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Friday, April 22, 2011

Juvenile name calling - FB conversation

Please note that the person being responded to has deleted all of her posts.

I posted this: "Our enemies are not big spending Democrats, they're big spending Republicans."

J.W.: How about big spending politicians in general? Republicans and Democrats just differ (somewhat) on what they want to spend everyone else's money on.

R.K.: That's why WE are free! Freedom is not Free.

Me: Exactly, J.W. Too many have bought into the repub vs. demo debate. They all spend our money without restraint or common sense.

Me: Kelly, defense is a constitutionally mandated duty of government. Of course, spreading democracy and nation building are not. We need to get out of Iraq, Afghanistan, and now, Libya.

However, military spending is a red herring. What is bankrupting us is Medicare, Medicade, and Social security. Those programs, plus the cost of interest on the debt, account for nearly all of the 2 trillion the govt receives in revenue. All the rest is borrowed.

And now S & P downgraded our bond rating. Slide continues...

R.K.: I don't Glenn Beck, Sara Palin or Banners. (country music occasionally, I prefer Rock & Roll or Classical) So what are all of these free countries that don't have military budgets?

Me: Kelly, feel free to ignore my comment and restate your position as often as you like.

Me: Kelly, I don't know you at all, you must be a friend of a friend. However, in the circles I travel in people converse and debate by stating a position and pointing out specifically where they disagree with each other.

Nor do they engage in juvenile name-calling.

My post from 17 hours ago contains several factual statements. If you think they're wrong, cite your sources. Simply repeating your unsupported assertion is insufficient. If you want to engage in a civil conversation, you will have to do better.

Me: Kelly writes, then deletes: "If anyone is really curious enough they could simply google your "facts" to verify if they're true. I've done so, have not found anything to substantiate anything you say, so have opted to delete my posts. I don't really want to argue with you. Would appreciate it if you would bow out as well."

Me: This is my thread, why should I bow out?

Expenditures, 2010: $3.456 trillion
Social Security is 20.6% of that
Medicare, 13.2%
Medicaid, 7.2%
Welfare, 9%
Interest on debt, 6.5%

Total: 56.5% = $1.953 trillion
Revenues, 2010: $2.163 trillion

I quote myself: "Those programs, plus the cost of interest on the debt, account for nearly all of the 2 trillion the govt receives in revenue. All the rest is borrowed." Therefore, a true statement.

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