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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dear bitter clingers

Dear bitter clingers, you who cling to the outmoded and discredited ideals of progressivism:

I'm praying for you to the God you don't believe in,
for the comfort, grace and peace you seldom extend to others,
I'm praying for you that you would be healed and shown mercy,
though those things seem only to be granted by you to those who agree with you,

I'm sorry for the pain your election loss.
I'm not sorry for your childish tantrums.
I'm not sorry for the will of the people expressed through elections.
We lost 4 years ago and 8 years ago, and we didn't destroy things or riot in the streets.
I'm not sorry your candidate's inability to carry forward your destructive and failed agenda.

I hope in the months and years to come that your ideology becomes nothing more than a bad memory.
I hope that you learn to accept defeat gracefully and peaceably.
I hope that you discover that your faith in government is futile and misplaced.
I hope that you find the belonging and peace in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Now is the time to move on from petty name-calling and the politics of personal destruction.
Now is time to become a productive member of society.
Now is time for you to abandon the childishness of your unseemly reaction to the election.
Now is the time to bless and not curse.
Now is time to grow up.

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