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Friday, September 21, 2012

Wis. woman convicted in fetal-abduction deaths - analysis

This story appeared today in the local paper. Notice the tortured way the writer conveys the story, making every effort to avoid imputing personhood to the baby.

The opening sentence tells us two things: 1) a woman was convicted of killing a pregnant woman, and 2) she was also convicted of trying to steal her "fetus." But then sentence two tells us something different. Here we learn the woman was convicted of two counts of first degree murder. We can rightly wonder why the writer chose to convey that only one murder had happened, but then amends it to two murders.

We discover later that the "fetus" is a boy who died as a result of the mother's death, but again, the story gets sacrificed on the altar of political correctness and left-wing orthodoxy. The murderer apparently used an x-acto knife to cut open the woman, who died because of blood loss and asphyxiation. The baby died after. This means that the murderer was found guilty of murder by knife, and another by abortion.

The term "fetus" is a technical term defined as

1) The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
2) In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

While technically correct, the pro-abortion advocates prefer the use the term in order to de-humanize the unborn baby. In other contexts, the term is used to distinguish an unwanted baby from a wanted one. This is interesting in terms of the way the article presents the unborn baby. Clearly the baby was wanted, because he is described as "full term." But the writer uses the phrase "full term fetus."

The writer therefore engages in bias by choosing terms in an effort to intentionally create a false perception in readers. The writer attempts to side-step the inconvenient fact that the baby was murdered so that the writing might pass muster with the pro-abortion advocates.

We must conclude that from this incident that killing an unborn baby is murder. The murder conviction re-establishes this in terms of legality. Now we must re-establish this in morality as well.


A Milwaukee woman was convicted Thursday of killing a pregnant woman and trying to steal her full-term fetus last year.

A jury of six men and six women deliberated for about an hour before convicting Annette Morales-Rodriguez, 34, of two counts of first-degree intentional homicide in the October 2011 deaths of the mother and fetus. She faces a mandatory life sentence when she is sentenced Dec. 14, although a judge could allow for the possibility of parole. Wisconsin doesn’t have the death penalty.

Prosecutors said Morales-Rodriguez faked a pregnancy, panicked as her supposed due date approached and then lured 23-year-old Maritza Ramirez-Cruz to her house. There, she attacked her and used an X-Acto knife to cut the fetus out, according to the criminal complaint.

Ramirez-Cruz died of blood loss and asphyxiation, and her fetus, a boy, died as a result of her death, authorities say.

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