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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Nobody's born racist. Society teaches it.

This meme was posted by a FB friend.

My friend probably doesn't appreciate the ignorance of the statement. a few points:

1) No one knows what people are born with. We do know from the Scriptures that people are born in the image of God, but that their propensity is to sin.

2) The term "racist" has been prostituted to serve a political agenda, and as such is nearly useless to describe a state of mind or behavior.

3) Race awareness is not the same as racism. Everyone immediately notices things about other people, whether it be their clothing, their manner of speaking, and yes, their skin pigment. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with this.

4) Society doesn't teach anything, let alone racism. In fact, if society is the yardstick, just the opposite is occurring. Racism is continually and vociferously used as a descriptor for certain negative words, attitudes or actions. Society takes great pains to decry racism. To suggest otherwise is dishonest.

5) Further, "society" is not an entity, it is a collection of people with disparate attitudes, beliefs, and practices. It cannot teach racism.

6) Racism is a personal choice, learned from family, friends, literature, or wherever. It is an attitude or belief that colors one's thinking about people who are different than one's self. It is an attitude that make judgments without evidence about peoples' intelligence, lifestyles, or the propensity to act or speak in certain ways.

It is a way of pigeonholing people so as to dismiss or act against them. Ironically, Leftists, the  torch-bearers for the current flavor of what constitutes anti-racism, are the greatest violators. They are the ones who judge people, stereotype them, and impugn them. They are the ones who demand conformity, they are the ones who exclude and marginalize. They are the ones who advocate for the present political system which confines races to geographical and ideological boundaries.

So no, society doesn't teach racism. The Left does.


  1. Stumbled upon your blog whilst researching claims asserted by a meme posted by a Facebook friend (I've seen this "society teaching racism meme", too). I really liked the response to the meme in question (http://mountainmantrails.blogspot.com/2015/09/so-you-want-government-to-stop-giving.html)and linked to it in my response to the friend who posted the meme. I've skimmed a few other blogposts of yours and like what I see so far.
