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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Letter writer should have checked his facts - By Jerrold E. Johnson

My comments in bold.

First Mr. Christiansen's letter:

Obama’s major concern now is his legacy.

Social Security, from its inception granted a modest cost-of-living raise each year; but in 2006 and 2010 Obama disapproved that raise. His legacy is spending $1.4 billion of taxpayer money on his vacations, a total exceeding all presidents before him together, clear back to George Washington.

Obama’s legacy is Detroit, Michigan, the lawlessness in Chicago, the doubling of the national debt and countless, illegal, executive-orders issues to bypass Congress and the people. His legacy of “hope and change” is a disaster, because of the content of his character and not the color of his skin. He is a traitor, refusing to salute our American flag, and should have been impeached long ago. When a Christian is beheaded, he goes golfing.

The United States and the rest of the world are fighting Islamic terrorism, while Democrats are fighting for men to pee in the ladies room. Aesop said centuries ago, “we hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”

Now for Dr. Johnson:

A bit of research by Mr. Christiansen in his Aug. 21 letter would have been helpful.

Wikipedia, et.al. reveal that G.W. Bush had 291 executive orders, while by 3-15-16, Obama had 235. Reagan had 381; Clinton 364. They were pikers compared to TR, 11,081; FDR, 3,522; and Coolidge, 1203. (When you actually read Mr. Christiansen's letter, he specifically addressed illegal executive orders. But since Dr. Johnson is making a claim for his own fact-checking skill, Obama has issued 227 executive orders, and TR had 1081.)

 Obama has dealt with a do-nothing Congress (Since 2015, Congress has passed 219 pieces of legislation.)

who voted well over 50 times to stop Obamacare, (Actually, 6 times.)

and Rep. Trey Gowdy (who stumps for Zinke) wasted $7 million on the Benghazi hearings (Actually, Democrats decided to participate in the hearings, and their spending amounts to 1/3 the total. The Washington Post rates this claim two Pinocchios.

And since when has the Left been concerned about government spending?)

while his party shrugs off the Iraq War, (What does "shrugs off" mean? That it wasn't important? This is clearly false.)

fought on known false information, (Which remains to be seen. That same information received a "yes" vote from 82 Democrats in the House out of 209, and 29 Democrats out of 50 in the Senate. This list includes Joe Biden, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Dianne Feinstein.)

and resulting in massive death and injury. It increased our debt and will do so for generations to come. (Again, since when has the Left been concerned about government spending?

Further, it's interesting how the Left picks out one situation in a sea of government deficit spending and pins the debt incurred on it.)

The auto industry was saved and is booming. (Chrysler and Chevrolet went bankrupt after being bailed out. Ford did not take a bailout and did not go bankrupt.)

As for vacations, Obama has used about 140 full days compared to Bush’s 407 days. (Mr. Christiansen's letter didn't address the number of days, it addressed the amount spent.

But again, since Dr. Johnson represents himself as a fact checker, let's note that Obama has taken “24 vacation trips of varying lengths totaling all or part of 182 days as of today.”)

Obama has played a few over 180 rounds, (Actually, 270.)

about two rounds a month. Eisenhower played 800 rounds and Woodrow Wilson 1,200. There is no law about saluting the flag or putting your hand over your heart. A lot of jingo patriots do that and contribute nothing of value to society.

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