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Monday, March 31, 2014

The Bozeman Non-Discrimination Ordinance - a letter of support

I’m writing in support of the NDO.

It’s so upsetting to me that Christians don’t know the Bible. They act so unchristian. They don’t seem to be interested in loving people, but instead are haters and bigots. Jesus was not this way. He loved everyone. And so do I.

So these narrow-minded knuckle-dragging idiots need to shut up and start loving.

But for some reason, these Christians seem to want to stop others from loving. Not only is this about love, it’s about families, fairness, tolerance, justice, privacy, equality, and choice.

They are listening to the Koch brothers and Faux News. Oh, and George Bush hated LGBTs. And do I need to remind you about Reagan, Cheney, and Rush? My God, how horrible!

Haven’t they read the Bible? “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” It’s the only part of the Bible that anyone needs to know. After all, the Bible is just an irrelevant, ancient book with has no relevance for today. Except for that one verse, of course.

We need to protect peoples’ right to their preferred orifices and adopt additional constitutional protections. This is what Jesus, Gandhi, and the founders would have wanted.

I know that some of you reading this are going to accuse me of judging because I said some people are bad Christians. Stop judging me! Didn’t you read the verse? “Judge not, lest ye be judged,” remember? 

Jeebus H. Christ, you are just proving all the more how truly intolerant and ignorant you are.

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