Aint it the truth
MS: Trump is a moron, and I think he was born in Kenya.
JS: fascist extortion, thats about the size of it. Bro Copeland did an excellent expose teaching on socialism, spoke powerfully to me, an Englishman (not a european...). Basically any form of social economic or political organisation that is outside of the body of Christ and the governance of God Almighty and His written word is babelish, socialistic and anti Christian, wether its blackshirt german national socialists, red soviet marxists, popish romanism etc etc and no matter how noble, just or moral it MAY appear to be. LOL I love one of Ken's comments "the devil will pay you NOT to work..."
MS: Yeah, they say the devil will find work for idol hands... But seriously, doesn't the bible command to care for the poor and sick? I don't think you're going to find Mr. Trump in heaven. If there indeed IS a heaven.
Me: Does the Bible command government take money from one person, by force if necessary, and give it to another?
MS: Rich, do you mean to say that the Affordable Healthcare Act would be the first and only time the government has intended to take money from one person and give it to another? Did the Bible command the government to take my money and spend it on a war in Iraq? Or give subsidies to oil companies? Pay for Medicaid/Medicare? Build a road in some other part of the country? ALL taxes effectively take money away from one person and give it to someone else.
LS: The Bible says give unto the government that which is the government, And of course the government determines what that is. Just the same the Affordable Healthcare act really isn't affordable, especially now. We were told that there would be no new tax and low and behold,new taxes on the middle class. For that matter had not the Chief Justus rewritten the act to read taxes it would not have been viewed constitutional. So the way I look at it this was not a win for Obama. The tax act will be rewritten when Romney takes office.
MS: How many "middle class" people do you know who have no form of health coverage? No VA, no Medicare/Medicaid, no employer insurance? Because if they have any of those, they will not have to pay this "tax." You certainly won't have to pay it, Mom. Also, members of Native American tribes won't have to pay. People who make too little to file taxes won't have to pay. If insurance would cost more that 8% of your income you will not have to pay. If you are part of a religion opposed to acceptance of benefits from a health insurance you will not have to pay. All of those things and more will keep you from having to pay this tax. However, if you COULD afford insurance but chose not to, there's a good chance you will have to pay this tax. Why, because when you go to the emergency room you get a FREE RIDE... which the rest of us have been paying for decades. The larger point however, is not penalize people but to provide them with affordable healthcare. If you make less than 400% of the federal poverty level, you will get federal help paying for it.
It will be a sad day if Romney gets a chance to repeal this law - because it is almost exactly the same plan he put in place in Massachusetts. His success with Romney care is the one achievement that put him on a path to the white house. Love you. :)
LJB: Very good Marshal and thank you for the information. It's very helpful!
LCB: What most people have missed is that Chief Justice Roberts was put in place by the Bilderbergers AKA New World Order. The bothced swearing in of Obama was no mistake but a carefully calculated move so that the oath he took in secret, never to be revealed, was an oath to the NWO
LS: Son, what your failing to recognize is that Indian health is a joke, and the VA health and Medicade and Medicare are very poorly run. How about they getting it right before they take on more. Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. You know I have had to fight tooth and toenail for every benefit dad has. Someone has to pay for this, there isn't money for it, where is the money coming from? The truly poor have more help available than most of us, there are always exceptions, of course. Pharmaceutical companies help, there are free clinics springing up all over and you can not be denied health care if you go to an emergency room. We don't have any of the above because we are on Medicare. Do I think the poor should be helped, yes, the truly poor who can not help themselves. Unfortunately to many are "poor" simply because they know how to work the system. We all know people who just don't want to work and earn their own way. It's obvious that something needs to be done, but this was passed without anyone really know even whats in the bill. Know anyone who has read the whole thing? They certainly hadn't before it was passed. Love you too son.
Me: MS, I don't think I suggested this was the first time government has forced people to give their wealth to others. It's still just as wrong this time as it was the last 20 times, whether it be the war in Iraq or subsidies to oil companies. Or are you saying that because it happened before it's perfectly fine now?
An no, not ALL taxes are taking from one and giving to another. A road is not a wealth transfer. A powerplant is not the result of ataking money from one and giving to another using the coercive power of government. A military is not formed by forcing someone to pay for it by giving money to another.
I would think the difference is pretty clear.
MS: I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.
I'm saying that the taxes we pay inevitably wind up in someone else's pocket. Do you consider using tax money to give someone preventive medical care to be a transfer of wealth? It doesn't put cash into the recipient's pocket... it pays the doctor and the hospital, sure. By the same token, building a road puts tax money into the pockets of construction workers. How is that not a transfer of wealth?
Tell me how exactly the penalty on your tax return for not taking the personal responsibility for your healthcare is more coercive than any other tax penalty. That's what I'm getting at.
JS: These schemes are always about hiring and maintaining a client group entourage of state-loyal people. If you think this is about wealth redistribution for the sake of social justice, think again. Its about establishing health industry jobs and pensions for (what we call in the UK) "jobsworths" (sorry cant do that its more than my job's worth) They undermine the activity of a free market enterprise system by draining more and yet more tax money, and interfering in free enterprise by enforcing of petty, yet nevertheless draconian, regulations and punitive expenses, fees, costs (ie stealth taxations). LOL believe it or not at one stage well over 50% of working people in the (devoutly and piously socialist North East of England) were employed by the state in one form or another. So called public sector services....LOL The ONE thing these folks ARE very good at is making dead certain they get their dues paid to them on time, every time....Like I said fascist extortion. Its a fact theres no peace without the Prince of Peace (ie Yeshua, Lord Jesus Christ)
Me: MS, I prefer Fat Tire or Moose Drool, But if you put a rum and Coke in front of me...
Three things. First, responsibility for my healthcare rests with me and not government, not you, and not some family in Florida. 2) If government somehow has a right to legislate regarding my health choices, that means it can force me to eat less fat, exercise more, and give up cigars. There is no remedy available, for government then can make any intrusion in the name of "health." 3) There is no constitutional authority for government to select who gets money from whom and how it is distributed in society.
The distinction (I risk repeating myself), is that there are specific beneficiaries, chosen by government, and specific payors, also chosen by government, and as a result a direct transfer of wealth happens. This is immoral. However, anyone can drive on a road no matter how rich, anyone can flush their toilet and their crap runs just as willingly to the processing center. These are not transfers of wealth (um, not talking about the crap...).
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