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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Trump’s values won’t make American great - By Jay Moor

Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.

Mr. Moor, a reliable Leftist, engages in typical Leftist misdirection.


America is reputed to be awash in Christian values. (Hardly. America is actually awash in cultural decay as a result of rejecting Christian values. You know, separation of church and state? Keep your rosaries off my ovaries? Removing the Ten Commandments and crosses from public buildings? Mr. Moor, does any of that ringing a bell?)

Yet, a Jewish socialist is the only presidential candidate who has made concern for the welfare of others central to his/her platform. (Oh, really? His "concern" is reflected in his 2014 tax return, where he reports $200,000 of income and $8000 in charitable contributions. That's 4%. Any claim of Sander's concern rings hollow.)

The hypocrisy, particularly among social conservatives, is stunning. (Really? Social conservatives give more in charity than any other group.)

Instead of seeing the election of an African-American president as reason for celebration, they have spent eight years promoting racism, bigotry and indecency in American politics. (??? He was talking Sanders' about concern for others, but now he's excoriating conservatives for their insufficient celebration of Obama's election? And this is somehow hypocritical? In what way?

And we note for the record that in Mr. Moor's view, the color of Obama's skin is the only relevant criteria. Obama's positions and politics, which social conservatives object to, is the apparently same thing as racism. Thus the accusation of "promoting racism, bigotry, and indecency in American politics." That is, you don't like Obama's politics, thus you are a racist. 

None of it is true regarding social conservatives, but that doesn't matter. This is what passes for thoughtful analysis among the Left.)

This may be simple scapegoating; it may be a lingering bad habit; or, it may be fear of social change. Whatever the cause, society’s attempts to walk the Golden Rule have met with seething resentment. (This is a truly astounding statement. The most generous segment of American society, because they object to government confiscating and wasting even more of their hard-earned money, are now accused of violating the Golden Rule. 

The Golden Rule is found nowhere in US law. It is not a legal precept. It's found in Mt. 7:12: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." That's Jesus being quoted. Is Mr. Moor advocating that we have Jesus' words codified into law?) 

Now comes Donald Trump, capitalizing on that resentment with the wholesale repudiation of “political correctness” and the promotion of ideas that support the continued suppression of vulnerable and disadvantaged people. (People are not being suppressed. The correct word would be oppressed, and they're not being oppressed either.)

Political correctness (New topic again.)

– the avoidance of gratuitous offense – is just one way to challenge our subconscious biases. It’s a way of healing a divided country by consciously changing our language. (No, it's a way to dampen free expression and exercise power over people by criminalizing their otherwise innocent speech.)

Has it worked? Often, but not always. Sometimes it has been extreme in its prescriptions, inviting a backlash. That doesn’t mean dangerous divisions among Americans should be ignored or that we should abandon our values as unworkable in practice. (Divisions that are exacerbated by the Left's insistence in forcing people to conform to their prescriptions.)

To many of us, it means we must be more intelligent in how we address our problems. To a demagogue it means doubling down on the war against others, further splitting the nation into tribes and factions. (The Left has great interest in categorizing and dividing people. There's money to be made in rousing the rabble [community organizing], and playing into peoples' fears. The Left is expert at it. It's their goal. They want people at each others' throat.)

As we consider a major party candidate who panders to prejudice, we are in danger of erasing decades of social progress. (Mr. Moor complains about all the problems we have, yet then claims social progress? Are we progressing, or are we divided? Which is it, Mr. Moor?)

We are being offered an official license to be nasty. (Remember when Mr. Moor wrote: "...they have spent eight years promoting racism, bigotry and indecency in American politics." Does that sound at all nasty to you?)

In doing so, we would be turning our backs on both our secular and religious values. (Which religious values does Mr. Moor want implemented into law? What sort of theocracy does he envision?)

That is no way to make America great.

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