The way transition is supposed to work
This 1993 Letter From George H.W. Bush to Bill Clinton Shows the Best of American Politics
K.J.: The difference between now and 2000 is that Al Gore was not inciting his supporters to violence.
K.J.: http://blogs.cfr.org/.../trump-and-the-makings-of-a.../...
Politics, Power, and Preventive Action » Trump and the Makings of…
Me: http://www.cnn.com/.../project-veritas-action-robert.../

Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited…
K.H.: The violence is being propagated and incited by Republican opposition that is called the 'Democrats'. They fear that the foot hold they have is slipping away so divisive social engineering is their play book.
K.J.: The democrats have immediately condemned such actions as soon as they happened. The call to violence and hatred is coming from Trump himself, not from operatives. To suggest that Democrats are playing divisive politics because they fear their foothold is slipping away is just ludicrous.
K.H.: K.J., So many of these are available from many news sources. http://www.breitbart.com/.../exclusive-okeefe-video.../

O'Keefe Reveals 'Bird-Dogging' to Incite Violence at Trump Events
K.J.: K.H., Sorry, anything from O'Keefe is suspect. He has proved himself untrustworthy.
K.J.: My link was to a piece by the Council on Foreign Relations - hardly a left-wing partisan propaganda machine. You are linking to Breitbart.
Me: K.H., you just can't trust your own lyin' eyes...
K.H.: Rich, I know...I should just pick up a spork and take them out.
K.J.: Which completely ignores my point about operatives being removed and action condemned. But by all means, you go ahead and stick with the reality you've chosen.
Me: K.J., do try to avoid being insulting.
K.J., Such hypocrisy, Rich.
Me: As you descend into more name-calling, don't forget to call me a hater.
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