It’s sobering, and a little intimidating.
I said there needs to be a plurality of leadership, but I also need to say that among the group of elders, or any leadership group, there are those who seem to rise above, who take on greater responsibility because they provide key leadership and do highly honorable duties. 1Tim. 5:17 The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.
I would call them first among equals. In a church that is properly ordered, we will have gifted people in public visible positions, yet avoid elevating them into super-ministers. Others are perhaps less presentable, but they would be valued as well. But there is always a plurality of leadership. This is not a democracy, a dictatorship, or a commune. It is a body, a family that is aware of how it fits together.
In the NT, we don’t see apostles and assistant apostles, or pastors and assistant pastors, or evangelists and assistant evangelists. Peter was obviously a leader with high authority. And we know the power of Paul’s ministry, yet in Acts 15 he still went to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for them to render a decision about a pressing matter. The decision was made by the council of leaders.
You won’t find any example in the Bible of a church being run by one person over a group of subordinates. That’s not the biblical model. In fact, one could reasonably assert that the entirety of the five-fold ministry ought to be found within the elders in any church. Though it’s entirely possible for one person to possess the characteristics of more than one of the offices, the plurality of leadership taught by the NT almost demands a variety of people, perhaps even several of each, in the church.
This is a different kind of church order. It is a completely different way of thinking. It might turn many of our assumptions about church on their head.
- In a church that is properly ordered, we should expect to see every elder teaching.
- In a church that is properly ordered, we should see lots of spiritual fathers.
- In a church that is properly ordered, we should see a valuing of the prophetic.
- In a church that is properly ordered, we should see prayer, the word, and worship flourishing.
- In a church that is properly ordered, we should expect that every person in the congregation is on the lookout for how they can minister according to their gifts.
- In a church that is properly ordered, we should expect that every person in the congregation see themselves as a crucial part of Father’s purpose for this church.
- In a church that is properly ordered, we should expect that from the least to the greatest, the body is functioning according to Father’s desire.
- In a church that is properly ordered, we should expect that people regularly get saved, get healed, get taught, and get released into their destiny.
I’ll let you decide if this all is true or not. This whole thing may be completely new to you, or you may already be operating in this understanding. I’ll let you search the Scriptures for yourself. Holy Spirit will lead you to the truth.
We are endeavoring to be the church we are called to be, however that looks, however that’s organized. We are still learning how to do that, and we don’t always get it right. We apologize for our mistakes.
It is our desire to encourage those with various gifts without placing undue burden on a few. Whether elders, deacons, or attendees, we want to honor what Father is doing in you, and we want to see that released here. Yes, it can be extremely difficult to row against the currents of centuries of tradition and understanding. It’s deeply ingrained, but I believe that the battle is worth fighting.
Also, we want Brand and Josie’s ministries to be fruitful for decades. We want them to return to a spiritual environment that is a joy and not a burden. We want them to obtain a vision of the body that allows them to see exactly what their calling and anointing is. This change must connect them into Holy Spirit’s purposes, or we will be seeing burnout. That would be unconscionable.
I also believe that we have a perfect opportunity to press in to discern Father’s heart about what kind of church we should be. I am convinced that when we get on the right track, things will really break loose in this church. All the gifts and talents will come forth in dazzling array. The lost and hurting will come, attracted by our love and care for one another. We all will have revelation of our purpose and position, and when we embrace that revelation, this church will be unstoppable.
Do you believe that?
We need pastors to father in the church.
I spent the most time on the pastor office, because it’s an issue that hits close to home.
The last office is the teacher. There are some people, you’ve probably heard them, who are excellent at explaining concepts in a way that you can grab onto. They’re simply gifted communicators. Their words carry power, and those words seem to demand we listen. Ro. 12:6-7 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us… if it is teaching, let him teach…
It’s that apportionment of grace again. Some people just seem to have a remarkable ability to teach. This is the office of teacher at work, it seems to stand above the typical teacher’s teaching. I wouldn’t say that public recognition is a measure of anointing, but somehow we know when we are being taught by a master.
In my opinion, teaching is different than preaching. Teaching is the exposition of the nuts and bolts of the faith. Teaching takes you deep into holy principles and revelatory knowledge. Teaching transports you into understanding. Teaching is developmental. Teaching grounds you, it gives you a place to stand. Teachers ground.
I view preaching to be more to the moment. The preacher discerns what is needed for the situation, responds to the spiritual climate, and speaks to it with power. The preacher targets the need and the context of what’s happening in the room. The words of the preacher usually demand an immediate response from the hearer. The preacher proclaims.
The teaching I most value is the kind that imparts understanding and vision, teaching that motivates people to take hold and run with it. Teaching is more than the impartation of facts, it’s ideas taking root that lead me to do something about what I’ve learned. Some of us have sat though hundreds or even thousands of sermons in our lives. We’ve got quite a repertoire of biblical knowledge. We nod our heads and say amen, but go home unchanged. This too has to change.
Again, I must stress that I am not talking about anyone in particular, nor am I condemning any of you. I am here to obey the writer of Hebrews: I’m trying to spur you on towards love and good deeds. He. 10:24
As with the other offices of the five-fold ministry, we all are teachers in some capacity. Col. 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Say this with me: I have something of value… and I want to share it.
We need teachers to ground us in the church.
(Worship team) I hope you can see some of the overlap between eldership and the five-fold ministries, and also the overlap with the people as a whole. The lines aren’t clearly drawn, and as I have said, I’m offering my opinion.
It’s quite possible that you have a calling to the prophetic office, for example, but at present you are only aware of vague promptings. Or maybe you may be a person destined to speak powerfully to thousands, but right now you have stage fright. Or you’re a single guy who hates kids, but you’re called to be a father and pastor. There’s a difference between being called and being released. Having a ministry planted in you and seeing your destiny come to fruition are two separate things. Being aware of something and being positioned to do something about it are different.
In fact, Father has placed things in you that you might not even know about. If this somehow this creates some soul searching, or questions, or expectation in you, then I’ve done my job. Many of us come here without expectation, because nothing ever happens. Or maybe it’s really that nothing happens because there is no expectation. Again, change is in the air. It’s a new season. Father is going to breathe His Holy Spirit on us, if we’re willing to receive. He’s going to change this people. He’s going to change the very atmosphere. It’s always new, always life giving, always good.
I don’t know when. Or how. Or what it will look like. I know it takes
- A praying people.
- A repentant people.
- A hungry people.
- A worshiping people.
- An obedient people.
The point of all of this is that I’m asking you to respond, perhaps in a way you never have before. Ask Father what He wants you to do. Ask Him to show you your destiny. Ask Him to reveal what He has planted in you. Ask Him to move in you and motivate you. Ask for clear sight and open ears.
While you’re asking, ask Him if there is any wicked way in you. Repent if necessary. Ask for breakthrough. Ask for release. Ask for more. More. MORE. He is the good Father, and will give more of Holy Spirit to those who ask.
Also, if you get done praying, be on the lookout around the room. Don’t just sit there waiting for the service to end. See if Holy Spirit is impressing upon you something about someone. Maybe you have the exact right word for them they need to hear. Maybe you have something they never knew they needed.
There will be people up front and to the side who will pray with you, if you like. Take advantage of them.
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