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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lincoln and Capital - FB conversation

S.B. shared Pissing Off The Religious Right's photo.

An appropriate Labor Day message from our 16th President.

I'm sick of the 'if it weren't for capital' crap... This sums up how I feel about it quite nicely.

J.P.: Totally!

Me: Um, yeah. Lincoln was talking about the fruit of of one's efforts yielding value. This has nothing to do with neo-marxist left wing ideology and its conceptions about the proletariat vs. the bougeois (or whatever garb the Left dresses this up in these days).

State of the Union Address: Abraham Lincoln (December 3, 1861) — Infoplease.com www.infoplease.com

S.B.: Funny, so was I.

Me: The source of your picture certainly wasn't.

J.P.: Whatever. This GOP couldn't elect Ronald Reagan. He was a communist by their standards.

J.P.: The GOP is currently intellectually bankrupt -- speaking as a 100% faithful GOP member for only 30 years.

S.B.: and thinking back to this post -- I lied. I DID mean it in pretty standard leftist manner -- perhaps not wrapped in Marxism but in the language of the Labor movement, which is after all the reason we HAVE a Labor Day.

Unfortunately, in our polarized society, there seems to be no middle ground (at least to some) between Karl Marx and Adam Smith, despite the fact that the real world exists with far more shadings between them.

Me: Who the hell cares about what the GOP is or isn't or who they couldn't elect today?

Me: Trumka's rhetoric is indistinguishable from marxism quite frequently. Don't get me wrong, though. I support the concept of unionism as an expression of power that serves as a check to corporate power. The present-day manifestation of unions is quite another thing, however.

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