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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Todd Bentley - FB conversation

S.L.: The Word of Faith movement has left the shores of America and is one of the worst things that has hit the continent of Africa. This Sunday (and also Monday and Tuesday nights) at Grace Bible Church here in Bozeman we have the privilege of hosting Mr. Justin Peters, a man who has done extensive research on the Word of Faith Movement, has appeared on The Way of the Master programs, and has, in person confronted men such as Joel Osteen, for their false teaching. If you know of loved ones who have gotten caught up in the Word of Faith Movement, or perhaps you have questions about this movement, and you want a gentle but well-researched presentation on the Word of Faith movement and the unbiblical nature of it, join us this Sunday morning (9:00 and 10:45) as the Call To Discernment Conference begins.

This took place on June 17, 2008 hour 2 program on the Way of the Master Radio show. I thought it was important to bring out someones personal experiance tha...

Me: Todd Bentley was out of control and was disciplined. You can read about it here: http://www.morningstarministries.org/resources/videos/todd-bentleys-restoration-update

It's a little disturbing to listen to these men mock the idea that God can heal people.

C.T.: Bentley is bad news...and so are those who have supported him...amazing how they take advantage of people who are truly seeking. I know firsthand how easily it is to be decived. The problem is there are many other ways people are abused in the church as well....

S.L.: Rich, come and see.

Me: Come and see what?

S.L.: The Word of Faith movement has left the shores of America and is one of the worst things that has hit the continent of Africa. This Sunday (and also Monday and Tuesday nights) at Grace Bible Church here in Bozeman we have the privilege of h...osting Mr. Justin Peters, a man who has done extensive research on the Word of Faith Movement, has appeared on The Way of the Master programs, and has, in person confronted men such as Joel Osteen, for their false teaching. If you know of loved ones who have gotten caught up in the Word of Faith Movement, or perhaps you have questions about this movement, and you want a gentle but well-researched presentation on the Word of Faith movement and the unbiblical nature of it, join us this Sunday morning (9:00 and 10:45) as the Call To Discernment Conference begins.

Me: No thanks. I just don't have the stomach for Christians mocking and criticizing other Christians.

S.L.: Why? If what Bentley and company promote is sound, solid, and biblical, what is there to be afraid of?

Me: It's not a question of fear. Todd Bentley screwed up his life and his ministry, and has since repented. What should our response as Christians be, in your opinion?

S.L.: If Justin Peter's conference is not of God, it'll bomb... much of the faith movement is false teaching and very damaging to many who buy into it.. As far as Bentley, I cannot and will not judge his heart, that is above my pay grade. I think the conference will be educational as we all need to learn how to biblically discern what is truth and real...

S.L.: We were warned of false teachings during the last days.....

Me: You are quite correct, of course. I am not disputing any of this at all. What I am pointing out is the attitude and presentation of that "Way of the Master" fellow. He's mocking. I see that kind of attitude too often in these self-appointed... guardians of doctrine. I have seen churches dissolve because the leadership saw fit to mock and and denigrate. 

I have to check my attitude all the time. Gal. 6:1 - " Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted."

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