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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

An outline for church vision, purpose, and structure

Church Clarification of Purpose and Structure

A) Our Purpose – Our reason for existence

1. What is the church's calling? Our calling is God’s summons into our place/position 
2. What is its vision? Vision is what we see for the goal
3. What are its values? Values are the guidelines/rules under which we operate 
4. What is its mission? Mission is how we get to the vision 
5. Name the foundational Scriptures for each

B) Authority - Who is in charge, and in what ways

1. What is the scriptural view of authority? 
2. What is the Scriptural role of Pastor? 
3. What is the Scriptural role of Elder? 
4. What is the Scriptural role of Deacon? 
5. Describe Scriptural submission, service, leadership

C) Identity - Self awareness

1. Who am I? Who are we? We must answer this before we can answer God's call to ministry 
2. Fill in the blank: “There’s nothing more important to me than …” 
3. Inventory of the leadership: Gifts, abilities, passions 
4. Inventory of the whole church: Gifts, abilities, passions 
5. Why are we doing what we are doing? Why do we have church, a sermon, sing songs? Why do we meet on Sunday? Why do we pray? We cannot assume that we should do something just because we are doing something.

D) Ministry - Vision Implementation

1. Immediate goals
a. Overall for the church 
b. Individual for each ministry 
c. Where do they agree and/or conflict?
2. Short term goals 
3. Long term goals

E) Evaluation - How we know if our vision is clear and our mission is proceeding

1. Measuring success 
2. Learning from failure 
3. Grace granted for taking the risk in a safe environment 
4. Vision/mission can and does change

F) The next generation - Perpetuation

1. What are the plans for succession? 
2. What is the procedure to dissolve the church?

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